The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Cuki looked over to Spina and shrugged when he looked to her. She did not seem to know the new person but gave Slayer a welcoming smile nonetheless. The little Saiyan chuckled slightly before turning to face the others, her spirit finally lifted. It was apparent she was happy to see new people, as well as the old Breakers, spending time.

"Whelp, consider yourselves friends!" Cuki giggled. "We Breakers have very strong ties with our friends here! We never forget about 'em and always know when they're in trouble. Heh, I guess you can say we're pretty loyal to one another." She gave a thumbs up to Panich, Gogeta, and Slayer. "It's nice to have some new faces on board, so welcome to the Breakers!"

As Cuki laughed, it was good to finally see her so happy after a long time, however, her ears instantly perked up upon sensing new energy within her apartment. Her cute smile turned to a confident smirk as she turned to Spina and the others.

"I know you sense that, Spina. We should check it out!"
Gogeta kept his large smile, his dual voice ecstatic.

"No, I didn't bring anyone. I don't know who these two are at all!"

He clenched his fists together, still grinning from ear to ear.

"But if you guys are this strong, then there's no way I can just run off! I wanna get stronger, and you guys seem like the perfect opponents to overcome and defeat! So it'd be really great if you trained me!"

Gogeta paused, however, turning at the mention of the strange energy by Bernkastel. He narrowed his eyes with a small frown, the first time his cheerful demeanor broke in sensing the strange energy. However, after a brief and short lived moment of seriousness, Gogeta turned back towards the others with a frown and following up Cuki's statement.

"It didn't seem too strong though. Do we have to? I'd rather train and learn how to use Super Saiyan 4!"
Spina’s head was spinning for a moment with all this information about Gogeta’s desire to train, Slayer seemingly a woman and Panich doesn’t seem to be the type to walk up and leave, since she’d express interest of teaching Gogeta a thing or two. “Wait, forget about training! Who says you guys can stay here!? Do we even have enough food for everyone? Did you see how much this girl [Panich] was chowing down earlier!?” He complained while the others seemingly don’t mind. “If they’re going to stay here, they better pay up or something! We ain’t a cheap hotel!”

His eyes narrowed upon sensing an ominous energy from the apartment. A familiar energy. An energy that he doesn’t like. An energy that he couldn’t shake his feeling off. Instinctively, he uttered out these words. “Uh, we left the front door locked, right? Windows included?” Sweat starting dripping down his temple as he turned towards the door to get inside. Not waiting for everyone, he walked over to the door, gripping his hand on the knob. “This aura… it’s felt with malicious energy… A familiar energy… that … that kid…” Spina mumbled, not turning the knob yet.

Everyone feels the presence of a terrifying demon behind the door. For some reason, you feel that if you tried to avoid it, it will end very bad.
Brachi growled immediately, being on guard right away. She's had her experience with fighting demons before, but out of all of them, there was ONE that stood out, so she was mentally praying it was not HIM she was going to face again.
Cross thinks "he gets it would be better to recite them than to turn them away."

Cross says apron sensing the energy casting some buffs on the brakers, Lady lightstpe and the pronuncial recuts(Panich, Gogeta and Slayer) "Sooner than I expected." Lady Lightstep gets in a protective stance in order to protect Cross.
Bernkastel narrowed her eyes towards the door. She could hear her familiars on the balcony hissing at something like they wanted whatever was occupying the apartment to leave. It was fairly easy to guess who it could be, but it was going to be a pain to deal with if it turned out to be who she thought.

With one hand, she briefly tugged on Gogeta's ear to get his attention and cleared her throat. "No training until we deal with the unwanted guest. If it isn't too strong like you say, then you'll be able to help us do away with them quickly. And then you can get the special training you want faster." Bernkastel explained, attempting to appeal to his one-track mind.

"And after this, we should probably change the locks."
"Don't think you'll be ridding yourself of me that easy! I want to harness this Breaker power for myself and you're-" Panich crossed her arms and huffed at Spina at his protest to them staying before feeling an overwhelmingly evil presence drawing near them. A chill ran down her spine before she instinctively readied herself for battle. Whatever this was, it felt as though her life was on line.
Cuki's ears twitched at the powerful malicious energy she sensed. She stood by Spina's side, knowing that if they found who she thought it was, the two of them could at least take a hit for the others. She stared at Spina then at the door and shivered slightly. She remembers the energy and fears that if that Demon-boy returned, he would no doubt be back for revenge against the Breakers.

"So... you ready for what's on the other side, Spina? Might as well hurry up..."
Slayer sensed it too, then grabbed one of his pendants before saying "My friend, will you fly away now? To a land that abhors you and I?" As he finished the line, his power became a holy one and a staff was in his hand soon after. (God/Holy form) He got ready, casting his own set of buffs on everyone, including Cross, just incase. They were mostly Regen and defense buffs.
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