The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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The Valley of the Black Crystals

As the Javelin Rain perished from Zenta’s attack as a means to protect everyone that stood behind him, the fragments of the spears covered the second Coin Hunter’s field of vision. In that split second of opportunity, the Second Coin Hunter felt a burning sensation on its stomach, Cuki’s claws pierced through the armor and went straight towards the flesh. Unable to move, the second Coin Hunter taunted the raging warrior. “How does it feel, to be rejected?”

The First Coin Hunter skidded backwards from Gogeta’s kick, and before it can recover, it was engulfed by the combined blasts between Brachi and Bara. Yet, despite the attacks, the Coin Hunter remain confident, laughing at her desperation. “You were practically had her in your grasp, and you simply let her go to deal with me to show that you aren’t weak.”

Simultaneously, Bernkastel’s back came in contact with the Black Crystals and signal their explosion process. Hart frown right after, thinking that Gogeta and the others would at least attempt to bombarded them with attacks—but due to Brachi’s hair grabbing cause both of them to hurled faster, pushing Bernkastel to concealed between them. Hart release her hands on Bernkastel’s neck and attempts to escape, but her back hit the force-field that the Witch created. Her gauntlet glowed once more—she would not have Bernkastel take both of them out as long the other Breakers are still around. In a panic, realizing that Beatrice’s magic is not enough to penetrated Bernkastel’s force field, she activated multiple Vortex Coins at once—known as Mass Activation—to find the appropriate one. However, the Black Crystals erupted quickly and a flare of dark light shine within the force-field.

As Gogeta rushed to Bernkastel after escaping the First Coin Hunter, a barrage of Omega Beams trailed after the fusion and bombarded him with attacks in all directions as he was mere inches away. From his perspective, all the fusion would witness a flash of light erupted before his very eyes, emitting a violent explosion—and a sudden white flash dashed in front of him towards the barrier.

The force-field contained the blast and the heat, but the bright light engulfed the entire valley, blinding their view. It last several minutes—but it felt like an eternity. As the light disperse and sight can be seen once again, the Breakers, except for Bernkastel, Hart and Lucifer, found themselves on the ground—outside of the Valley of the Black Crystals. Above the valley, an enormous dark cloud orbited around, firing off black lightning across the terrain near it.
Gogeta’s eyebrows twitched heavily, laying with his arms and legs sprawled out on his back. He groaned, having fully reverted to his base form, and slowly began to pick himself up off the ground. The flashes he saw stuck in his mind for a brief moment; his thoughts and mind racing in contrast to the broken and battered body he forced to rise up onto his feet.

His wide, scared eyes stared out at the ominous black cloud above but soon turned down slowly towards the horizon. Gogeta panted heavily, shuffling his legs and holding his left, limp arm in a pained attempt to move forward.


His dual voice cracked a bit at the plea, finally speaking her name somewhat correctly for once. His eyes wildly darted around, desperately search for her as he arrived at the land directly underneath the black clouds.

Please be ok please be ok please be ok-

Gogeta let go of his damaged arm, cupping his hand around his mouth in shouting out into the ruined land before him.

“Bern!!! Where are you?!”
Cross says "unless the reality f**ked once more we shooed be able find any one's coins that were killed off. We can start to look for them but there is a chance that we going to have keep fighting something or someone." As Some Dolls come near cross as other start to look for Coins.
Zenta's fur stirred slightly from his slumber. He lifted his head before slowly lifting himself to sit upright. He seemed uneasy and gazed towards his hands. Although he cannot see, he closed and opened his hands over and over again, seeing if he was still truly alive. A gentle sigh escaped his lips while he slowly rose to his feet and turned to face Cuki curled up on the floor next to him. He kept his frown and examined his student while she grumbled in her sleep. His ears perked upon hearing Gogeta's voice calling out to Bernkastel. He was unfamiliar with the fusion but remained silent, not wishing to bother him for the time being. He stood by his student, waiting for her to regain consciousness.

Cuki mumbled in her sleep before her eyes shot open and she sat up immediately. She gasped for breath, almost as if she was having a bad dream. She looked up to see her master, Zenta. Her mouth dropped, finally having a moment to realize that her Master was finally back from behind a coin. Despite the situation with Bernkastel, Hart, and Lucifer, Cuki seemed slightly conflicted about celebrating too early with her Master back. As Cuki went to speak to the fuzzy beast, Zenta held up a hand in her direction.

"Hold your thoughts for now, Cuki. I suspect we are nearing the end of this battle." Zenta used the same hand to point towards Gogeta. "Your new friend cries for Lady Bernkastel."

Cuki turned to see Gogeta calling out to Bernkastel in the Valley before them. Her fingers dug into the dirt while her teeth gritted. She felt her breathing get heavy. Every time the Witch's name was called out, an unknown wave of emotion consumed her. The Saiyan's body shook but she did not seem to show the right emotion. Was she holding back her true feelings or was her mental psyche broken beyond repair? Zenta glanced down at Cuki's condition and tilted his head before squatting in front of her view of Gogeta.

"Cuki, you must ease yourself..."

"I... I just... I hope Bernkastel didn't get turned to a Coin..." Cuki choked her words. "I don't want her to go away, Zenta..."

Zenta's ears perked once again upon hearing Cuki's words. He said nothing and gently placed a hand on his student's head.

"I am sure the Witch of Miracles will have something up her sleeve, after all, I doubt she would go down without scratching her enemies a few times." He rose up once more while Cuki softly swatted his hand off her head, raising more concern for Zenta. "Have patience, her power is no laughing matter."
Both Brachi and Bara looked around after they had been temporarily blinded by the light, wondering what was going on.

"Where's Bernie?" Brachi asked, looking around.

Majin Bara also looked around, confused.

"What happened to your headtentacle?" Brachi then asked Bara, noting that appendage was missing on her.

Bara blinked at this, feeling at it and noting it was gone, before she concentrated and grew a new one in its place, regenerating it. 

"Thanks for telling me about it." Bara said.

"No problem; the hectic situation must have made you ignore it initially." Brachi said, before Bara hugged her bestie.
The Valley of the Black Crystals


A figure emerged in front of Gogeta shouting over Bernkastel’s name, cackling at their despair. As steam flooded near the Breakers from her gauntlet, Hart came out as her eyes narrowed, smiling with glee and missing portions of her hair. She managed to survive the destructive forces of multiple crystals.

“The Witch is dead!” She raised her fists in the air as she exclaimed her victory over the Breakers. Tears rolled down from her cheeks, her hands shake over the fact that Bernkastel had perished from this world with her bare hands. Despite the lack of her Vortex Coin, Hart eyed over the rest of the Breakers with a sinister smile on her face. Filled with determination, she taunted the Breakers as she step forward. “Just one more step, and I can finally end the screams and agony that rings in my head. Our pain will end, and I can reduce this world of madness—and free them.” Clenching her fists together, her gauntlet glowed brightly. “You won’t have any last words.”

Seemingly unaware that all of them were outside of the Valley and didn’t question how they managed to survive without touching them since the white flash last for mere minutes. Furthermore, the other two duplication of the Coin Hunters were not present. But during her moment of glory, she disregard the inconsistencies around her.

Due to the magnitude of many Vortex Coins currently active—she activate her strongest Vortex Coin: ZeedMillenniummon. A stroke of luck when she obtained the coin from someone watching over him during the 2 years preparing this plan. Swiftly, the area shifted dramatically, as the entirely of the valley was forcibly removed from their spot as they ascend in the air, causing them to activate. She launched them forward, hovering overhead the Breakers. In a dark tone, a ring of cries from all the inhabitants in Hart’s body, she uttered. “The mark you left on this world never healed, but with your deaths, we can start. Die.”

She dropped the Black Crystals above the Breakers rapidly, slamming against them instantly. One after another, a series of explosions erupted. Gogeta, Zenta; Cross, Bara; Cuki, Brachi…all of them caught in the destructive power of the Black Crystals and annihilated them. Their bodies exploded, turning into Vortex Coins as all of Cross’ dolls disappeared instantly.

Reverting back to Vortex Coins, a surge of Dark Energy flooded the terrain and more. Reality Metropolis and every nearby city got caught by the Dark Energy, reducing everyone into madness. Entire cities were ripped apart; landscape turned black; and hundreds of thousands of people turned into Coins—refugees, RNN, Detective Agency—all of them reduced into such a state that last a thousand years.

Hart’s arms dropped to her sides as she panted heavily. Her eyes bare witnessed on the Breakers disappeared right before her eyes. Seeing the skies above her, and the ground beneath her, turning into a pitfall of darkness. “Yes, [he] was right…” Hart’s sinister expression broke into a heartfelt smile. “Everyone, I did it… I defeated them.” Hart couldn’t believe in her eyes as she leaped in the air as she secured her victory. “I won!!! I won!!!” She looks up towards the Vortex Moon, strangely not visible in plain sight, as she held her fist in the air. “Everything paid off—Ultraman and Panich. Your efforts won’t be in vain. The Breakers are dealt with, and I shall commence victory by going there…!”
Valley of the Black Crystals

Hart succeeded in the successive killing of each Breaker one by one... a swift yet explosive end met at the hand of the Coin Hunter that nobody, not even the Witch of Miracles, could stop. Perhaps they wouldn't even feel the pain of being blown apart into their coin form. Their minds probably didn't even register that Hart killed them due to pure shock. Was there even time to process all of that? No, there wasn't. All that would remain was the black abyss of being trapped in their coin prison. Hart-- no, all the souls trapped in within the Alter Being-- stood as the judge, jury, and executioner of the Breakers. None would be left untouched by the eclipsing fog of evil that blocked out even the harshest of sunlight. The smoke from the exploded crystals billowed into the dark sky, the sole thing standing as an effigy to the Breakers' deaths. There was nothing but silence in the valley of the perished, which now was their funeral pyre and permanent tomb. All that echoed was the sound of Hart's voice. She may as well have been the god of the new world, second only to the being on the Vortex Moon.

And then there would be none.


"Oh my... here I thought he'd never get my name right. To commemorate nothing short of a miracle, I'll allow you to address me by that name, Gogeta," rang out a distinctive deadpan voice that cut the ominous atmosphere like a hot knife through butter.


Behind Hart, the sound of small footsteps scuffed against the torn-up ground; a slow gait where each step distorted the oozing darkness that had seemingly curtained every inch of the land around the Coin Hunter. Even the sight of what Hart certainly believed were the Breakers' coins on the ground seemed to wobble. A petite figure slowly emerged from the inky smokescreen, causing everything around Hart's vision to ripple like it were merely trampling the reflection of a puddle.

"Wasn't the best choice to get your intel from a sketchy shopkeeper who sells playing cards. That guy had three typos on my card-- my hair's blue, not purple."

It wore a lolita dress ripped to shreds with the edges burned and smoking... wires of the petticoat stuck out in odd angles like a busted umbrella. The figure also sported the tail of a feline and blue shaggy hair... there was no mistaking that it was Bernkastel. Her eyes held a taunting stare and her mouth was a flat line. The back of her dress was blown apart and smoking burns were sustained all over Bern's body but she was unbothered. Even looking as battered as she did, the Witch of Miracles came to a firm stance and crossed her arms, an amused smirk forming on her face.
Once Bernkastel stopped in front of Hart, “reality” around her shattered into multiple pieces with the sound of broken glass—Hart, along with the Breakers, were seemingly trapped in an illusion the entire time. All of them witnessed their own deaths, Hart’s victory, and the state of the destruction on the world by the hands of the Black Crystals that felt entirely real at the moment. The truth was all of them were still present in the Valley of the Black Crystals in their original position exception for Hart, Bernkastel and Lucifer standing on the ground. However, as a result of Bernkastel's sacrifice, a gigantic hole appeared behind Hart, seemingly marking an exit and entrance to the Valley.

"Lucifer was kind enough to let me take a look at your script for this farce of a game..." Bernkastel rubbed her chin pensively in a self-humoring manner. "I'm the mood for a different story, so I'll be going off-script. We'll finish what we started," She spoke as she assumed an offensive stance. "Both of us dragged the uninvolved into this mess, yet we both are fighting for the sake of others-- which puts us at a crossroad. Neither heroes or villains... I am Bernkastel the Witch of Miracles. You are Hart Kimber the Coin Hunter..." Still smirking, Bern held up one hand in a come-hither motion towards Hart.

"And I pledge to crush your illusion to dust."
Gogeta's shocked stare turned up, the destructive finish incoming too fast for him to process the emotions of Bernkastel's "death". He braced for the impact, the light overtaking the group. The scene played out before him, and without much reaction, Gogeta fell into the emptiness pending for his demise.

However, the vision shattered before him, and his eyes instantly lit up at the sound of the familiar voice. His wide grin quickly overtook his face, but after a brief moment of the innocent optimism, his grin slowly morphed into a cocky smirk.

"Ha! I knew it: no one can take down the strongest Breaker!"

Gogeta winced slightly, but soon raised up both arms bent at the elbow and his hands clenched into fists.

"Seeing her back's got me all fired up!"


His black hair violently ruffled as he let out a thunderous roar, a blue flame reigniting up from underneath his boots and rapidly encasing his body in a blinding glow. White particles of light shattered outward in every direction like glass shards, revealing the fusion had instantly transformed into his Super Saiyan Blue 4 form once again. The blue fur radiated within the bright glow of the blue fire, his blue pupils laced with a golden ring that glimmered and spilled light off the sides of his eyes. He exhaled deeply, the strain and wear still apparent in his stance, but his eyebrows narrowed into a fierce glare to coincide his cocky smirk in outwardly pointing at Hart with his right hand extended.

"Heh...and I'm not a hero or a villain either! I am he who will defeat you!!"

Gogeta suddenly blasted forward in his zealous glee, his arms glowing with a bright blue barrier of volatile energy while launching towards Hart without warning. His cocky smirk remained in his roar, his fists prepared to fly forward as soon as he finished closing the gap to Hart.
Cross says "Really Hart weaponized bad fanfiction and I though one my other self's were messed up, Congregations." Its impossible to tell if he being sarcastic or actually impressed.

The Dolls seem ready for what going happen next.

Cross says "Good and Evil are a matter of prospective after all."
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