The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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"My home is a tower situated not far from here. While no one can exit here, I can certainly look outside. It's how I recongize him and the name Doom. I've seem the multiverse and all it does is imply we're copies." Chronos stated as if slightly offended.
Vegetto frowned as Cuki recalled the master, but sat silently in lack of a good response. His eyes narrowed at the conversation between the voice and Chronos, however.

So maybe there is some truth to that claim after all...

His dual voice fell flat again, turning towards Chronos.

"Then maybe we should take a look from your tower again. If this Doom is a clone of someone else, maybe we can see what the real one is capable of."
The voice chuckled and his tone became a bit sinister when Chronos mentioned a tower. "Is that so? You actually have seen the multiverse from all worlds? Then, Chronos, how can you be so sure that everyone here is merely a copy? Perhaps your implications are nothing sort of mere speculation, I may say. Or perhaps, what you saw is an illusion by someone, hmm?" the voice paused for a moment before speaking again. "But alas, let's see if the theory of copies are actually the truth when Doom shows up tomorrow."
"We will see..." Bernkastel sounded amused by Chronos's remark, in an almost condescending manner. "I wonder what he's got under that mask though... I am curious." Clearly, her questions differed from everyone else's, but she had completely different goals and motives to pursue. "I wonder what earned him the name of Doom. Certainly sounds intimidating."
"Maybe he calls himself that to scare people!" Cuki leaned over the sofa, wagging her tail cheerfully, almost like a dog. Her personality shifted as quickly as the topic did, mostly to hide her sadness. "Or maybe people call him that because he is nothing but bad luck..."

Cuki rubbed her eyes before letting out a small yawn.

"But I think we should head to bed early if we wanna be at our top performance tomorrow... Kettles said that we will meet this Doomy guy tomorrow so it's best to be ready."
"Alas, the girl is right. It's best for all of you to rest before the big day tomorrow." the voice said. "I'll take my leave~ and see you the next day. Don't wake up too late!" the voice vanished from the area. 


"I can't sense the voice anymore. Good." Spina mumbled. "Now I can go to sleep comfortably." Spina closed his eyes.
Bernkastel nodded in agreement and made herself float back up to silently search for the bedroom she was given. "Sweet dreams... the game will pick up nicely tomorrow..." she whispered to the air as she drifted down the hallway. She wasn't used to sleeping in an unfamiliar room, so she decided to throw the pillows down atop the bed and laid down on her stomach upon the mess of pillows. Even if she mostly forgot how to have restful sleep, the least she could do was close her eyes and think of nothing. "Tomorrow is another day."
As everyone headed to bed and rested, to prepare for the eventual meeting with the Doctor Doom and get the tools that he took from Spina....

Next Day

As the sun rises and shines throughout the city, strange birds were flying through the city, screeching ear-piercing sounds with each cry.

Spina was already up but was still on his bed. "Damn, couldn't even get a good night rest." He touched the wound he had and felt so bad. "At least this doesn't hurt anymore. Wonder if the others are up as well?" Spina mumbled.
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