The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Chronos glanced over to Cuki and sighed, his hand tightening.

"I'll try to find Doom when I have my strength, and my blood, back." He remarked to Vegetto. "Would it be possible for you to sense him out if I could get a sample of his ki?" He then turned to Spina.

"I can't blame you for what you did... I know what it's like to be trapped in this reality, wanting to escape... It hurts, doesn't it? The unending madness of this realm. Sears the mind and numbs the flesh. I know I, dream of leaving some days..."
"My own memory is faint, but I understand the meaning of helplessness in an endlessly looping, closed-off world. This likely isn't the only world of its kind out there. So I will take pity on you all for your collective helplessness and be your ally." Bernkastel set down her tea and held her chin in thought. "The only condition is that I don't grow bored of you. As powerful as my magic is, I don't lend my strength to any poor soul."

She held her hand out with her palm facing up. "I'll even do it by making sure we can find Doctor Doom if at least Spina knows his name and face. It shouldn't be difficult for me to do right now."
"Tsk. Honestly, I have to get used to this realm one of these days, and that's not even the worst thing about this forsaken world." Spina said, pausing for a moment to think about his original home.

He turns to Vegetto to avoid the topic. "Anyways, to tell you the truth, I have no idea where this Doom guy even located. Only thing I can say that he wears a grayish mask, wears a dark green cloak and his body is covered in metallic armor. Probably shackle up some building in this confusing city. Take that whatever you will." 

"Oh? I didn't know that you have a heart for that kind of thing..." Spina said. It seems that he's aware of her craftsmanship.
Cuki remained silent, her tail twitching every other moment but it was clear she was not thinking the same things the others were. The look on her face was one of frustration while she continuously and vigorously drank her tea. She watched the others with vacant eyes. How the others spoke of escaping didn't excite her at all or even remote thrive her as much as they were.

"Will those tools help me remember..?" Cuki said silently to herself. "Why go home when you can't remember anything..."
Vegetto's eyes shifted to Cuki once Spina described Doctor Doom, his right eyebrow raising.

"Is that enough for you to find him?"
"Don't confuse my generosity with kindess out of the bottom of my heart. I'm merely motivated by the fact things will be boring if I don't help nudge you lot along every once in a while. Just because I will ally myself with you for the time being does not make me your friend." Bernkastel says to Spina before her hand starts glowing and a tiny orb of light gathered in her palm. 

"I am the Witch of Miracles after all; granting a wish like this should be easy as pie. Enough of you want to find Doom and defeat him, right?  Then, I, Bernkastel, declare that starting tomorrow, Doctor Doom will certainly cross our path in the near future." She closed her palm around the tiny ball of light, dissipating into tiny fragments. Her bored expression never changed. "The deed is done."
"So much for a compliment," Spina responded to Bernkastel in a deadpan tone, but he was quite surprised that she was able to do such an ability. "Man, what the heck have I gotten myself into?" Spina thought for a moment before turning to Vegetto. "Satisfied? You got your information and the witch made it so that you will encounter him at some point tomorrow and whatnot. Anything else you lots what from me?" Spina asked.
Vegetto narrowed his eyes, the annoyance clear in his expression.

"Tomorrow? You call yourself a witch of miracles, but you have a time limit for spells? Why not bring him here, or tell us where he is now."
"What's this? Are you dissatisfied?" Bernkastel twisted a lock of hair between her fingers nonchalantly, looking directly into Vegetto's gaze without skipping a beat. "I'm being rather generous to use my magic for you all today..." Her tone of voice became cold and sharp. "If you believe I will reward your reckless impulsivity to pummel everything in sight to get what you want, you're sorely mistaken."

"Since you are a stranger to me and my power, I'll forgive your insolence just this once, ingrate. I can make anything happen so long as it is not absolutely impossible. So, I can't bring him here nor can I personally reveal his location-- both are absolutely impossible to do. Besides," Bernkastel's mouth curled up into a wry smile. "I'm rather fickle with whom I grant miracles to. It would make this all too easy if I were to reward your lack of forethought each time anyway. After all, I don't want to get bored too quickly. Even so, I have no obligation to grant your impulsive whims at any time out of the good will of my heart."

"I act almost entirely out of self-interest. While I'm not a genie, I suppose I act like one-- I never do grant miracles quite how you would like if you aren't explicit in your vocal request." Bernkastel ended her sentence with a sinister giggle. "After your little spar with Spina, I'm sure you've wasted plenty of your energy already. It would be pointless trying to go after Doctor Doom right now knowing he probably can use the tools against you if he's figured them out by now."

She glanced up at the ceiling maintaining her wicked smile. "It's not like a certain someone will let you out anyway. I think he wants to ask Spina more questions."
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