The Forest of Memphis

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The Queen narrowed her eyes, being deceived by Olivia's words. She was flung back by the shockwave by Blazrin's swing. Before regaining her composure and retaliate, the combination between the Dark Gunner's tendrils and Eleanor's chain keeping her in place and preventing any form of movements from happening. 

"YOU LIE!" The queen shouted. A large amount of energy burst out of her body, although she was still constrained heavily, she keeps on screaming at the top of her lungs. "You dare attempt to play with my emotions and deceived me? I shall make sure that you will find a quick trip to the Underworld!" Her barrier fell apart as the result of her explosive emotions.

"Our queen needs out help! I might break free from this shackles that bound me! The queen shall not be bested by mere mortals!" His right arm managed to break free and began to call another form of magic. "But the power of the Gods of this land! Grant me the tool to transfer  my soul to that of the monster!" He tried to target Capricorn, attempting to temporary steal her body; however, his strength was being sapped away as each second passes. 

Mecha Samurai nodded and began to take a position. "We need to knock her out. Killing her would put the risk on the other soul..." He withdrew his blades and draw out another, bluish-redish blade instead. "I can temporarily put her asleep for the meanwhile, but make sure you keep her steady. One wrong move and I can potentially kill her." He dashed towards the Queen, as she, despite her constrained, sent pulses of energy towards the robotic warrior to deter his movements.
"We can't kill this lil' rascal, got'cha! Gotta watch out for Elilinor, I think that temper of hers will cause a casualty." Blazrin laughed loudly before spinning his axe professionally in his hand. He took a few steps back and swung his axe to the ground once again, creating a mini-earthquake to shake up the Queen. His brute strength was enough to crack the ground and make a large crack form under the Queen's feet.

"This should keep that Queen off balance!"


Aquario had finally awoken from his deep slumber and felt a strong surge of energy coming from above. He seemed somewhat dazed but he realized that he was left unprotected and knew that this was his chance to escape. With Magiana taken he only felt rage for this cult and all he wanted to do was kill everyone one of the members. He rose to his feet and picked up his glasses, one of the lens being cracked, and headed to the iron door that imprisoned him.

He held his hand out and used some of his remaining power to cast a spell.


The iron gate shot open with a mighty blast which allowed Aquario to escape and find a way outside.
"Hey! You'd better watch where you're swinging that thing! I'm right behind her!" Eleanor struggled to keep the Queen blinded, for the pulses of energy felt like they were numbing her body. "Tinman! You'd better do it now, before I can't hold onto her any longer!"

"Then I will take care of her worker bees." Olivia glanced over her shoulder hearing one of the watchers try and attempt a spell. "You look like one of the cultists who kidnapped innocents, so I won't grant you any mercy. You don't get any warnings to flee."

Capricorn was stunned for a moment at the sudden sensation she felt, but immediately stiffened her entire body as she glared daggers into the man, resisting against the incantation. "A weak-willed human who threatens harm upon the hands of justice. Fall to your knees!" Her voice echoed as she thrust out an arm toward him, unleashing a blast of freezing water in his direction. "Don't mistake me for a weakling like yourself!"
The Dark Gunner watched the other hunters of the Queen communicate, seeing Elanor's struggle and Oliva mentioning the Queen's servants. Drawing one of his revolvers from his jacket, he quickly shot the arm of the target he had restrained earlier, aiming for the primary muscle responsible for allowing the arm to flex and contract. With his other hand he pulled from the Queen, his tendrils starting to squeeze against her and themselves, but causing the Gunner to fall out of the sky and onto the ground.
Envy's eyes widened in reaction of his arm became numb. "You wretched fools! You're all mere pawns of the King! The Queen's wrath is something that cannot and will not be infringe upon!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, as his transfer of soul failed. "Even if I die! I will always remain by her side!" He tried one more attempt to let out a spell, but the water is so cold, that it caused him to slur his words, unable to perform the ritual coherently. 


The Queen, in response to the quake created by Blarzin, fell to her knees. "You...!" She mumbled under her breathe. Her eyes becoming red with rage, she tried to stand, but the constraints continue to be bothersome. Spatting out blood, she lifted her head, seeing Mecha Samurai dashes towards her. Eleanor and Gunner's methods, stopped her movements, and her pulse of energy became weakened. "You are all fools...-"

Mecha Samurai dashed forward, slicing the the Queen. He appeared behind her, as the Queen fell to the ground. It appears that she is not cut; instead she fell into a deep sleep.


All the cult members, witnessing their queen falling to the ground, motionless, suddenly rise to their feet. Their eyes, blood shot red, their voices, deepened and distorted; all of them screams like rapid animals. They raised their hands together, sending waves of black energy towards the group.
The Dark Gunner had the breath for one last command to his pet.

“Aura.” He stated, causing Angela to let out a high pitched purr, a large orange shield bursting outwards to protect her master. It seems it would grant the others protection, if they ran into it before being hit by the energy waves.
The energy waves was stopped by the energy shields, bouncing off to other directions. The Cult Members stepped back from the realization, unable to do anything. They fall to the ground, in agony, of their failures to protect the queen.


Mecha Samurai turned to the fallen man. "That stranger save us from the blast." He turns to Blazrin. "Pick him up." He turns to Eleanor. "Make sure the Queen is bound tightly. I do not know how long my attack would keep her sleeping... she harbors a very powerful energy emitting from her body."
"Good grief...." Eleanor ran her fingers through her hair, exhausted. "Alrighty, then..." Loosening the chains, she wiggled her way out before tightening them again to bind the Queen's limbs in place. "What are we supposed to do with her now that we caught her?" She asked before standing up with the Queen under her arm.

"Considering she is part of the reason why I'm here, it'd make sense to turn her in to the King of Shina Ania, but if she has two different energy readings, this could be troublesome." Olivia said, examining the Queen's clothing. "She looks about as young as the King, but her attire looks to be from Paradice." She stared ahead of them while Capricorn scanned the area for any more trouble. "I'm supposed to investigate what happened to all the kidnapped women, so I can't leave until their hideout's been searched. It's up to you if you want to accompany me, but I'm afraid there might be more of her followers in there who could outnumber me. And I might be able to bring back important evidence of the Cult."

"As much as I'd hate to spend another second here, you're right." Eleanor agreed. "It would be bad if we knowingly left you here to probably get turned into their latest sacrificial offering or something."

Blazrin nodded to Mecha and casually walked over to the new guy. He was careful since he didn't know if he would pull any quick tricks up his sleeve but he gently grabbed the back of the Gunner's shirt and lift him up with ease. He tossed the man over his shoulder and even shook him slightly to get some sort of response.

"Hey, you alive or something? Think you can give us a name to call ya' by?"


Aquario was careful within the dungeons he was kept in, struggling up a flight of stairs. All he thought of was Magiana and her fate; he felt ashamed, believing this was all his fault. After looking around and trying to find an exit, his legs could not continue moving anymore and he collapsed. He cursed under his breath.

"Forgive Magiana... I was too weak to help you."
Mecha Samurai. “Agreed, we promise a father to return his daughter to her… let us hope that the woman and plenty of others are still alive and well.” He turns to the fallen Cult members. “But I have a strange processor running in my motor that life might be void.” 

He turns to Olivia. “You have our assistance, Miss Olivia.” He turns to the fallen man, the Dark Gunner. “According to my database, this man, called the Dark Gunner, seems to be the leader of the group called the Meeting of the Dark, their base located in Paris Opera House of Desolate Lands. I heard stories about this group... to think they would send one of their operatives in here of all places. A curious find if I must say. He contributes greatly in this fight.”

Envy, slurring his words, tried to speak to the group. “You… are walking in a dangerous world for what you have done. Don… Don…  Don’t think that you won against the Queen… only delay the inevitable.”
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