The Forest of Memphis

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"You are correct, Miss Olivia." Mecha Samurai chimed in. "All that noise and suddenly went dead? We should definitely be on our gu-"

Mecha Samurai got slammed by a large energy blast that flung him into the sky. After a brief explosion, he swiftly fell to the ground, hard.

"So this is the power of this body...? This girl has a huge magical potential. Envy, you did excellent of getting this body." The Queen said. 

"My of course! Only for you!" Envy responded.

Watcher 2 seen the explosion, raising a brow. "My has the queen already arrived at the scene!? I must be there at once!"
The Dark Gunner watched from a tree as Angela returned to him, having scouted out the reborn Queen.

"That's her alright... The fallen queen." He said pulling out a sketch. "Let's go." Wrapping himself and his cat in a portal, appearing quite a bit behind the Queen, holding two guns in hand, and firing off dozens of rounds towards Envy of elemental and piercing bullets.
"Gwah, Mecha!" Blazrin growled under his breath before looking up and trying to find the source of the attack. He stood in front of the two girls in case the next attack was directed at them.

"Alright come out you swine!" He said while waving his ax in the air. "Come out and face me!"
Eleanor got in an aggressive stance with her kukri blades at the ready. "What the hell was that!? Where'd that come from?"

"I think it came from that girl... but she looks like a child! I wasn't told about THIS!" Olivia was too bewildered to react. She didn't want to attack a person smaller than her. "A-are you sure it would be a good idea to attack her?..."
After struggling to stand, Mecha Samurai took a fighting position as he raised his sword. "Miss Olivia, do not let the appearance deter you. Despite her appearance, she harbors enough energy to annihilate an entire countryside." Mecha Samurai responded. "She's no ordinary girl." 

"Avoid having your feelings influence our decisions and strike her down into submission. Do not hold back or it will prove to be our downfall." Mecha Samurai seems to notice that the girl have two different energy sources within her body. How can this be possible? The thought ringed through Mecha Samurai's processor. She seems human and not a robot or a cybernetic being.

"Ha! You foolish mortals! You should be praising that you even get to look at the precious Queen!" Envy sensed energy behind him and turned around with a barrier appearing before him in an instant. Yet, because of his delay reaction, many bullets lounge onto his body and fell over onto the ground. Members surrounded Envy and block the Dark Gunner's passage of the Queen as she continues her wake.

"You have made a grave mistake! You will pay with your life!" A Watcher Guard shouted. The Watcher Guard lifted the giant, diamond plated ax in the air and swung downwards towards The Dark Gunner's head.

The Queen continued her movements towards the group, stopping just a few feet away from them. "So, you're not native to this land." The Queen recognized that her outfits were not fit for people from Shina Ania. "Based on your appearances, you're mercenaries of some sort to take me out." She began to laugh. "Oh, how the King tried to deny me of my birthright."

Her tone changed to sound more demonic and the energy that's emitted from her body became a more purplish color. "It's a pity that the King is afraid that I'm returning of what was taken from me! Out of the way or I'll crush you!" She swung her right hand, separating the land that the group was standing on, apart.
The Dark Gunner flicked his flintlocks, the spent cartridges falling onto the ground as dark, otherwordly tentacles rose up behind the Watch Guard, grabbing his arms and legs to root him in place as the Dark Gunner walked up and fired a single bullet at his head, before turning his body to the Queen, leaving him open to the guard.
"What's this?!" Blazrin grunted. "A little girl?! Have these cretins no shame in who they hurt?!"

Blazrin, furious that a young girl was put through the unimaginable tortures of the Watchers, stared at how the Queen split the ground in half. He wobbled slightly but rolled himself to safety. He turned to the Queen and jumped in the air with his axe over his head, attempting to slice her in half.

"You shameless wench!!!"
"Can't you just make an exception? She looks like she's trying to kill us after all." Eleanor jabbed her kukri in the air cynically.

"Absolutely not! I won't resort to throwing knives at her like you!" Olivia wanted nothing of the sort to do with engaging in violence. Nonetheless, she had an obligaton to put a stop to what was happening as anyone else did, so she decided to proceed in a way that wouldn't involve her drawing blood. It was already difficult for her to deal with monsters running around, and attacking a person was out of the question. Jumping back to avoid falling into the cracked earth, Olivia withdrew her whip and immediately swung it towards the Queen's arm with intent to pull her to the ground. She didn't want anybody getting hurt needlessly, and that included the person standing before them to attack. "I'll help put a stop to her, but I'm not letting you senselessly cut her up like mincemeat!" She insisted.

"... Fine, then I'll just punch her lights out instead." Eleanor stood perfectly still once she found stable ground. "I can't do it if the little nutcase can keep us far away though. Do you think she's got the sickness? She's totally bonkers."
"I do not detect any signs of sickness." Mecha Samurai said. "From my eyesight, it seems that there are two different energy sources in her body. Olivia, withdraw your whip, now." 

The Queen observed their actions. She was pulled to the ground by Olivia's whip but grabbed hold onto it. "So, this is your choice. You are standing in my way. Perish. Shango." Immediately after she called a name, a burst of lightning emitted from her arm and use the whip as means to travel directly towards Olivia. When Blazrin slammed his ax, it was blocked by a powerful, thick barrier around the Queen.

The Watch Guard, though initially struggled, stopped moving after being shot in the head. His body immediately decomposes and its magical energy was slowly absorbed by the Queen.

Envy turns around, seeing the dead Guard and sees the Dark Gunner looking at the Queen. He snaps his fingers, alerting all the other elite guard. With spear in hand, he tosses the weapon towards the Dark Gunner. "Who do you think you are!? Attacking in the presence of our savior!?"
"Ouch!" Olivia was forced to let go of the whip's handle-- thankfully, the electricity didn't do more harm than it would have if it weren't for the leather on her armored glove. The palm was singed where the shock traveled. "There are two what?! How's that even possible!? That's weird!"

"So I guess punching her isn't a good idea... Most of my stuff is metal, so I'll get shocked too. Any other ideas?" Eleanor said.

"I think I can counter her electricity if you guys can distract her long enough. But even then, we have a barrier to worry about. I don't know what to do about that... We need to catch her totally off guard, I think." Olivia stepped back to let the strange sensation leave her hand.
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