The Forest of Memphis

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The Dark Gunner dropped his gun and used his shield, generating a bubble shield that adsorbed the hit of the spear, only to shatter into a thousand glass like energy shards.

"Almost got me there. I almost got hit." He remarked with a smirk behind that eyes only face. "But here's an answer to your question. I'm the opposite of your savior, I'm your infernal jailer." He announced as his wings lifted him into the air, floating thanks to them, as tendrils rose out of the ground to restrain Envy, horrible squishing fleshy sounds occurring from their thrashing, the Dark Gunner smirking.

"Behold the appearance of something worse than a demon." His eyes followed where the energy went from the elite guard to the Queen, suddenly wishing he had brought something else.
"What? A barrier?" Blazrin quickly jumped back and scratched his chin. "Looks like we gotta fight this lil one with magic. Hey Mecha, think you can find a weak spot on her? Maybe a chip in her barrier or something?"

Blazrin rushed at Magi-Queen again, attempting to strike at her thick barrier once again in hope that another direct blow will break it. In a way, he was trying to distract the girl to only attack him so that the others can find a way to counterattack. He lifted his axe up high and slammed it hard on the barrier, the hit strong enough to create a large shock wave that made a crater under the Queen.

"You ain't so tough!"
"I have no answer for that Miss Olivia." Mecha Samurai responded to Olivia's question in regards to the energy source. "Whatever reason why that's the sole source of her explosive magical strength." Mecha's eyes analyzed the structure of the barrier, breaking down the materials that create it and what makes it break. "Based on this explosive power, I'm afraid the tide of the battle might be titled to her favor." He spoke. 

"However, as Olivia said and Blazrin is attempting to do, catching her off guard seems to be the best solution to our problems. Her barrier is highly dense, so striking it individuality will prove to be ineffective. For example." Mecha Samurai unsheathed his sword and slash towards the woman with a powerful, energy-like slice towards it. It collided with the barrier, out of the direction of Blazrin and bounced off of it to another direction. "However, if all of us were to placed our might against it we might do some damage to the barrier and breakthrough, and you can do something with her electric attacks."

The Queen, watching Blazrin's every move as he strikes her barrier. "Why must you be so persistent? I'm simply going to march my way to the current king and reclaim what was rightfully stolen from me. This should not concern you lots." She raised her hand and lift up one finger. Multiple tree branches came out of the ground and grabbed onto Blazrin's arms. "If you value his life, cease your actions."

"W-what is this!?" Envy shouted, trying to escape, but the struggling made it worst. "You wretched monster! You shall pay!" He shouted at Dark Gunner. "You do not know the unlimited beauty she has! If you attempt to fight her, you will only lose your life, you sinful beast!"
"Sin? What is sin when you walk in and out of Hell, burned by it's fires?" The Dark Gunner asked in his peverse angelic pose. "Now just wait there, in that mess of Harvester tendrils sucking at your flesh, trying to feed off what light lays within yourself, while I go handle my things." With that his wings flushed backwards, sending him closer to the Queen, but trying to maintain some distance, watching her actions.
"Hey! You think this is enough to stop me?!" Blazrin pulled his bulky arms around in the attempts to break the branches holding on to him. He growled and tried to slice the branches using his axe somehow. He was strong enough to slowly pull the branches out from the ground but was still caught in the mess and tangle.

"Man, you're just scared I'mma whoops you! I get it, I'm too strong for the likes of you!" Blazrin taunted and turned to Mecha. "Yo, Mecha, think you can beat this wench by yourself while I buy some time out of this mess?"
A distraction... but how? She's watchin' us like a falcon. Eleanor raised her kukri to slash recklessly at the vines, but stopped when Olivia stepped forward.

"Wait!! You said the King, right? You want to see him? He's really far away. Like.... super far! There's no way you can get there on foot!" Olivia called out to the Queen. "How r-rude of me! You see, I w-was sent by him personally to come and get you!"

Eleanor looked incredibly confused, but stepped back a few spaces. Is she suicidal? She'll end up just like that big dope trying to hit her.

"I'm a new subject under the Majesty's kingdom. He told me that he was very sorry for what he did, and after a long time to think, he thought it would only be right that he let you come back!" It was clear she was bluffing; in fact, she was just making it up as she went along, only to hope that this would let the Queen put her guard down long enough for the others to strike.

"You've been gone for a very long time. He sent me here to come get you! Th-these are my bodyguards. I'm very sorry for how rude they've treated you... We didn't realize it was you we were looking for." Very slowly, Olivia put up one hand and gently unhooked something from her belt with the other, holding up a single golden key. It didn't look like some random house key, for it looked too elegantly carved in its shape. "See? He even passed this onto me so I can give it to you, as a token of his most sincere apologies," She lied-- a blatant lie, but she could only hope the others would catch on. "A key to the kingdom that you rightfully own, your Highness." Olivia raised it up. "I only ask that you please put down my rather brash friend if you want to accompany me back to the palace."

C'mon... put the barrier down...
"Damn you!" Envy tried to escape, but the more he struggled, the harder for him to get out of the situation. "Damnit! Where's the hell is Wrath? He should have escaped from the Fallen Sky Temple by this point!" 

The Queen narrowed her eyes when Olivia held up a golden-key in her hands. From the sheer observation, such crafted of the key can only be done in Shina Ania and no one else. Such shape, care, and quality to maintain such a glistering glow it emitted can only be accomplished by a renown goldsmith in the Royal Family. Her barrier slightly became less dense, as she walked closer to inspect the item. "Yes... that's the beautiful key, a key that belongs to the royal family. For you to even have such means the King had given to you." Tears formed in her eyes as she wipes them away with her hands. "So the King truly sent you here to bring the throne to the owner that was never given the chance." 

The Queen's barrier had disappeared, accordingly to Mecha Samurai's database. He gripped onto his sword, turning to Eleanor with a nod to strike when she's vulnerable. "Olivia's plan on fooling the Queen seems to be successful. Shina Gold is often the hardest thing to distinguish from Fools' Gold due to near similarity components."  The vines that surrounded Blazrin had weakened, no longer holding a powerful gripe on him.
Blazrin felt the vines weaken and managed to rip his arms and legs out of the vines. He laughed loudly and stood in front of the queen while holding his ax in the air. He knew he couldn't kill the little girl so he attempted to slam the side of his ax as hard as he could in her general direction. The aim was not to actually hit her but rather let the shockwave to the damage for him while he took this moment to regroup with the others.

"Bwahaha!" He chuckled wholeheartedly. "That should knock that queen back a bit! Wahaha! Ain't you a smart one Hazel eyes? You sure got a good mouth on ya'!"
"I suppose so. I wish I didn't have to lie though." Olivia replied with a guilty expression, the key glowing in her hand as a figure appeared behind her. "Should have performed a summon earlier..." What she had summoned was a humanoid girl with golden hair and a set of horns on her head, but clearly was not a demon; for she sported a mermaid's tail under the flowing robe. "I guess it's not necessary to summon Capricorn now, but it's just in case."

Eleanor made her way around and approached the Queen from behind as Blazrin attacked while a chain flew out in a circle to 'tie' restrict the Queen's arms to her torso. "Gotcha!" She shouted, clasping her hands tightly around the Queen's eyes to blind her. The rest of the chain was attached to a weapon she had holstered on her belt that was previously kept in its bag. "Yo Tinman, whaddo we do now!?"
The Dark Gunner disappeared in a blink, reappearing closer to the Queen, both his hands free and raised up from his flying position, a large mass of tendrils appearing and trying to constrain her. Judging by the sag in his wings, he was using up as much of his power as he could.
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