The Dark Hospital

Oh? But don't you want your lollipop?

Th-that doesn't look very good...
Vitamins? That looks like an actual brain! What kind of hospital is this!?
But it's my gummy lolly recipe ...  :kattears:

Don't you know? This is where the serious injuries are treated... and I make gourmet lollipops in my spare time. The masses just don't understand my culinary art...

But this is also where the naughty ones go... you haven't been naughty, have you?

I know who you are

Well, there was that one time...

w-wait! I haven't been naughty, at all! I'm perfectly a good ol' sport! Where did you get your medical degree at?!
Tough enough to know that this is not the place to get my treatment!

*turns around, falls, shatter kneecaps*

W-wait! It isn't broken! It just a strain! Watch!

*gets up, instantly fall over due to the bone being completely shattered."
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