The Arcane Apothecary

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Lilith sinply crossed her arms and grumbled, being forced to tolerate Z's antics before she would get any further scoldings.

"Why ribbons, of all things?"
"Because ribbons are cute~"

Z-Clone smiled as she eventually made a hat similar to the one she had. She placed it on Lilith's head and continued to mix and match various dresses that she random created. Sadly, the outfits don't last long due to the limitations of the Z-Clone and the fatigue on the little thing was becoming clear.

"Why is it pick out something nice for you, Lily~?"
The Z-Clone struggled to keep herself afloat but it seems as if she didn't know how to properly control her power.

"W-Well.. what is your favorite color, Lily~?"
"I do believe that...I am using far too much energy than I am required to~" She floated to the top of Lilith's head and panted, seemingly very tired. Lilith seemed to have gotten lucky today. "I am afraid any more usage of my power will cause me to disappear...~ I will dress you another day~"
"Well, your head is much larger than any I've seen~" Z-Clone purred. "It is rather spacious and can supply me with much room to rest~ I just hope that I do not burden you, Lady Lilith~"

The Z-Clone purred slightly before her eyes turned a slight dim color. She was still able to talk but she was gathering energy for a future use in case Okawa might need her.

"Do I annoy you, Lilith~?"
A stranger entered the shop. Based on his attire, he isn't a native to Paradice. He walk up to the store clerk. "Excuse me, I'm looking for a specific .. book."
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