ShineCero's Character Box


The Strongest
A Star Is Born!
Sep 3, 2015
ShineCero's Characters Box

Name: Red

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Quiet Town, Empire State

Position: Hero

Height: 1.7 m

Weight: 90.5 kg

Species: Human

Appearance: Red wears a white tank-top underneath with symbols of various deities with a red, wore out coat. Accompany with the top gear, he wears a light grey sweatpants and black sneakers with blue dots around the edges. He has light brown skin, black medium hair, with the front bangs barely covering his face. He has red eyes, small nose but has a scar riddled across the bridge of it. Red has profound eyebags, having the facial expression of looking tired all the time; as a result, he rarely opened his eyes. 

Personality: Red has a slow personality—not in intelligence, but in terms of activity. He moves, work and even talks in a slow pace due to constantly being tired. If given a task, any task, he would rather take a quick nap instead. Even in the face of danger, he would rather skip it in order to sleep in. However, make no mistake, he has a good heart and good with children and animals. It just that in general, he prefer sleeping than doing any hard tasks that takes too much energy to waste. Don’t mention any kind of criticism towards coffee or caffeine—he believes that they are a gift from the heavens. 

Special Ability: Sleepwalker is an ability Red achieved when falling asleep during battle. Normally, when Red is awake, but sluggish, he’s as average can anyone can be, but once he falls asleep, he becomes a formidable foe. It increased his stats dramatically, including physical changes such as his hair becoming spiker, increased in muscle mass and his eyes wide-opened with no eyebags in sight. As a bluish-white aura emitted around him, he can remain in this state once the battle itself is over.

Attacks: Once he enter this state, Sleepwalker, he gains powerful moves and techniques.
  • Sleep Combo: A concentrated punches and kicks that unleashed a deadly and devastating blow onto the enemy. Once it connects, it will leave them in a daze and staggered for short amount of time.
  • Hypnotic Destruction: Moving a high speed, Red passes by the enemy without lifting a finger on their bodies. His afterimage he leaves behind surround them, draining their stamina, causing them to be exhausted. 
  • Dream Terrors: Puts an enemy into sleep, but their dreams become chaotic and destructive as the result and unable to wake from them.
  • Final Awakening: Once an enemy is asleep and trapped in the cycle of Dream Terrors, their minds will be engulfed in  pitch black; suddenly, Red attacks from all sides in rapid succession in a brutal assault. Once the assault ends, the enemy will instantly awake from their dreams, but the damage they took becomes reality and the damage triples. 
Biography: Born in Quiet Town on the outskirts of Empire State, Red had, no pun intended, a quiet and peaceful life. He was loved by two-loving parents and well-liked in his community, despite his slow demeanor. However, as he grew older, he was feeling the pressure of getting a job to support himself by his peers to make a name for himself. So, he decided to become a hero in hopes of having it easy with a good-paying job and easy tasks.
Name: Excalik Maynes 

Age: N/A [Undead]

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Eastern Side, Desolate Lands

Position: Beast Hunter

Height: 1.8 m

Weight: 87 kg

Species: Undead

Appearance: Excalik’s entire body is covered in bandages, leaving only his mouth and right eye exposed. He wears a blue tank top with a light brown western leather jacket with the bottom edges shredded over it. Excalik also wears jeans, white gloves and a yellowish straw cowboy hat, which, if tipped, covers his face when looking straight. Despite being a cowboy, he wears ballerina shoes—it makes it easier to move around in high speeds without causing too much friction. On his wrist, instead of a gun, he has a small dagger attached to his golden belt.

Personality: Excalik has a blunt, brutal personality. He does not like to kick around the bushes and goes straight to the point. He’s hard to read due to his face constantly covered, but the tone of his voice does signify his emotions when events arises—of course, when it comes to death itself, he’s apathetic towards it. However, he isn't too excited about spirits or religious figures, often avoiding them at any means necessary. He’s speech is understandable, but sometimes, his western talk might slip in sometimes, making him impossible to decipher unless you were exposed to his dialectic before. He is a huge fan of sweets, his favorite being lollipops, always having one in his mouth.

Special Ability: Instant Draw is an ability which allows Excalik to move at super speeds, even exceeding at the speed of light. However, the faster be gets, the risk of his body being heavy damaged to the point of catching fire increased.

  • The Dagger Sword, made by a famous Black-Smith on the Desolate Lands, is a small dagger able to cut through steel easily.
  • The Straw Blade, in which his cowboy hat is actually a weapon with multiple tiny blades around it for long-range attacks. It can cut through the hardest of minerals in half and can be used as a shield for defense. 
Attacks: Excalik has powerful offensive and defensive attacks, all are based around speed.  
  • Speed Cutter: Dashed through the enemies back and forth rapidly in different directions.
  • Bandages Barrage: Mysteriously, Excalik used his bandages to wrap the enemy, allowing Excalik to slammed them around in rapid succession.
  • Hat Split Barrage: Excalik grabbed his hat and toss it to his enemies—it acts as a homing attack and a boomerang. It keeps attacking until it is deflected, or the enemy is shredded into pieces.
  • Hat Shield: Able to use his straw hat as a shield to defend himself. 
  • Light Speed Dash: Pushing his body, he gripped onto his dagger and attack in a singular, straight line at the speed of light. It leaves a trail of fire and destruction beyond him for a devastating attack. He takes recoil damages as consequence. 
  • Godspeed Slayer: Pushing his body to the limit, he moves faster than the speed of light and unleashed multiple slashes onto the enemy on an atomic level. However, this will cause his body to catch fire, leaving him immobilized until healed properly.
Biography: Excalik was born in Eastern Side, Desolate Lands. Eastern Side was a town where all Cowboys and Cowgirls lived. The town was filled with alcohol, tons of meats and sweets, gunplay, barfights, entertainment and the sort. It was a cowboy’s dream to lived in this town after thriving the beautiful plains in their journey. The greatest aspect the town took proud in is the excessive gambling; it is an daily town activity for all the residents to partaking in gambling, and often bet everything—including their lives in hopes of having a good fun (of course, in their culture, betting one’s life does not result a bad end, instead, nothing happens to those that do it, gambling in this town is considered a sports). Such customs lead to disaster, when an outsider came into the town, having heard of this tradition, but unaware that these are simply a sport for these rough riders.

The wanderer challenge the mayor for this life—and led to a thrilling battle, so much that other cowboys and girls offered their lives to rise the stakes. In the end, the wanderer won, but realized he’s unable to collect the bet since it wasn’t taken seriously. Angered, the wanderer revealed himself to be a demon and zap the all the souls of the town (along with brutally destroying their bodies) expect for one, the mayor. The mayor grew angered and challenge the demon again, this time, a real game, and if he loses, the demon can take his body. The demon agrees, since it allows him to remain on earth without returning to the underworld and took the challenge, but in the end, he lost. As promise, he returned the souls… but cast a spell that cause them to come back as the undead, their original forms did not return. This should have been a scared among the cowboy and girls, but instead, they shrugged it off and continue with their lives, place bandages around themselves to keep their bodies intact. 

They survived throughout the years as the “Eastern Side where all the cowboy mummies resided in…” Excalik felt bored of the town and wanted to venture out, since prosperity wasn’t kicking ever since the Dalv Tribe restrict majority of goods and resources.
Name: Liza Storm

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Super Hero City, Empire State

Position: Battle Mage

Height: 1.5 m

Weight: 45 kg

Species: Human

Appearance: Liza has black, short hair, with bangs that covered her eyebrows, blue eyes and fair skin, which sometimes turns red whenever she becomes embarrassed. Liza wears a fuku, which consists of a black leotard that has a singular, large yellow stripe in the middle, with a yellow collar that has three black stripes on it, yellow shoulder pads and a long black skirt that has a checker pattern on the bottom tip. She wears long sleeve socks, with black open-boots, giant yellow orbs that have lightning symbols on it as earrings, a choker with an orb in the center and small orb on top of her head.

Personality: Liza is hot temper and makes rash decisions on the dime. She’s a lover of involving herself in other people’s problems, in attempt to extort them for profits or goods. She has a good heart and does want to help others, but she’s incredibly selfish, even when she’s helping someone—it’s always an attempt to get ahead to be successful. When it comes to facing extreme danger, she freezes if she can’t wiggle her way out of the scenario.

  • The Lightning Star is a lightning bolt shaped wand that calls upon electricity. It can generate nearly up to 100,000,000 voltage if mastered.
Magical Attacks: Liza is a Mage where all of her attacks are electric-based properties, earning her the title, Lightning Mage.
  • Lightning Strike: She waves her wand in the air, casting a powerful lightning bolt down towards the enemy.
  • Lightning Storm: The stronger version of Lightning Strike, casting down multiple bolts onto a single or group of enemies. 
  • Extreme Lightning Cannon: She gather power within her wand and unleashed a devastating, singular blast of lightning that tears through the skies with lightning.
  • Thunder God! The Wrath of Enel’s Thoron: Liza raises her wand towards the skies, summoning a powerful force of lightning and thunder like a beam of destruction. It tears through the skies and split the ground in two. Anyone caught will get electrocuted through 100,000,000 voltage; however, even for experienced magicians, this drains tons of stamina. 
Magical Buffs/Debuffs/Status
  • The Dance of the Rain: She summons massive rain clouds, unleashing heavy rain on the area. This allows her to bring out more powerful lightning bolts. 
  • Lightning Speed: She increased her speed vastly as a way to escape a problem. It only charges her up about 2 minutes.
  • Electric Shield: Formulate a powerful shield surrounding her, using the properties of lightning, to protect all attacks towards her.
Biography: Liza was born into an elite and wealthy family in Empire State, having a major influence in the political world of its affairs. However, Liza was never interested in becoming a politician herself, instead, wanting to soar the world—but not as a hero, but rather, as a mage. Upon revelation and other things, her parents disowned her when Liza refused to conform to her family’s desires and forced to moved out. “Trash does not belong to the family”, her mother uttered as she forced her only daughter out on the streets. Instead of dwelling, she decided to take the chance and join the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Magic to become the strongest mage in the world.
Name: Bob

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Unknown

Position: Wizard

Height: 1.9 m

Weight: 95 kg

Species: Human

Appearance: Bob has a basic, plain looking face. He has short blonde hair with no bangs, never opened his eyes and wears a blue, large robe that doesn’t fit him. He carries a large backpack with tons of zippers and other knickknacks.

Personality: Bob is practically plain as one can be. Nothing sticks out about him nor struck him as very interesting. He's cheerful, happy go lucky, but that's as far as one can describe him to be. He is a salesman and a collector, so he might either hustle you out of your items or be the best provider for all your needs. 

  • Limitless Bag, Bob’s Backpack, has tons of mysterious items that he collected over the years, so much that Bob himself even forget the things he took! He can use this in combat whenever he's in the bind; however, what he pulls out is completely random.
Magical Attacks: Bob does not have a specific elemental-based magic and does not have a wand, but rather using his hands to cast spell (a rarity in the magic community). He only have two original magic attacks he developed on his own, but he rather used items from his bag.
  • Payday Storm: Where he summons all the gold coins that he had collected from his bag and uses them as projectiles.
  • Money Rain: Where he summons larges coins down on the enemy from the sky
Biography: Nothing is known about Bob. He seems to be a mysterious salesman and a traveler that gains powerful spells, gems or famous artifacts, selling them at super cheap prices. People speculate that he came from the Red Market, hence his mysterious possessions of items, but these are unfounded.
Name: Black Shadow [Roxanne]

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Luxor, Paradise

Position: Grandmaster

Height: 2.1 m

Weight: 90 kg

Species: Human

Appearance: Black Shadow wears a purple robe and a pointy, black and purple hat that have eyes and a large mouth with razor sharp teeth. She has large baggy pants with artifacts attached on the side of her torso to connect her upper outfit together. Her face isn’t visible, but she has brown eyes and light brown skin, with medium, black hair. Whenever she uses a spell, her brown eyes radiating as red. Black also wears black and purple gloves, respectively, and have dark-colored roses embedded throughout her clothes.

Personality: Black Shadow is reserved, keeps to herself and doesn't involved herself in social activities without ShineCero. One of the defining traits is that despite her anti-social behavior, she always wants to be the type of person to remain calm in order to deter a heated discussion down and offer rational solutions, making sure no one gets overheated over silly trivia and solves issues in a timely manner. However, if the discussion involves ShineCero, she becomes agitated.

  • The Despair Scepter, when engage in battle, slowly absorbed any magic within the area and powers itself up. When it becomes full, its destructive power is said to be unrivaled.
  • Consumption Hat, Black Shadow's greatest ally, created through magic. It's able to hold many items within the "Hammer Space" within its mouth.
Magical Attacks: Black Shadow's magic can be described as similar to that of ShineCero, but in contrast, as a much more sinister aura. She focus more sapping the life out of beings while attacking them with high tier magic. She has a variety of magical attacks that she has in her disposal and depending on the amount of energy her scepter stores, she can fire off continuous number of spells in rapid succession.  
  • Black Hole: Able to formulate a mini-black hole and sends towards the enemy to destroy. Its gravitational pull is the same as a real one.  
  • Burst Dragon, Chaotic Rain: Creates a storm of energy that rain down the enemies in the thousands, while snapping bits of their life-force.
  • Fairy-Destructive Chasers: Able to summon Fairies from an unknown location, to assist her in battle.
  • Teleportation Crash: Where she can teleport herself in short distances within in instant, sending a barrage of attacks behind the enemy.
  • Lightning Beast Striker: Summons a powerful lightning strike to struck down the enemy.
  • Hellish Demise: Creates a singular point where the enemy stands and shoot up extreme wall of fire underneath them and into the sky.
  • Blizzard Storm: Where she summons a tsunami ice to freeze the enemy.
  • Lust of Dark Void: Thousands of dark orbs appeared around the enemy, attacking it from all directions.
  • Screams of Angel: Unleashed a devastating scream from the Consumption Hat.
  • Dragon's Rage: Covered herself in an aura shapes of a Dragon and slammed onto the enemy.
  • Cry On: Black Shadow points her scepter towards the sky, literally splitting in two. As the skies drifted apart from one another, waves of energy storm down towards the land and annihilated anything on the ground.
Magical Buffs/Debuffs/Status
  • Burst: Raise one's attack
  • Defense: Raise one's defense
  • Extreme Speed: Raise one's speed
  • Drain: Weakens the enemy by several times.
  • Mind Control: Able to mind control beings with weak will
  • Confusion: Confused the enemy
  • Strongest Field: Where she creates a force field around herself.
  • Gravity Disruption: Pins down the enemy
  • Magical Destruction: Temporarily able to disable magical qualities for a brief time.
Biography: The strangest thing about Black Shadow is the circumstances surrounding her birth. She was born in Luxor, Paradise, but she had no parents or any kind of family. People assumed she is the daughter of ShineCero, due to her constantly being on his side and her undying loyalty to him.
Name: Ballows [Kathy]

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Bellagio, Paradise

Position: Sorceress

Height: 1.5 m

Weight: 45 kg

Species: Human

Appearance: Ballows has blonde, long and straight hair, with sky-blue eyes and fair skin. She also has small freckles on each cheeks and wears blue, glistering lipstick. She wears a gray shirt with a blue tunic over it, with a black mantle with a hood. She has a large, white sash that wraps around her right shoulder and a black and blue belt with tear drop symbols around it. Finally, she wears black drawstring pants, blue bracers and a blue and black rose on her head.

Personality: Ballows is calm as a soothing river, but she’s rather sassy when the situation calls for it, and often quick to anger when things start to fall apart around her. She has a high-class elite mentality, speaking towards only the “recognized” mages as her equal, while treating those of not affiliated with the magic schools with less respect.
Natural Summon: Po is a water spirt that Ballows can summon whenever she’s in a pitch in battle. She’s isn’t as high-strung as Ballows, but she does have a sense of entitlement for being summoned by a powerful mage among the magic community; so much that she views all other natural summons as inferior.

Magical Attacks: Ballows is a water and ice type mage and one of the rare mags that use free-hand magic (meaning, do not use books or wands to cast a spell).
  • Water Waves: Generates a large amount of water and smash down the enemy.
  • Waterfall: Using the movement of her hands, slams the enemy from all direction. 
  • Tsunami Strike: Both Ballows and Po summons gigantic pools of water and drown the enemy. Once the enemy falls deep underwater, Po and Ballows dive through and attack the enemy from all directions.
  • Ice Barrage: Ballows freeze the enemy in their tracks as Po summons ice shards in the air and slams down onto the enemy.  
  • Ocean's Tears, The Moon Waves: Creates giant bubbles of water from the ocean itself into the air. Throwing them towards the enemy, trapping them within and send them into deep space where it would freeze instantly. 
Magical Buffs/Debuffs/Status
  • Healing Rain: Restore stamina. 
  • Status Removal: Heals all status alignments.  
  • Dance of the Fallen Rain: Creates rainstorm around her. 
  • Water Barrier: Creates a barrier that protect herself from physical injury - as long water is presented around her, water shield cannot be completely destroyed.
  • Ice Shield: Po creates a super dense material, coated with high magical energy to protects herself or her friends from physical attacks. 
Biography: Ballows comes from a high class of mages, and thank to her family wealth and reputation, she's got into the Brotherhood and Sisterhood easily. Of course, rumors circulated that she only in this school simply because of her status, but in reality, she’s very capable of handling magic. Through sheer talent she possessed, she stormed her way to the highest available class, earning her a spot as ShineCero’s Black Magic Guard. She’s often the temporary leader whenever ShineCero is unavailable.
Name: Tort

Age: 31

Gender: Male 

Birthplace: Ponte, Paradise

Position: Grandmaster

Height: 2.3 m

Weight: 125 kg

Species: Human

Appearance: Tort is tall and has a medium build, with scars riddled across his body. His notable scars are present on the bridge of his nose, across his left eye and x-shaped scar on his left cheek. He has dark skin, yellow eyes and black, spikey hair. He wears a white suit of Heroic Cuirass armor with red outline throughout. He wears metal boots, Spaulder and Greave of the same color as his Cuirass armor. He also has a large, red cape attached to his Cuirass, that reaches to the back of his knees. He has a mature, but intimidating face despite being on the younger side. 

Personality: Tort has a fiery personality. He’s blunt, wrathful and quick to anger. He does not beat around the bush when he needs to explain something. He holds nothing back when it comes to being honest. He cannot stand laziness, incompetence and cheaters, being a personal believer of getting things through hard work. Once he becomes enraged, his hair flare up like flames to represent his bottomless anger. 

Weapons/Items: Tort has three equipment that allows him to use his abilities to the fullest. 
  • Dyrnwyn is a powerful blade that coated with magic properties. When drawn, it instantly lights up in scorching heat, with flames circulating around it. If someone else were to take the sword, they will instantly be perished into nothingness. 
  • Book of Salem contains every single arts of fired-based magic. According to legends, it was passed down through generations, notably used as a weapon against Witches that went against the Magic Schools. The book contains a property that allows it to reform whenever it is destroyed.
  • Suit of White Flames is a powerful suit of armor that greatly weakens any water and ice-based attacks.
Magical Attacks 
  • Sun Strike: A single attack that has the temperature of the Core of the Sun. It obliterated the enemy that gets caught by this attack. 
  • Neutron Awakening: An alarming, intense heat coats the blade with massive energy and disperse it through several meters around the user. Those caught by the effects will have their movements to be erratic temporarily.
  • Heat Crash: Dyrnwyn covers the user in a ball of pure heat; Tort jumps into the air and crashed onto the enemy, resulting a devastating explosion.  
  • Book of Salem: Tort fires off numerous of powerful fire-based spells from the book. When used against witches, the damage output triples in power. 
  • Black Flames: Tort concentrated the heat so extreme, it reaches several times hotter than the sun and the color becomes pitch black. He swings his blade multiple times, sending out destructive black flames towards the enemy. 
  • Lava Storm: He jammed his blade onto the ground and released magma underneath him and the enemy. His suit allows him to survive the intense heat, but it cannot say the same for the enemy. 
  • Nuclear Fusion Overload: Tort rushes towards the enemy and drive his blade within his enemy. In that moment, he cast Nuclear Fusion from the Book of Salem, that coats the blade in high-intensive energy, causing their molecules to explode in rapid succession every time he swings his blade.  
Biography: Tort was born in a family of Fire Magicians, but he was exceptionality talented. Unlike his peers who ran off from battle if they’re tagged with someone that counters them, Tort was able to counter water magic through sheer work and effort. He was able to come up with spells specifically to disperse water and ice-based attacks and even out the playing field. Impressed, his family send Tort to the Brotherhood of Black Magic to enhance his skills. Due to his specialty in the arts of fire and his ability to repel not only his weakness, but able to bend the arts to reflect other means of spell and tactics, earn him quite a reputation among the Brotherhood; leading him to be promote to Black Magic Guards Class.
Name: Lava Girl

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Birthplace: The Scorching Summit

Height: 1.5 m

Weight: 45 kg

Species: Deimos

Appearance: Lava Girl has red eyes, lava-like skin (orange and red) with red-hot rocks forming around her breasts and torso. She has red hair that drips with small horns coming out. Her body constantly drips lava and often have a trail of smokes whenever she walks. 

Personality: Lava Girl is very kind to other people and often sought to help them out whenever troubles bring them. She can be blunt and sometimes offended someone without malicious intent since she is unfamiliar with human communication. She can be a bit timid and prefer to hide despite being curious of going on adventures. Very rarely she succumbed to her anger, if she had any.

Special Ability: Trails of Smokes is Lava Girl’s specialty, whereas, she would leave a trail of lava that would burn onto the ground and leaves an impression. This is useful in case she get lost and need to retrace her steps. 

Biography: She was born from the line of Demons from the Underworld Society before they evolved into Deimos throughout the generations. Her entire family lost the way to tap into the abilities her ancestors had, so they do not fight or have the ability to wield magic on their own. Thus, her family usually act as guides for travelers to help Deimos and humans that step into their territory, even go as far as helping humans. Lava Girl, along with the rest of her family, prefers hot environment and can't stand cold temperatures.
Name: Deader Die

Age: N/A [Undead]

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Quiet Town, Empire State

Position: Elite Five

Height: 1.5 m

Weight: 85 kg

Species: Zombie

Appearance: Deader has grey skin, white, medium hair with two bangs and red eyes. He wears a large, black trench coat, black leather pants and black leather shoes. He has a choke collar and two earrings on his right ear. 

Personality: Deader is reserved and keep things to himself. He doesn’t like to stand out and prefers to get the job done. He respects people of authority and power, but when his viewpoints are questioned, he become lost of what to do. He’s friendly with children and does not like bullies. 

Special Ability: Deader, being a Zombie, has few abilities that made him an exceptional hero.
  • Regeneration: When he loses a body part, it takes him about 5 minutes to regenerate. If his entire body was destroyed, it will take 30 minutes. As long there is a single trace of his body, he can come back good as new.
  • Zombie Whistle: If Deader encounters a horde of Zombies, he can control around 5 of them with a whistle to act as his allies.
  • Soul Drain: Deader can increased his strength and speed by biting onto the enemy and drain their energy. It will leave them staggered for a moment.
Weapons/Items: Deader has two weapons that he use to hunt down the undead.
  • Zombie Blade is a blade that made from the corpses of Zombie flesh. It can cut those spirits and ghosts with ease.
  • Death's Gun was crafted out of the bones of a Grim Reaper roaming around in Desolate Lands. It can pierce through steels and never runs out of ammunition. The bullets dealt extra damage towards Demons and Angel beings. 
Biography: Deader was born in Quiet Town, Empire State when he was originally human. He was a video game fanatic who played all kind of games; his favorite genre being Zombie-typed games. One day, his parents bought him a game from a strange town, which Deader played relentlessly without sleep. Problem is, the game is actually cursed and transformed the boy into a Zombie. After realizing what he had become, he left his home and decided to become a hero to put his abilities into some use. He retired from the Heroes Forces after Minute-Man was exposed of corruption, and became one of the Elite Five in Beast Hunters.
Name: Silence [Alexander]

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Crossroads Town, Desolate Lands

Position: Elite Five 

Height: 1.9 m

Weight: 117 kg

Species: Human

Appearance: Alexander wears a black and white kimono made of the finest of silk he inherited from his grandma; beneath the kimono, he wears a loincloth. One top of the kimono, he wears blue karuta, a type of armor, but does not wear a helmet. Despite wearing heavy gear, he moves around like nothing is holding him down. He black grey, messy hair and fair skin, with a scar across his face and red eyes.

Personality: Alexander does not comprehend humor. He’s hard to read or start up a conversation since he’s either wants something done (and efficiently) or stick on the topic matter and nothing else. He’s very serious but does have a good heart. He has a prejudice against all monsters due to the events that happened in his past. He’s a workaholic and never had time to actually spend quality time with his members to form “actual relationships”. He prefers to be called Silence rather than his real name.

Weapon/Items: Alexander has one weapon, the Silence Sword, that he inherited from his grandma.
  • Silence Sword is a sword that does not make a single sound when swung. Mastering this weapon requires excellence in combat and usage of sounds as your advantage. 
Attacks: Alexander only has two special moves for finishers. 
  • Silence Strike: Alexander swings his blade in rapid succession without making a single sound on the enemy. Before the enemy realized it, they had already been cut into pieces.
  • Dead Silence: A powerful, singular strikes that aims at the target’s vital point. It’s near-instant death attack that will leave the enemy in critical injuries. 
Biography: Silence was born into a family of swordsman, notably, his grandma taught him everything he knows about using the blade, the previous owner of the title Silence and the blade. As he grew, he dedicated himself into better himself with the way of the sword. His parents were murdered by monsters shortly after he was born when they venture out of Crosstown to search for items. He harbors a deep hatred for monsters, expressing that they should be exterminated in order to truly have a "peaceful" world for Booga.
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