Pokémon Sword and Shield


The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015

Considering the new merge of the Pokémon section into the gaming section, I'm deciding to start things off opening discussion regarding the incoming Generation 8 games coming out this year, so let’s make some good, continuous discussion of these games, rather than spurt of the moment. Just because we don’t have any news doesn’t mean discussion stops. Speculations, concepts and the sort, will always, generate new discussions.

Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield has officially been revealed, releasing on November 15th, 2019 worldwide, so here are all important, key information for you:

  • As of now, Game Freak stated that not every Pokémon will be transferable to these new series of games. They stated their reasons in E3 interview and Famitsu interview. They already responded to supposed concerns, by stating clearly that Pokémon will returned in the future; just because they aren't in Sword and Shield, does not mean they are gone forever.
  • No, they did not split their staff in half nor stated pull all resources onto Town. Toby Fox, famous for Undertale, flat out stated that the team was small.
  • No, they did not state they’re never going to reuse animations. These are nothing more than opportunists attempting to cash on a faux controversy at best.
  • Pokémon Home is releasing early 2020, meaning, even if you could be able to get all Pokemon, you still would not be able to do it until next year.
  • Be weary of supposed leaks. So far, there is one legitimate leak that seemingly hit all major points so far, provided below and contained under spoilers.
  • All trailers will be updated in the first and second post.

Sword and Shield Announcement


Important Information and Resources

Click at your own risk
All Official Trailers






Knowing GameFreak, they would probably tease their fans by showing stuff about Pokemon Go, Detective Pikachu, and maybe a spin off game and then reserve the last 30 seconds to the Gen 8 game. xDD

I'll be crying once I see the new Pokemon game. I just can't wait for this game anymore and tomorrow I get my fix!  :wagh: Shame I got class during the time the Pokemon Direct is showing (9:00 AM my time) and I was TEMPTED to skip class to watch a 7 minute direct... but it's my coding class and I really love that class. 

My speculation is that they will probably introduce the starters and I can't wait for the fans to make ridiculous theories based off of X minutes of the new game.
Guess it was packed with full information regarding the next games, Sword and Shield! No time wasted for this one! Here's the trailer for those who didn't seen the direct this morning (or whatever parts of the world you are):


Galar region is seemingly based off of the United Kingdom from first impressions. And those starters looks so dang cute!
Love the starters, love the mc designs and love how the new region looks!! I'm really excited for this game!!
(Still curious about them invisible feet in the trailer xD )

I expected the graphics to look more different tho since they kept saying its gonna be way better than the 3ds version but oh well it be like that sometimes..
Also seems like invisible encounters are back in the game which is too bad.. thats one thing I liked about Lets Go. XD

But still super hyped about the game! Can't wait for more info.

I am totally going to pick Sobble, he looks like he would evolve into a chameleon because he can turn invisible, or rather, camouflage into the background. I love the other starts too! I always start with the water type to 'test the waters' of the game. I am in love with the region! I just KNEW it would be based somewhere in Europe. I thought it would be Spain but I was pretty close! I'm super excited to see what the Galar region will bring! I do have a couple of speculations about the starters, however...

Let's start with the Grass-monkey, Grookey.

IN MY OPINION, I think his final evolution will either be Grass/Dark, Grass/Fairy, or Grass/Fighting.
The Pokedex Entry for Grookey mentions that it's mischievous and curious. Dark Pokemon are often portrayed as mischievous and tricky while Fairy Pokemon can be looked as curious and tricky as well. As for the fighting type, I get vibes that he will become a Grass-Infernape. xDD

Scorbunny's final evolution would probably end up being Fire/Electric, Fire/Fighting, or Fire/Normal.

The Dex says that it is always running about and bursting with energy. Rabbits are usually very fast and electric types are some of the fastest Pokemon in the game. Also, the colors kinda make it look like it could become an electric type or maybe I'm just stretching for that one. I noticed something that Shine brought up and he mentioned that Scorbunny has the same pose as Chimchar.



While this can be pure coincidence (Which it probably is), GameFreak is known for making rather subtle hints in things people tend to overlook. Am I saying Scorbunny will be another Fire/Fighting type? I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see. However, the mark on his nose kinda looks like a bandaid, similar to that of fighters. As for Fire/Normal, I think he would be nice as that type. xDD

Last but not least, we have Sobble. I speculate he will be either a pure water type of a Water/Ghost type. I noticed that his name is SOBble, as in sobbing/crying. The Dex mentions that it's shy so what if it evolves and becomes a crazy swole fighter? (Water/Fighting?) If not, I think him being invisible is something ghost types would do, but then again, I wouldn't know. xD
My boy Grookey gets no respect by the fandom! I’m thinking that he might be Grass/Rock, assuming if they kept the whole thing with “Grass Starters being related to extinct animals” shtick. We’re nearly one step closer to creating a Rainbow Monkey team….

I do not personally subscribe to the zodiac theory regarding the starters, but it is pretty damn awesome that we’re getting a fire bunny! I am thinking that he might be fire/electric or fire/steel, depending on the theme they are going for.

Scorbunny and Chimcar having similar poses is just too good for not to be a coincidence. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is a hint towards Generation 4 remakes coming down in the line in the distant future.

Also, be weary of fakes, rumors and bullshit spreading about in regard to the game. Although, I heard that supposedly armored evolutions coming to the game—which is this generation gimmick. I do think GameFreak will add a new mechanic, but another method of evolving… hmm.

I watched the trailer again and I noticed the invisible footsteps that Pinkeyy pointed out where Scobble/Grookey left. Plus, another wolf-like Pokemon appeared again in the Pokemon-League arena (?) as a mascot logo.
I love this. @"fullblue" 

They turned her into a rough, housing brit xD

Looks like we have some information regarding Sword and Shield

Nintendo America just put out a minor bit of new Pokémon Sword & Shield information. With this information, they have confirmed once and for all that the Stadium-like building scattered across the Galar Region are Gyms. This had been theorised but has now finally been confirmed. With this, a new element was introduced. Rather than Gym Leaders, the Gyms in Galar have got Gym Masters.
I wonder what the heck is a Gym Master? Perhaps is no different than Gym Leaders, but master is a curious change.
New Pokémon Sw/Sh Direct on June 5 at 6 a.m. PT! It’s gonna be 15min long! Super excited!
There’s also a Pokémon conference being held on 28th of May.
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