One-Punch Man TV

I just saw the Meteor Episode. Sheesh, Madhouse keeps blowing me away.

I felt so bad for Saitama though but he didn't take the Tamk Top Brothers' shit and did that. 

Genos trying to stop the meteor himself was also crazy cool in animated form.

Now for Sea King and his... heart.. nipples.
Man, episode 9 was so amazing. I actually shed a tear during Mudem Rider's stand against the Sea King; a true hero. Although that fat kid was talking shit he did made some points. Where was the other A Class and S Class doing?
That feeling when only one episode left

ShineCero said:
That feeling when only one episode left


I like how the rocks are bouncing off his dumb face. xDD

THE DAMN CLIFF HANGER THEY PULLED. We were literally at the good part then it ENDS! IT ENDS. Was I upset..?

Just a little but I will admit my jimmies were absolutely rustled. I changed my pants afterwards because I shit myself knowing the next episode will be the best. GG Madhouse.
Right? :( On the bright side, Murata tweeted that he's going to hard super hard on the manga so it can get a season two :cool:
The last episode was the absolute best in the entire anime. I'll put spoilers in spoilers... so read at your own risk.

I absolutely loved the last episode, it kinda made me cry a bit simply because I love Boros so much. He's literally my favorite villain from One Punch Man.

I especially loved it when Saitama and Boros were fighting and the theme song came on as they were battling it out. Then, unlike the manga, Saitama seemed more serious than his manga counterpart. And all this was before Boros transformed into his final form.

Overall, the animation quality was absolutely Madhouse's top work. One of the best I've ever seen, I began to cry, actually. ;~;

I also loved when Boros transformed to his final form. It is the moment I was waiting for and I was just in awe. I also noticed that Boros is nearly three times bigger than Saitama in his Meteoric Form. When Saitama got kicked to the moon, he seemed to be testing out the gravitational pull of the moon before he jumped, almost as if he didn't want to destroy the moon (and possibly Earth) when he jumped/landed. Then... when Saitama punched Boros... he shifted the clouds around the world... You can literally see Boros just die in mid-air... The fight itself was actually 5 minutes but it felt like the entire episode. A piece of me didn't want Boros to die but when they played the Hero theme on the piano... I couldn't help but feel bad for Boros.

Did I cry for him? Absolutely.  :deargod:
man the animation was amazing in this. i knew they where going to go all out on it but dang, this was top notch.
Boros was a pretty cool villain and it makes you wonder when saitama is gonna find his equal or someone that can best him
I just marathoned the last 3 episodes. It's over... what am I going to do with my life now? :katcry:

So I may as well talk about my fave bits from each of those.

Episode 9: I really enjoyed that they made sure to give Licenseless Rider more character to him. He already knew he didn't stand a chance, yet kept on fighting Sea King! I would've just accepted defeat immediately. XD
It was an emotional episode for me man

Episode 10: Metal Bat was and is poortrayed so well! Of course, he's my favorite so I had high expectations on the voice acting and the like. I liked that they showed us a bit of what exactly Tatsumaki takes on for a job every day too and how her power can extend before Boros' posse came in at the start of the ep. I don't recall that scene being in the manga. The heroes are great in this episode. ALSO, GAROU CAMEO. Season 2 hinted?!?!!?!?!

12: Watching this fight get animated was so thrilling. But I got so upset when Boros died. Even though I knew it would happen. 

I can't wait in case of a secind season! I need it NOW
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