News, Updates & Suggestion Box

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The New Theme is now released.
I already place everyone on the new one (of course, you can switch back to the Deluxe, which is basically the basic theme).
It is called "Core Style".
Night Core Style will be coming in a few hours. Ultimate Boogaloo and Night Vision will phase out as a result.
New Shit:
> New icons to replace the old ones. Font Awesome released a 5 version, which has some niffy stuff. So I updated based on that.
> You can now put a profile header in your profile. Max height is 182px (might be bump to 250px). It can be done via User CP under "Edit Profile".
> About Us and Support Us section is removed. They don't serve a purpose and basically a waste of space. It looks better without it anyways
> Your profile now have tabs, so you can click on each for several information
Good News prefix is a sound idea. I'll have it up later on once the updates push through from Mybb (so I can see which ones will break the forum when it does...)
[Reposting this but added a bit more information. I'm feeling quite sick for a past few days, so I'll be slow to my responses.]

There's a couple of fixes and plugin updates coming on the forum in the next few days. Originality, as the board was closed for a few hours, I was thinking of flat out deleting it and start anew.

However, it would be a real pain in the ass to lose all the hard work throughout the forum by the few active members that still dedicated themselves of posting worthy content. So instead, I opted for reducing numerous things to sustain threads that are currently active by cutting down a lot of inactive forums or useless features that are taking up space at the moment. Of course, over the past few months, some of you already seen the progression of reducing certain forums and integrated with another section. Make things far more organized.

Bob Ross Competition: Life Drawing Event has begun. There's a possibility that it might get an extension (considering that only 4-5 people jumped onto the competition anyways, so it's really not a big deal to give it an extension). 

There were fixes to the themes and template for the most part; most of it has been solved. Hopefully, the fixes for the next Mybb update will be available soon, so I don't have to worry about staying up so late to resolved certain potential issues.

Discord Chat button will be removed from the site permanently. If someone want to be invited to the "server", they simply need to ask. Furthermore, Discord might faced an overhaul.
Yeah, it is pretty redundant to have Discord's button if you need an invite to actually see/post in the server...

Maybe we could make a stickied thread somewhere (or maybe include it in the site wide announcements) with links to all the sites Boogaloo has links to (Youtube, dA, etc) in the near future? There's only so many buttons we can have, and could lead to cluttering up the appearance of the sidebar if we choose to open a Twitter or something else.

This is also an idea I got randomly this morning, and might help us keep a steady flow in posts that are not admin oriented: It is possible to mass-email users, so why not create a monthly newsletter that goes out each month detailing any changes regarding the site in terms of features, functionality, Web Themes, etc along with any forum events going on like the competitions and our RPG section. Not all of our members are on Discord, (and may not be willing to read messages left over from a lively night of posting memes) and if they aren't a regular, they may even forget about the site despite enjoying their time on it when they get the downtime (I'm a member of the Bell Tree Forums and Reddit, but I often forget to actually visit and log in despite having accounts). So a monthly 'reminder' of sorts may help our earlier members feel like checking in on the place. People may not check a forum they don't use every single day, but they are likelier to with an email saying "hey, we still exist!"  :whoo: it isn't enough to put it in the development thread where only regulars will see it.

Newsletters are old-school methods, but many sites still use it as a go-to for keeping activity up. Even the deadest of sites will get 2 or 3 veterans to come back for a bit with an email lmao! It's also a frequent tip I see on articles helping people start out their personal websites or blogs for building an audience. Couldn't hurt to try. Devs who work on sites like MyBB send out similar things too, I'm sure. And you are the site's only Coder, I think showing off the new features you work so hard on for us should be shown off! Like the new profile layout, which I love to death because it's all in one place, and people should know about it. Customization options on a forum like ours are a big deal! Being our Coder shouldn't be a thankless job, it deserves visibility and credit.  :edu:
That's a badass idea. I was looking for a way to send out information of the forum in a more efficient manner rather than here and discord because either no one reads it due to being unmotivated, forgetful or other reasons, and as you said, no one is going to scroll down through Discord to check some news if it's well over 100+ posts. 

There is a mass-mailing system that has a similar manner of newsletter, so I'm testing it out right now. Can you see if you got an email and what content does it contain? :D
Welp, I got the email! But multiple times! XD

Here is what I got though, looks complete.

Hi all,

The purpose of the newsletter is to discuss all the latest news and changes on Boogaloo Crews (BGL), as a way to open more channels of communication between the staff, members, and bringing in new faces in our community. We're also looking for your feedback of how to better our forums and future newsletters. Visit our ""1 thread if you have suggestions.

Major News:

We have two competitions in the works!

Bob Ross Series Competition, Life Drawing Event has begun! Life Drawing Event is a skill-based event that aims to challenge your ability to replicate an real-life person in drawing form. You can use any tool from any medium (traditional, digital, painting, air-spraying, etc) to create your piece. Tracing is an automatic disqualification. You can chose one from 5 photos to replicate in your participation! You can check out the thread here:

A Pokemon Cup has started! The Pokémon Cup Series is a tournament style competition exclusive to the Pokémon section. Depending on the number of players, participants battle it out against one another to win awesome awards that promote bragging rights—including a special award that declared them as Pokémon Champion for an entire year. There are different variations of Pokémon Cup along with their own rules, designed to add variety for players and create interesting dynamics and sets. If you ever played any of the core Pokémon games—the game-play through each generation is always the same. Furthermore, all Pokémon Cup will be on Pokémon Showdown rather than on the Nintendo Consoles. This allows for all players to participants in the competition rather than a select view that have the consoles. You do not need to download Pokémon Showdown, just simply register on their site with a username and password (which does not require email activation).

This Pokemon Cup will be another Randomization Frenzy Cup! An simple click and play, where it generates team for you and you're ready for battle! This time, It Doubles Random Battles! 

The Moderation System has a overhaul!

BGL Staff is now the main moderators, where all moderators have the same abilities and powers to oversee the majority of the forum. Based on the updated rules system, available for reading here:, moderators can assist both old and new members their way on our site.

Award System and Karma Stars!

We're happy to announced that we added tons of rewards you can get based on certain achievements as seen here (requires logging on): Furthermore, you can get fancy stars based on posting numbers! Can you reach the highest amount of posts?

Member Profiles gets a upgrade!

Member profiles are now upgraded so it looks more appealing, visually, than than bland, boring profiles. You can now add profile banners, which can be achieved by going through "edit profile" and going to the bottom of the page. 

Top 5 Most Popular Threads:
Count to Infinity (76,797 views)
The Post-Count Thread (56,356 views)
DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future (51,436 views)
What Grinds Your Gears? (46,504 views)
The Reality Vortex (36,562 views)

Top 5 Most Replied Threads:
Count to Infinity (1,996 replies)
The Post-Count Thread (1,674 replies)
What Grinds Your Gears? (1,515 replies)
The Reality Vortex (1,213 replies)
The Random Thread (1,187 replies)

Forum News
Metroham Section is now overhaul to include more discussion of western animated shows.

Akiba Section is now merged with Boogaloo District for organizational purposes ( You can discuss all new animes in this thread here (, or if a anime is popular enough, discuss it's own topic, such as the Dragon Ball thread here:

Pokemon Section has gotten an cleanup for be more organized and reduce the number of repeated threads. Check them out here:

We have tons to offer for your daily pleasures in attempt to bring out the best of the community and bring in news faces. Thank you for taking the time to read this monthly newsletter!

- ShineCero

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Noice for a first newsletter! If we can figure out how to customize the text (bold, font size, etc it'll be perfect!). Not sure if we can but we can check
Yeah, I don't know what's causing the issues to sent users multiple emails at once. I'm currently doing a test to send an email to all Admins by placing the lowest numbers, but I don't know if it's working properly. :think:

At least the newsletter looks good, but damn, that's a major issue!
Good! Glad that's working properly. I'm sure you can do the HMTL, which is piss easy to do :kat:

Those who are coming on here, seeing a bunch of messages from BGL, that's my bad! I didn't know it was sending so many messages to multiple people.
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