Mob Psycho 100


Green Jacket
Sep 5, 2015

Kageyama Shigeo (a.k.a. "Mob") is a 8th grader with psychic abilities. He could bend spoons and lift objects with his mind from a young age, but he slowly began to withhold from using his abilities in public due to the negative attention he kept receiving. Now, the only thing he wants is to become friends with a girl in his class, Tsubomi. With his psychic "mentor" (who has no psychic powers), he continues his daily life, attempting to realize his purpose in life.

Pretty sure at least some of you guys are gonna watch this one. *cough Shine cough*xD

Very nice first ep! Animation it top notch and I like the OP song.
I watched the first episode Thursday! I really liked it, and hope to make a review post for each episode once I finish drafting the first episode. :p

I really like the animation and characters so far. On one hand, I feel bad for Mob basically being tricked into a con artist's Exorcism service but on the other, ghosts are legit creepin around and he doesn't seem to be a bad guy. So hating the guy he works ...for? is kinda hard. lol

Mob is adorable even if he's rather an introvert though. I thought his shyness towards his classmate crush was a cute scene.
I watched both episodes. Mob Psycho 100 has glorious animation and mein god, the opening is intense. Best opening I've seen in this summer season, lol. 

Mob is pretty much a adorable kid. I like that he wanted to joined the Body Builder Club so he can impressed that girl he likes. I also like all the One-Punch Man references that get thrown in there xD
I saw both episodes too and I really like it! I like the animation style despite some people saying it looks 'unfinished and  poorly drawn'. To be honest, I think it fits the style of the anime very well. I like the fact that the anime gets right down to ONE's style and is very traditional with it. That's not something you see everyday and it's something that should be looked up upon. 

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE MUSIC. The music, is, by far, some of the best I've heard and it absolutely fits the battle scenes, funny scenes, and the anime in general. I already have the theme song downloaded to my ipod. xDD

The story has a very nice pacing and I think it might last for only 12 episodes. But I think it'll be as epic as OPM and its 12 episodes. I cannot wait to see how the things will unfold for Mob and what more there is to come.
Agreed, the opening is a Banger (see I use urban dictionary)

I never felt too bothered about the animation though and I'm a total snob about visuals lmao

It probably looks unfinished given that it seems to be a flat shading and gives a kind of cartoon feel for much of the normal scenes I think. Helps add to the lightheartedness of the non-serious parts. Though, I find it to be much more expressive and emotive than the OPM adaptation. Perhaps it's because the moods between the two main pairs are very different-- both Genos and Saitama tend to not be super expressive.

It gives me a good laugh with how crazy the faces can be drawn in detail (and some of Mob' faces too!). Unfortunately I haven't seen the newer eps, since I got tied up in taking screencaps for a future review post... whoops!
Third episode is out.

Man, the animation continues to be excellent and the music, my god. I'm hype for the OST to be release soon. 

Do we know how many episodes this will have?

I like that they're switching the chapters from the manga around to slowly build up Mob's character for the anime adaption. Definitely a nice touch. Felt bad that Mob felt like he's constantly in the way of people's fun because he thinks he'll explode.
Love that third episode! Mob's expression and 100% mode were way past what I expected! I love his reason for not really showing his emotions and I also love what happens when he does. Dimples was crazy but I guess you can say he wasn't as crazy as some other bad guys. I love how Dimples came back as a Booger and Mob got an instant 20% to his explosive meter. xDD

Also, dat opening...


But Mob's face at 100% mode... It's amazing.

Syn said:
Is this by the same person who did One Punch Man? Because the style looks a bit like it. I might give it a watch!

Yup. ONE created both OPM and Mob Psycho. You'll see OPM references in Mob Psycho here and there (but it's a more blink and you'll miss it kind of deal). 

I highly recommended it! I personally enjoy it even more than OPM and I'm a huge OPM fan xD
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