Mighty Number 9

SPINAL said:

This was the original concept of the game remember? What happened?

Wow, what the fuck happen? That actually looks amazing!

Reviewers are ripping the game apart

Mighty No. 9 received "mixed to average" reviews, according to video game review aggregator Metacritic. GameSpot awarded it a score of 5 out of 10, saying "Mighty No. 9 is an inoffensively average game sprung from the memories of the past, with little to show for its position in the present." IGN awarded it a score of 5.6 out of 10, saying "Charmless and full of poorly-executed ideas, Mighty No. 9 fails to entertain despite its legendary pedigree." Game Informer reviewer Andrew Reiner gave it a score of 6 out of 10, stating that "Too much of the content feels recycled, from enemies with shields to weapon designs coming close to being copied wholesale" and that "Unfortunately, none of the familiar content is as stylistic or lively as it once was. Mega Man’s characters and artwork were consistent and unified; Comcept’s take is largely pedestrian."  

"This held doubly true for boss battles; yes, in true Mega Man style you'll find there's one weapon that works particularly well against any given boss, but if I didn't have it, I never had any difficulty plowing through with ye olde standard blaster. This undermines a key part of the Mega Man formula that Mighty No. 9 intends to ape: the strategy of choosing which bosses to fight when. Since I can easily down any boss without hitting-their-weak-spot-for-massive-damage it really never mattered what order I tackled them in. Since the levels and bosses failed to challenge me in ways that demanded the use of these abilities, they ended up feeling superfluous."
And it clearly didn't it. This game was practically doom to failure the moment it got delayed multiple times, got tumblr sjw shit slammed into it (at least from the rumors anyways) and the sort. I feel bad for the people that actually backed this project and this is what they gotten from. It's definitely going to discourage people from doing kickstarters, at least for that particular company.
I honestly don't believe it was solely the delays, since people who promise a project to be complete in X amount of time need much more than X time in reality, but it certainly didn't help. 

Maybe if they didn't spend so much time on multiplayer development to make their "100% done" solo play look less of a soulless husk of the original stuff and didn't try so unnecessarily hard to port this game out to literally 8 platforms. Why 8!? May as well shoot for 9 since you seem to have made this game with the 9 DOLLARS you had left over when it was time to actually make the game!!!!

In the end, bad PR, poor management, terrible marketing, and pure disappointment (teaser was cringe, models look like play-doh from certain angles, voice acting was cringe, needless focusing of multiplayer) has all but tarnished Inafune's image. Freed from Capcom's basement only to have released a mediocre game that had been pretty much panned since the reviews. I'm sure it isn't entirely his fault (if at all); games aren't made by just 1 person most of the time. Dev team, I am disappoint.

If it helps someone sleep at night, Sonic Boom's ratings are still below this game's. 

Let this be a lesson on How Not to make a Kickstarter-funded game. Or just How Not to Make a Game.
LoopyPanda said:
I honestly don't believe it was solely the delays, since people who promise a project to be complete in X amount of time need much more than X time in reality, but it certainly didn't help. 

Maybe if they didn't spend so much time on multiplayer development to make their "100% done" solo play look less of a soulless husk of the original stuff and didn't try so unnecessarily hard to port this game out to literally 8 platforms. Why 8!? May as well shoot for 9 since you seem to have made this game with the 9 DOLLARS you had left over when it was time to actually make the game!!!!

In the end, bad PR, poor management, terrible marketing, and pure disappointment (teaser was cringe, models look like play-doh from certain angles, voice acting was cringe, needless focusing of multiplayer) has all but tarnished Inafune's image. Freed from Capcom's basement only to have released a mediocre game that had been pretty much panned since the reviews. I'm sure it isn't entirely his fault (if at all); games aren't made by just 1 person most of the time. Dev team, I am disappoint.

If it helps someone sleep at night, Sonic Boom's ratings are still below this game's. 

Let this be a lesson on How Not to make a Kickstarter-funded game. Or just How Not to Make a Game.

I can concur with this. 

Yeah. For them to shoot for literally 8 different platforms was beyond ridiculous. They should have stuck with the main generation consoles and go from there. 

The only thing that would completely blow them away is Capcom coming out with a new megaman game, released on a bunch of consoles and be all "Atleast it's not Mighty No. 9 :maybe:"
The game sucks. There's only one power in the game that's really worthwhile using regardless if it's the weakness of other bosses or not. Crappy framerates, it's just baaaaad.
Frenzied Shadow said:
The game sucks. There's only one power in the game that's really worthwhile using regardless if it's the weakness of other bosses or not. Crappy framerates, it's just baaaaad.

A-atleast the story is alright.. right?
ShineCero said:
Frenzied Shadow said:
The game sucks. There's only one power in the game that's really worthwhile using regardless if it's the weakness of other bosses or not. Crappy framerates, it's just baaaaad.

A-atleast the story is alright.. right?

*insert actual story here* Realistically there's nothing going on. Or something... I dunno. It feels super linear with no idea what's supposed to be happening.

I mean regardless, it's pretty straightforward. Defeat the numbers, and find out who wants to take over the world. Voila, 4 million dollars down the drain.
Frenzied Shadow said:
ShineCero said:
Frenzied Shadow said:
The game sucks. There's only one power in the game that's really worthwhile using regardless if it's the weakness of other bosses or not. Crappy framerates, it's just baaaaad.

A-atleast the story is alright.. right?

*insert actual story here* Realistically there's nothing going on. Or something... I dunno. It feels super linear with no idea what's supposed to be happening.

I mean regardless, it's pretty straightforward. Defeat the numbers, and find out who wants to take over the world. Voila, 4 million dollars down the drain.

What a god damn shame. All that potential, wasted. Future Developers will have to take a good look at this and don't end up becoming the travesty. Or simply don't rely on kickstarter for video games. Or trying to shoenhorn it to every damn console available. 

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