Mighty Number 9


Blue Jacket
Oct 4, 2015
When I heard that fans donated millions upon millions for this game I was expecting a hit...

but this.....this at best looks like a low budget game. And how? Even after millions was sent to its kickstarter.

I really wanna know what some of yall think cuz back in AF the thread for the game was high and hopeful.

This was the original teaser that people came together to spend 4million dollars on: https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/00...ormat&q=92&s=a7c511c25cbd252c03134a8b84a98aa5
To be fair, the models and attacks and whatnot look decent (except the explosion of pizzas). It looks nice at least, but it does feel like a husk of it.

The trailer looks much better without the cringeworthy narration. My theory as to why it looks like a Steam only platform game is because of the sheer amount of system platforms they have said they would release the game for. I can't imagine all these platform versions would be cheap to distribute them all to. Couldn't give you a theory to the delays besides legal stuff I guess.
Wow, that trailer sucks and the narration is cringeworthy. Those that kickstarted this project, they have my sympathies XD
I don't know loopy. That was at least a million dollars. There is no reason even with all that money that the game itself is "decent". Where was all that money used anyway?
I'd rather wait for more gameplay to come out beffore I pass judgement on the content.

I don't know what one would consider a low or high budget in terms of videogames either. There's also question of the Engine they used to develop it. I don't know if Unreal Engine 3 is reputable or not.
SPINAL said:
I don't know loopy. That was at least a million dollars. There is no reason even with all that money that the game itself is "decent". Where was all that money used anyway?

Gotta agree with Spinal here. I mean, it's not bad, but it could be a whole alot better.
LoopyPanda said:
I'd rather wait for more gameplay to come out beffore I pass judgement on the content.

I don't know what one would consider a low or high budget in terms of videogames either. There's also question of the Engine they used to develop it. I don't know if Unreal Engine 3 is reputable or not.

Unreal Engine is usually used for 3d game. This is the first I heard of 2d games using it. Bioshock Infinite use that engine.

This was the original concept of the game remember? What happened?
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