Loopy's Art Tomb


Black Jacket
Sep 3, 2015
cyberia cafe
Art Twitter (most active)​
Deviantart (inactive, partial archive)​
Art Tumblr (under construction)​
If you follow me on any of these sites, I'll follow back of course (just let me know who you are if I don't follow you on it as it is!)​
REQUESTS: CLOSED (for now, until I clear out my personal queue)

Why a new thread you ask!? Well, the current one is 4 years old and I want to have a fresh space to post my new art in and be easily able to look at it once the year is up: that way I have a way to see how much I've progressed in one year compared to four. One of my resolutions was to grow my artistic skills by doing all kinds of things to go out of my comfort zone so this is a big step forward. I'll still leave the old one up, but I think I'll just close the thread and naturally let it fall to the bottom since it has too much meaningful content to deserve getting stuffed into the old graveyard.

While I'll post art for basically anything I make, I also plan to showcase drawings for some projects I've got going on:

-Devil's Dishonor: Recently renamed from being 'Gossamer.' Check out the story in Modern INKers for the synopsis and story so far ya hooligan. I'll be dumping the art and designs for it here, but I will have a curated archive of it up later.

-Spirited Embers: A pokemon fanfiction about a kid named Satomi who starts out in Sinnoh as a trainer. Be nice to her, she's 12. It's on hold but I enjoy drawing her, so you'll be seeing some art for it here and there.

-Cielo and Freya (proper title TBA): Their story takes place in Manhattan around 2052; New York was one of many parts of the country ravaged by nuclear weapons in 2025, most of the state remaining uninhabitable for humans due to radiation exposure. Cielo and Freya are among the children born ~20 years later with mutations granting them strange powers as a result of the radiation exposure their parents received. They live in the Manhattan Exclusion Zone with other people like them isolated from everyone else. The kids basically go on adventures around the junkyard and stuff. This is my pet project that I've been keeping under wraps for the past year or so aside from an occasional drawing. The story has a proper name, but I don't really want to share it bc it's my little world for the time being lol. But I love drawing these two, so the least I can do is post art with some short comics of them. They are not chronological, so I don't see a reason to make it their own separate thread, but maybe I will do so if there is enough interest.

-Galactic Ruins: Currently a space RP I'm running, not its own independent story. Most likely i'll be posting concept art and any RP related art.

I guess i'll start by posting all the new stuff I've drawn this year and anything I finished late December:

Since I enjoy designing OCs, I've often been using the PastelGirl dressup app to make the designs, and this one is one of my favorites atm. At the time I finished this, I didn't know what to call her, but I'm going to go with Noelle. She's a vampire bat girl (not TOO batty, because she only really has the fangs, wings, and pointy ears). This was one of the drawings I neglected to flip the canvas for while fixing the sketch, so don't look at it horizontally flipped. Though that is also partly due to her haircut probably giving off the illusion of an error...


for comparison....

He's babie.
I'm a big fan of Dororo's 2019 anime, and I was throwing around some cute AU ideas with others in the Dororo fan-Discord server when we came up with cute ideas for the characters if they were in animal crossing... so I designed Hyakkimaru as a Wolf. Dororo will get a mouse design soon enough while Hyakki's brother Tahomaru will get a different wolf design.

Fanart of Lain Iwakura from Serial Experiments Lain. It's a weird show but I think it's pretty interesting trying to piece together everything and watch the next episode tear your working interpretation completely apart. The show makes little sense to me storywise atm but I do understand the different questions about technology and humanity that it poses. I've been kind of on a kick with 90s anime/manga that didn't take off til decades later these days.
Also, the art style makes Lain have a big head with a lot of space around her nose and mouth so I tried to make it look like her as much as possible. When she looks directly at the camera with her big eyes in episode 1, it kinda creeped me out with how vacant her stare looked, which is why she doesn't look too expressive here. I find her eyes kind of creepy in general for some reason. :-/ 

My entry for the Lunar comp actually is a lot of layers, but I wanted to post my progress sketches that led to the final product.

Sketch, cleaned up a bit but still rough:
So for any potential questions:
  • I do not thumbnail my drawings for fullbody art like this; time and again I attempt it and usually I don't get anywhere when trying to take that teeny sketch and somehow work it out to full size. Instead I tend to sketch out VERY ROUGH skeletons consisting of circles and lines for basic skeleton/joint placement using a marker tool, which I usually erase after I make the actual rough sketch on a layer on top. But you can spot some here and there. That isn't to say thumbnailing is not useful, as it works for lots of people! It just doesn't work for me. So I do.... anti-thumbnails. lol! But I did use references for some parts of the posing.
  • There are different colors because my brain cannot process which lines are going where during the linework if the sketch is entirely in one color. Gray was used for the chest and head, but as I refined details and finalized the design, I changed from blue to green.
  • The other hand is hidden cause I got lazy. ya got me
Lineart + flat color (torture):
As you can see, I added and redid some things. Namely the right sleeve thing because I realized the older wraparound sleeve idea just didn't make sense with it being a cape kind of thing.
I tried to make it evident she has a thumb here, and a tiny part of my thumb peeked out in this pose, but it just didn't work! Ugh.
I kind of hate the knuckles, but giving her long nails made the finger width sort of bearable. 
Finished product, high resolution:
Here is where I added the effects. Tbh I go on autopilot here and just kinda let my brain do the work while I space out.
I've never been very good at pattern design like the kinds you see on intricate robes, so I kept it simple while trying to make something original. The main inspirations for some of the design choices were of the concept art of Zhuque Mercy and Baihu Genji by Qiu Fang. I wanted to do the neat spirit seal thing like the skins have so I eyeballed the Baihu symbol that was on Genji's armor.
My entry looks blurrier than this because apparently Imgur resizes any pngs to jpg if they're above 5 MB

now to end this colossal post with some WiPs:

Olivia makin' cookies... for WHOM!?!?!! I've been working on it very slowly over the last few months but I'm currently stuck on the kitchen cabinets.... hgggg


currently redesigning Celeste... hehe

And last but not least...

In the process of finishing Cielo's character sheet... I kinda already have a default outfit for her, but it's basically a skintight longsleeve (the kinds you get from exercise wear but... cooler) under one of those zipperless hooded jackets. I might just do a different one to make it look more interesting but idk. Her color palette is generally varying shades of gray, but she also has zero sense of fashion. lol
I want Olivia to make me cookies! I LOVE COOKIES! However, for the first time, I think I have one drawing I like above the Olivia one: CELESTE. I love the sketch and her fuzzy coat. She looks ready to sass but, truth be told, I really like her expression. I can't put my finger on it...

All the others are great too! I demand more or I will never give you the true Blue Belle ending. B|
I really like your competition entry! Design looks awesome! And neat idea to use different colors for different parts.. that’s so helpful when drawing on layers! Maybe I should try that myself xD

Keep up the good work Loopy! It’s super fun to see everyone steadily improving on their art!
Thank y'all for your feedback! I tend to forget to respond to replies when I post in my own thread, I PROMISE I'll be more consistent about replying ;; I'll attempt to finish that Celeste sketch someday...

It's been a rough 6 months for me and drawing art has been severely limited time for me to use as a form of unwinding. Now I've got my things back in order so I can start clearing out sketches from eons ago...

I warmed up by coloring/finishing some old doodles I got sick of seeing floating in my folder... these are between a few months to literal years old, but I brushed them up and just went with flat colors.

A doodle of BlackWatch Moira (OverWatch) I did for practice cuz I like her design a lot... not sure if the nose and lips came out right but it was my first go and I just decided to color it and call it my warm-up

An old sketch of my OC Asuza from 2017 I lined in 2018, then colored tonight for a fast warm-up. Can you tell I didn't really give a shit about the shading?  :katprone: I hated the mouth, so I fixed it up a bit first... me likey.

I was in a mood to draw my alien cyclops Mioi, so I went with a silly thing for a quick thing I did while I was coloring the piece that I actually didn't line until last night (but I sketched out around late July).

I call it Mioi's Words of Wisdom... mostly inspired by the Sailor Moon Says segment in the DiC dub for Sailor Moon.

You get a cookie if you recognize the reference.... btw, here is a blank version!

Now that all that cute stuff is shown off, I can finish this post with the piece I was hugely motivated to make after I watched the 1976 Carrie movie. For those who don't know what that cult favorite is, it's basically a Stephen King movie about a girl who can use telekinesis but is an outcast at her high school and is bullied by literally everyone. When she gets her first period, she freaks out and all the girls in the locker room throw pads and tampons at her while mocking her ("plug it up Carrie")... and then the gym teacher forces all the girls to do detention PE or forfeit their prom tickets. One girl hated Carrie so much for it, she basically plots with her boyfriend to get a big bucket of pig's blood and dump it over her after rigging the ballots so that Carrie is elected Prom Queen.[video=youtube]

Just so you get the full context of the piece (and the video I had on loop), I made this piece specifically focused on Carrie's inner psych-out which occurs at 1:03 in this video... Her mom's words looping in her head overlaid with the laughter... it's the best. I FELT THAT. So I hope my piece conveys at least a little bit of this scene before Carrie decides to kill everyone. lol Carrie is very cheesy, but the 1976 one is the best imo. All the cult films we love today are pretty cheesy lol


and for EVEN MOAR RED...

Carrie White said "fuck them kids."
Whoa Carrie drawings are really good! Like i can really feel her emotions, also her story is pretty sad?! Stephen Kings stories are messed up. XD
And your use of colors is really good too! Shading is so hard I feel u on that one. T^T

But im glad you have the time to draw more again! Cant wait to see new stuff from you! Keep it up!
Thanks so much Pinks! Carrie is very sad, especially the ending... and apparently in the book she straight-up destroys the entire town after the prank!? Absolutely wild... I'm definitely gonna read the book when I get the chance to check it out from my library tbh.

I had a lot of fun with the Carrie drawing but I think the hardest part was figuring out what I wanted to do for her pose and hands... and the blood placement. Funny enough I didn't have to actually shade her because the blood basically did most of the work for me + I included the spotlight on luminosity so I could just focus on bringing out the red. I watched that scene so many times JUST to get the blood placement right and draw out the stage. Apparently NO standalone pictures of the set exist online so I had to kind of take some creative liberties.

Figuring out her expression was my favorite part because the original Carrie's performance stood out precisely because of how terrifying her stare was - but she didn't look angry enough to me, so I wanted her to look like she actually snapped lol. I think leaving out the mouth helped pull it off but man was it hard coloring her face into a shadow on Shade without blacking out the eyelashes. I'm quite happy with the result though, so maybe I'll try a different horror movie scene down the line since it's so fun!

ETA: I made this picture a month ago, but I edited it down a bit so that she isn't too drowned out by the highlights I made.

Meet my Boogaverse OC Okawa! She's got a detailed profile in my RP characters thread, but here are some basic things about her:
  • She's a witch with lots of experience in the field
  • mom friend
  • Was a former mentor for Asuza (my other witch OC in the prev post)
  • Has a familiar named Sayer who's basically a ghostly raven she met while hangin out at a graveyard
  • Also is friends with a few other witches of nobility in the universe I'm making for Asuza.
  • She does the "ohoho" anime laugh, but it's more refined and NOT the kind the annoying types tend to do really loudly
I didn't really get much art done in 2019, but I wanted to post these because I quite like how they came out.

I wanted to make something spooky before actual Halloween so I drew fanart of the Machigerita-P song "Full Course for Candy Addicts". It's my favorite creepy song to listen to.

This was an entry I did for the Halloween Redraw back in October, but I fixed up a few things and completed the shading/background. I quite like how it turned out. Whitney's head looks large, but I promise it's a matter of the perspective + her huge pile of hair pulled into a ponytail. She is a zombie waitress :) Because food service can be MURDER (badum tshh)


I changed some deets about my OC Celeste to her being an actress/model, so this is her dressed up in an on-stage role, as a maid cornering you smoking inside a curtained room while speaking to you like an intimidating NPC in Persona's Velvet Room. 
Click to see this full resolution on Deviantart (compression-free!) I'm pretty proud of this one so I'd love it if you saw it at full detail. :3

I'll be posting the in-progress sketch to the Sketchuary thread as well.
It's a painting, since I wanted to practice it after a year from my first attempt with the Evelyn painting I did a long while ago. the lineart you see was done on the coloring layer that sat on top of the sketch. I was also playing around with the new textures I installed, hence the smoke everywhere-- I wanted to make it look like you were viewing this from within a theatre stage hence the spotlight making the cigarette smoke stand out so much. So any additional layers were for the shade/luminosity. The hand was adjusted over and over and OVER, but I think I'm satisfied with it.

I actually was NOT listening to the Velvet Room theme while drawing this, I was listening to the Grand Hotel Broadway score (Some Have, Some Have Not). There is a scene of a bunch of business investors arguing over things in a room filled with smoke illuminated by the spotlight. Which is what inspired me!
Hmm, I could've sworn I posted on here before, but I guess that was your old art thread? Regardless, these are some great artworks you have posted. Especially the Zombie Whitney one--now that's :goood:

Okawa is pretty sweet! She's one of my personal favorite character you drawn so far. Can't wait to see more OCs from you! :thinking:
WHITNEY! I would put her head back on and cover her scars with a cute bow. Why Whitney gotta suffer like this?! In all seriousness, I love the way you give her little hearts in her eyes. She's so pure, even when decapitated. Your Halloween Miku looks amazing too! I especially love the colors, it makes her really stand out aside from her killer intent! And, as usual, I'm a sucker for the eyes. I love the big green eye she's got and the swirl you put in it. It's the finer touch in detail that makes it stand out for me!

Lastly, we got your Smoke Room. This one is probably my favorite one of the bunch because I'm a sucker for EYES. These look amazing, honestly, the best ones you've done so far! That glowy eye effect is tough for me to get down and, to be honest, I don't know how to do it. I assume it's a mix of colors but I can't ever get it to come out like this. How do you do it? I must know the tricks!
ShineCero said:
Hmm, I could've sworn I posted on here before, but I guess that was your old art thread? Regardless, these are some great artworks you have posted. Especially the Zombie Whitney one--now that's :goood:

Okawa is pretty sweet! She's one of my personal favorite character you drawn so far. Can't wait to see more OCs from you! :thinking:
Thanks! It probably was my old one, that and I tend to post my art in here when everyone is asleep :kat:

I'm especially proud of Okawa's design since I think she was the one OC I had that didn't have a drawing by me for the longest time. That was back when I was like 14 and used pictures of anime girls off google (you know, the ones that have been reposted so much nobody could find the artist's name until recent years) for my RP list. Purple hair for Okawa stuck!
~ Z ~ said:
WHITNEY! I would put her head back on and cover her scars with a cute bow. Why Whitney gotta suffer like this?! In all seriousness, I love the way you give her little hearts in her eyes. She's so pure, even when decapitated. Your Halloween Miku looks amazing too! I especially love the colors, it makes her really stand out aside from her killer intent! And, as usual, I'm a sucker for the eyes. I love the big green eye she's got and the swirl you put in it. It's the finer touch in detail that makes it stand out for me!

Lastly, we got your Smoke Room. This one is probably my favorite one of the bunch because I'm a sucker for EYES. These look amazing, honestly, the best ones you've done so far! That glowy eye effect is tough for me to get down and, to be honest, I don't know how to do it. I assume it's a mix of colors but I can't ever get it to come out like this. How do you do it? I must know the tricks!

Thank you sooo much! I've felt quite rusty with my coloring lately, so I'm going to try and practice how I used to do it.

Celeste is just my favorite MEANIE character, which often leads me to draw her as evil looking as possible haha. But I agree, glowing eyes is harder than it looks. What I did for the painting was use off-white or a pale gray to color her sclera, but it helped that her eyes are a greyish blue-green color. After the coloring was finished, I made a separate layer on top and set it to Multiply: then I just took a round hard-edge brush and used several shades of dark navy before blending the edges out with a Blur-Water brush and going over it again with a darker color to define the borders of her cheekbones and eyes. Didn't hurt to add some shadow to the top of her eyes and blend it out a little as well!

After I got the shadows of her face done, I took a new layer on top of everything and set that layer to Luminosity. You have to do a little bit of guesswork since the color of glow you want depends on the colors you have under this layer in addition to the color you're gonna use and its saturation/hue. I picked a light shade of red that's fairly saturated I think and just lightly outlined her entire iris with it. Opacity level of the layer itself can also help if you like the color but find it too intense, you just lower it to 90%. I have this at 100% opacity though. I also blended this red on the edges of the iris and spread it around the white of her eyes.

The one issue I had with using such a dark shadow was that it washes out definition of her hair fringes, eyelashes, and eyebrows. It can work to your favor if the subject is standing in shadow, but Celeste was under a spotlight here, so it wouldn't make much sense. I made a new Luminosity layer on top of the eye glow (if you're like me you'll make 5+ Multiply/Luminosity layers so it's very handy to just rename them as soon as you make them for easy switching) and grabbed my pen brush at 2-3.5 pixel size to make faint light-purple lines and help define those areas. This is impossible to do accurately without first taking the shadow layer and reducing the opacity enough to where you can see her face completely. After I lined out the places I wanted on the new layer I just set the shadow layer back to full opacity.
It sounds complicated but in practice it gets simpler the more you work with layer settings. Technically I'm cheating since paintings are typically done without these settings, but I work smart not hard ;)
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