You can earn coins at Pokemon Gyms? They're probably have CP in the 2000s at this time lol so super rip for me.
I caught a crapton of Pokemon yesterday. Snubulls and Granbull, Houndorr and a shit tons of Murkrow. Spinark kept popping out of it's pokeball every damn second but I managed to catch that fuck lol.
Yeah! I noticed that the player looks around when walking this time! Looks like they improved a lot in this game lol
I caught a crapton of Pokemon yesterday. Snubulls and Granbull, Houndorr and a shit tons of Murkrow. Spinark kept popping out of it's pokeball every damn second but I managed to catch that fuck lol.
Yeah! I noticed that the player looks around when walking this time! Looks like they improved a lot in this game lol