[iOS/Android] Pokémon GO

You can earn coins at Pokemon Gyms? They're probably have CP in the 2000s at this time lol so super rip for me.

I caught a crapton of Pokemon yesterday. Snubulls and Granbull, Houndorr and a shit tons of Murkrow. Spinark kept popping out of it's pokeball every damn second but I managed to catch that fuck lol.


Yeah! I noticed that the player looks around when walking this time! Looks like they improved a lot in this game lol
I evolved my Growlithe earlier with the use of the 50 Growlithe Candies.

As for the teams - I myself have joined Team Instinct.

November Research Tasks are out. Bug-type oriented and the research reward is Shedinja. It looks like Shedinja is massively disappointing, however. Shame they didn't try to do anything to reflect Wonder Guard. Nincada and Ninjask are also out as well as Shiny Caterpie. As for Sinnoh Pokemon, I haven't been playing lately so I haven't caught too much but I'm hoping to get Giratina soon as it's my second-favorite Gen 4 Legendary.
I was wondering how Sheninja would worked in the format of Pokemon Go, it's a shame that its ability didn't get used in a way it should have. 

:thonk: To be honest, I'm surprised that we have Sinnoh Pokemon this early, so I guess this make way for Unova Pokemon, which has 156 Pokemon (largest one of the generations). 

Here's some information regarding Meltan:

They also confirmed that you can get a Mystery Box which gets you Meltan if you transfer a Pokémon from GO to Let's Go at least once a week. The box can only be obtained once a week limiting the amount you can give out. At present it's not clear if it's once a week per Let's Go Game or once a week per GO game

That'll be a real pain in the arse, thankfully, you can just partner up with another Pokemon and get candies faster in Go.
How did shedninja work in the other games then?

Also the Adventure sync option is chillllll.. it counts your step when you havent even opened the game now.
Isn't Adventure Sync effectively similar to that of Pokemon Go Plus? And then you have this statement regarding the Pokeball thing that comes with Let's Go Series:

Some further information about how the Poké Ball Plus works has been released, hidden on an official Japanese Nintendo site's news section. As previously revealed, the device can run as a controller for the game as well as a Pokémon GO Plus and it can also have a Pokémon sent into it from Pokémon Let's Go to collect rewards. However, we now have details on how the device works if it is set to Pokémon GO Plus mode while having a Pokémon saved inside it. If it has a Pokémon in it, when it's acting like a Pokémon GO Plus, it will spin all PokéStops automatically without prompting you, getting you the items. If, however, you don't have a Pokémon in the device, you will get notified through vibration much like the Pokémon GO Plus.

:Pls: Is Go Plus slowly getting killed off?


I think it's because Sheninja literally only has what, 10 HP? After it does it thing, it dies. Anything special about Sheninja in the games is not reflected in the actual game (Wonder Guard is a ability where only supereffective attacks will hit it--though it is still affected by status move).
Ploep said:
How did shedninja work in the other games then?

Also the Adventure sync option is chillllll.. it counts your step when you havent even opened the game now.

In order to get Shedinja, you need to evolve Nincada to a Ninjask and have 1 empty slot in your party (As well as 1 Pokeball in your bag) and Shedinja will appear as your new party member. 

It is the only Pokemon with 1 HP and a unique ability called Wonder Guard, which allows only Super-effective moves to hit it. All other moves will fail. It was a busted Pokemon if you know how to use it. However, a major counter to Shed' is sandstorm and hail.
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