[iOS/Android] Pokémon GO

Ploep said:
Yoo apparently the 2nd gen will drop this week, plus we'll be getting two new berries and more wardrobe change options! FINALLY!
I'd link you to the update site but im not sure whether thats allowed or not xD

It's allowed :p
I haven't played this game since summer. I never have time for it anymore.
The 2nd generation is out here!!!!
I think they waited for the release to be in the holidays and when winter ended. :D
Wowowowow I haven't played PoGo in like... 4 months! Maybe these new additions will motivate me to play it again. I don't even do gyms or anything because of how spread out they are, I just like to catch things. Lol
Damn, I need to jumped this on this. Elekid is finally going to get captured...

Also, it's roaring in popularity and the servers is getting screwy again... :lmao:
Is it me or the walking animation is better? Also, just got a Marill and a Sentret at my house xD I can't wait till my next Pokemon-Go-day (I have one when I just go out to play this game every month)
Looks like they improved a lot of stuff in Pokemon Go. Too bad boys can never get the great stuff in clothing in a Pokemon game.... :wagh:

I also ran out of Pokeballs as well lol. Need to restock if I'm going to catch them all xD
I've caught a lot of new ones too! Pokemons like Scyther are now starting to move sideways etc instead of only dodging. :O
I'm a bit sad you need to pay for some wardrobe changes and the fact that they haven't increased the bag space for the pokemons. This means I need to start trying to get into gyms again. xD
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