A new message from higher in command had come in for Jack, which read:
"We were not told how many of us there are, other than it being a small number. As for the circumstances of the mission, we haven't been given a briefing yet," Mioi explained. "But I suppose I have the clearance to discuss it since my telepathy is only picked up by the people I need to speak to directly. Azumi and I are staff of the Terranovan Union, but we aren't necessarily highly ranked personnel. Technically, I'm her superior since I've been employed longer, although we answer to different people."
"At the least, I was given the proposed agenda." Mioi took out a small device and expanded the screen for a wider look, although it was written in a language other than Earth English. "In about 30 minutes, we are to meet with the Orion Squad's Commander and receive our debriefing on our mission. Though, I think we'll be assigned multiple in order to reach our ultimate goal... our first one will probably test how we all do as a unit. Most likely a simulation or something."
"I hope we get paid for this," came Azumi's voice through a communications speaker.
"Certainly. I heard that we get paid per mission anyway. Perhaps not as much as you would like, Ms. Mercenary. But you are in no position to complain."
Azumi groaned.
=====================================[This is a confidential transmission from the Chairman of the Union. Do not forward this.]
Your work has been exceptionally well-developed in accordance to your department's progress reports. I am grateful to have you as one of our personnel. On my behalf, I would like to assign you a long-term mission that requires your expertise in the biotechnology you managed to develop recently. As you may know, the Orion Project is about to launch under official operation. The Squad is set to perform their first mission soon, but haven't undergone debriefing yet. Please meet them on the first floor of the TU Headquarters in Room B2. You will not be reporting to me, but the Squad's Commander, Aurelia.
We apologize for assigning you the task on such short notice, but we feel that the Squad's probability of success will highly depend on the availability of immediate medical attention. You can think of this as an opportunity to make further studies for your technology if you wish to test its limits. As payment for your services, your department will increase your research's funding in addition to the payment the Orion Squad may receive should they complete their ultimate goal. Aurelia will explain the details in her debriefing with the others. After your meeting, the Squad will have a conference with the Terranovan Union's Chamber of Galactic Leadership, myself included, to discuss the state of things.
Sincerely yours,
Ziara Elmak, Chairwoman of the Terranovan Union and Martian High Council
"We were not told how many of us there are, other than it being a small number. As for the circumstances of the mission, we haven't been given a briefing yet," Mioi explained. "But I suppose I have the clearance to discuss it since my telepathy is only picked up by the people I need to speak to directly. Azumi and I are staff of the Terranovan Union, but we aren't necessarily highly ranked personnel. Technically, I'm her superior since I've been employed longer, although we answer to different people."
"At the least, I was given the proposed agenda." Mioi took out a small device and expanded the screen for a wider look, although it was written in a language other than Earth English. "In about 30 minutes, we are to meet with the Orion Squad's Commander and receive our debriefing on our mission. Though, I think we'll be assigned multiple in order to reach our ultimate goal... our first one will probably test how we all do as a unit. Most likely a simulation or something."
"I hope we get paid for this," came Azumi's voice through a communications speaker.
"Certainly. I heard that we get paid per mission anyway. Perhaps not as much as you would like, Ms. Mercenary. But you are in no position to complain."
Azumi groaned.