Fun Fact About Yourself

I used to own one of those Super Joy Systems that you could buy at the mall kiosks and that's how I ended up playing plenty of Famicom/NES games despite not ever having owned a real console for those.

Super Joy hosted a bunch of ROMs illegally copied from NES/SNES/Arcade games listed with incorrect names for the titles a lot of the time. and the people who distributed them actually had run ins with the law. So they're not available in the mall anymore.

But yeah I owned 2 different Superjoys that circulated. Their durability was sometimes shit since they eventually wouldn't read anything on it.
Yeh. :3

I love watching videos of SomeOrdinaryGamer (Mutahar) going on the deep web. Shit be cray man
Even though I am meticulous and get random urges to clean things, I also by contrast allow trash to pile up unintentionally.
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