DBZ: Dominion War

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Rad'sha also noticed the Martian machines as she slowly landed on her feet. Completely unknown to her, she stared at the large machines for almost a minute before she continued on with the others.
Rad'sha followed behind Tempest and Xeno into the center as well. But those machines were fresh in her mind........ "This planet is well protected." She thought to herself.
Tempest and Xeno led the way into the Elder Chambers, where a group of Martians were awaiting their arrival.

The Martians themselves did not look Human in appearance at all; they were large, rounded bulks, larger than a bear in size, with two eyes, their skin glistening like wet leather, their lipless mouth quivered and slavered and as for appendages, they had snake-like tentacles which writhed slowly about. Yet, despite their rather primitive physical appearance, they possessed technology far beyond Earth's and even beyond the Planet Trade's technology and were not afraid of using it. They also have a vast telepathic and telekinetic prowess, of which the highly trained Martians have weaponized it for various purposes. 

The Elder Chambers could be compared to a meeting hall or conference room on Earth. It was the main chamber where the Martian Elders gathered to oversee the progress of various projects or even observe the battlefield their forces are involved in, even on other planets with the aid of their highly advanced optical equipment, their long-range scanners and observation platforms allowing them to get their own intel on enemy movements and make their next plan of attack or adapt when necessary. It showed that no one should underestimate the little guys after all...
Atama and Memora looked around unphased.
The Androids all lined up together, although Sheila and Lea were holding hands together, showing they were married.

"Greetings. I am glad you were able to come here on such short notice." The first Martian Elder replied.
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