DBZ: Dominion War

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With a smile on his face, Piccolo also felt the energies as well.....

"Wellll. Almost there!" Piccolo thought to himself as he got closer to Capsule Corp.
Far above them, a unit of Martian Flying Machines were moving around in a patrol, as if to ensure that the area around Capsule Corp. was safe, before moving off back to their base. Tatsu and Yango smiled as Capsule Corp. came into view, with Yango seeing Panich, Brachi, Celicia and a few others down at Capsule Corp's entrance.
When Capsule Corp. and everyone in sight, Piccolo was the first to gently land on his feet and walk towards the entrance.
Piccolo then turned around noticing Tempest and Xeno behind him.........

"Heya Tempest and Xeno. It's been a while since I last saw you two. How's things been going for you guys?" Piccolo asked smiling.
"Hey, Piccolo." Xeno said as she and Tempest approached the Namekians, holding hands together.

"We're fine, especially as we're back in shape after all that has happened." Tempest said.

"How about you?" Xeno asked.
Z-Fighter said:
Brachi smiled.
"What a coincidence to see you here. I was about to invite all my friends for a get-together party and you're one of those people I wanted to invite." She said.

"Ah, youre right, this is quite the coincidence." Panich laughed.
Brachi giggled at this as well as she led the way back into Capsule Corp. while Majin Bara went to send the message to the others.

"So, how have you been after all that has happened so far?" Brachi asked, wanting to catch up with the Saiyan Princess while preparing the feast for the group.
"Well, I would be lying if I said anything interesting happened." Panich chuckled. "Just been doing boring house work. What about you?"
"Well, I've been busy with Capsule Corp; trying to look for ways to improve existing technology to better prepare ourselves for potential future conflicts..." Brachi said, smiling.
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