DBZ: Dominion War

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Z-Fighter said:
"It's been a while indeed," Brachi said with a smile, giving Panich a friendly hug to greet her, "what brings you here?" 

Majin Bara giggled as she saw this going on, swallowing her bite of a battery-shaped chocolate bar.

"just dropping by for a visit." Panich said as she received the hug.
Z-Fighter said:
Tatsu nodded in respect.

"At least you have remained on the good side then; Super Namekians were vulnerable to corruption and abusing their powers which made them into a threat in the past." He said.

"It surprises me that so many beings so many races have been fighting side by side..." Yango said, "I mean, there's us Namekians, fighting along side Humans, Saiyans, Martians, Demons, Androids, a Majin, a Hera-seijin and even former members of the Planet Trade Organization." 

"When united against a common enemy or having the same or a similar goal, it's only beneficial to co-operate when lives are on the line," Tatsu said, "I honestly was surprised myself when we were instructed to work together with the notorious Planet Trade Organization to combat the Metar more properly." 

"Enemies of our enemies are our friends," Yango said, "at times it is needed to put aside the differences between parties to combat a common/shared threat."

"Yes. A friendship can go a long way. The more friends you earn, the more they'll be by your side." Piccolo mentioned to Yango.
"And if you remain true and loyal to your friends and do your best to help them out and be there for them in their time of need, then they'll return the same courtesy." Tatsu said, nodding as he agreed with Piccolo.
Tatsu and Yango followed immediately, smiling as they felt some more energies headed towards Capsule Corp, with Tatsu spotting Tempest and Xeno, with Goles, Bulma Jr. and Marron Jr. tailing close behind the couple, almost as if it was a family moving together.
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