DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"Shonfu and Tamar both informed us about an orbital base of the planet, which we entered to seek for clues as to the whereabouts of the attackers, or the artifact which they took with him. It was during the skirmishes on the base where we learned about the potential involvement of an Arcrosian warlord named Siber. We eventually intercepted the enemy fleet whom had attacked Planet Frieza 37 and destroyed the enemy ships we encountered, but upon return to the orbital base, it was Siber himself whom addressed the group..." Dread Master Bestia then said... deciding to let Panich hear the conversation...

"Ah, it's good to see that you are back, alive and well... It must have been fun destroying those ships of mine..." A deep, masculine voice said, almost a bit deeper than the voice of Frieza's second form.

This sudden vocal addressing caused Goles, Bulma Jr. and Marron Jr. to yelp a bit in fight and huggle the one who held them more closely... as it reminded them of the Dread Masters back when they were the enemy.

Brachi looked around in all seriousness.
'I knew it!' She muttered in her mind as she held her daughter close, while Xenest's powers were flaring up... and yet the group remained confined in the elevator space.

Tatsu and Yango were on guard as well as Piccolo and the Android Guards, even the recently recovered Anne was again ready to do what is right, a serious expression being present on the normally happy-go-lucky gal.

"I must say that I'm impressed at the loyalty of my soldiers and followers though... I've been gone for so many years... and they still serve me..." The voice then said.

"Frieza?!" Brachi asked.

"No, I am not that whelp whom couldn't control his power properly... nor am I like his brother or father..." The voice said, chuckling again as the elevator just kept going, not stopping as it arrived at other floors...

Vegetto glanced up at the ceiling as the voice addressed the group, yet his narrowed eyes landed back on Arias. Gogeta frowned as well, keeping his distance from Arias.

"Calm down...there's no reason to fly off the handle like that so quickly..."

Goku blinked as he glanced around as well.

"So if you're not apart of Frieza's family, who are you?"

"So I take it you haven't heard from me. Very well. I am Lord Siber." The voice then said.

"Lord Siber?! So it was true after all!" Shonfu said.

"Yes. My minions were wise to use that... device they found on Frieza's 37th planet to enhance my powers... even after years of training and hiding right under King Cold's nose... the fool clearly fell for the scheme as I pretended that I was dead..." Siber said.

"What?! So YOU were the traitor to King Cold as well?!" Tamar said, blinking.

"Yes, if you put it that way... Suffice it to say, King Cold had been a bit laid back as I served him, yet he seemed to have no problems with ensuring that his will was executed. I was eager to take control of the troops and put our operations forward, but he tried to eliminate me when he caught wind of my plans... but as swift as he learned from me and tried to end me, I learned from him and his plan to end me, causing me to adapt accordingly, allowing to stay below the radar while I trained and increased my power for my glorious return. And now that I have heard of your group's fights against King Cold, Frieza, Cooler, the organization itself and even King Hypo... my, my... you sure have made a name for yourself. You could run this organization by yourself if you wanted." Siber said.

"Screw you! All you want is to bring misery and pain to people!" Brachi snapped.

"Ho hum. That boring talk again. I've heard enough of this from rebels and from observing your previous fights thanks to my spies." Siber said.

"What are you planning now?!" Shonfu asked, clearly agitated.

"I will lead my people and my soldiers to take back what was once ours. We will destroy your kind, like you destroyed most of us during your previous encounters with us all those years ago. Your homeworlds will fall at my hand and its populations eliminated and then replaced by my own. The disorganized remnant forces of my enemies' old armies, those of Frieza, Cooler and King Cold are now united as one because I have taken command of their operations. And with the artifact that I now control, I can soon revive the lost armies as well, as well as my former comrades. Our numbers will soon exceed yours, But now, I would like to meet you all. I have only been at the greatest extent of my current power for a week, yet I am already hungry for your blood." Siber said, as the group was suddenly transported into what appeared to be a magenta-colored realm, the walls and everything being transparent, so they could clearly see the wide area of space all around them, as if they were being taken in the middle of space!

Brachi looked around, greatly alarmed while continuing to hold her daughter, while her husband and her friends huddled a bit closer to her. Even Shonfu and Tamar were greatly alarmed, sweating even.

"I have been told all about your struggles against my forces. The futility and pointlessness of your efforts amuses me... but your struggles end here however..." Siber said, his tone now becoming a lot more serious...
"I see, a taking over your planet for revenge plot." Panich smirked, "so what happened after all this ranting a raving?"
"We fought Siber, whom turned out to be a fake, as if he had used a clone or some kind of hologram or impostor to get a first incling of our abilities. We won the initial fight, but Siber then attempted to trick us by triggering a sequence which would let the orbital base crash on the settlement, which would no doubt crush any surviving civilians and personnel which remained there. Brachi destroyed the orbital base to ensure the citizens would survive, while the others went on their vessels, which also consisted of a large strike fleet of Martian Warships. No sooner was this plan set in motion, the Martians reported enemy activity headed for a star system known as Hypo Prime, named after another Arcrosian. You may know him as King Hypo." Dread Master Bestia said.
"You are?" Future Xenest asked.

Neither Future Brachi nor Future Xenest recalled the events that transpired around King Hypo's reign, or the whole ordeal with the Dread Saiyan simply left such an impact with them that the rest of the memories remained vague for the most part, due to the severe PTSD they suffered from...
"Yes, Don't you two remember? We all fought him together!" Panich asked, uncrossing her arms, "He tried to fulfill some 'Prophacy' by fusing and taking Blaze's power."
"Ah, yes. We remember him now. What a farçe that 'prophecy turned out to be..." Future Xenest said.

"Either way, we encountered vessels of both Siber's troops as well as a contingent of Demon forces within the Star system. Siber promised to hand the Star System over to the Demons in exchange for their support in his bid for power. We engaged their forces in the hopes of gaining a foothold in the area of space controlled by him so we could penetrate further into his territory, however we did not expect to see how far Siber was willing to go..." Dread Master Bestia said, before using her powers to let Panich hear the conversation which transpired the event of the Destruction of the Hypo Prime system...

"Tamar... a Siber-allied ship is hailing us. He identified himself as Brigadier... Na'shi." Brachi then said.

"What?! Na'shi?! On screen!" Tamar said, recognizing the name.

It was then that another fighter came on screen, this time being an alien of Frieza's Soldiers, like Banan, but with a cyan skin and black hair. He blinked at seeing Tamar.

"By Frieza's horns... Tamar! I meant only to hail the nearest of the alien warships... but it is fitting I have found you." Na'shi said.

"Na'shi, how can you of ALL warriors serve this honorless traitor?!" Tamar demanded.

Na'shi looked gloomy.

"That is a sad tale," he said, "suffice it to say that my elder brother, head of my house, threw in his life with Siber... I had no choice but to follow. I have hailed you to deliver this urgent warning: This system and EVERYTHING in it will be completely destroyed."

"What do you mean?! How?!" Tamar asked.

"There is a device aboard my ship, stolen months ago from a research center... it is designed to attenuate large gravitational fields. I intend to activate it near the edge of the black hole's event horizon. The gravimetric waves will rapidly destabilize the Hypo Prime's Sun, forcing to become Supernova." Na'shi said.

"Why? What will this accomplish?" Tamar asked.

"Siber would rather see the Hypo Prime system utterly destroyed, than lose it to your allies. I have been ordered to be the instrument of his spite, Tamar."

"That is insane! This star sytem has been our organization's chief source of energy production! Think of what this will mean to our people! Siber will lose this battle regardless, but your actions will CRIPPLE our organization!"

"I know this, yet my duty requires it," Na'shi said, "but my honor demands that I deliver this warning. Leave the system now. You have just enough time to warn your comrades and warp out before the cataclysm-"

"Listen to me, Na'shi, you MUST NOT do this!!" Tamar pleaded.

"Glory and honor to you, Tamar and whoever you're allied with. Tell Shonfu... tell him I regret he will never find me or hear from me ever again." Na'shi then said.

"NA'SHI, WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!" Tamar shouted, now desparate, but the contact was already broken...

Dread Master Bestia paused for a moment to let this information sink into Panich's mind...
"What a fool, Like breaking a toy just so the other kids wouldn't get their hands on it..." Panich said after a moment of silence, "The things that go on inside villains minds will forever baffle me... Well what did you do after hearing this?"
"As Siber was going through with this, we decided to simply get away from the star system as fast as we possibly could..." Future Brachi said, as Bestia then displayed the next dialogue...

"Brachi, put me through to Shonfu." He said.

"I have him on subspace, Tamar." Brachi said.

"Shonfu, I've been informed by Brigadier Na'shi that the usurper intends to destroy the entire system!" Tamar said.

"WHAT?! HOW?! What has Na'shi to do with this?!" Shonfu said alarmed.

"Na'shi is duty-bound to the usurper, Shonfu! He is to deploy a device near the black hole that will destabilize the Hypo Prime Sun, causing a chain-reaction that will annihilate the star system!" Tamar said.

"Science Officer, can you get a position on Na'shi's ship, where is it now?!" Shonfu then asked.

The Martian accompanying him gave him the answer on screen.

"He's almost near the black hole's event horizon! Comm, signal ALL allied forces to disengage and warp away from the system immediately! Tamar, warp out while you still can! We'll meet up back at the 3rd System of Frieza's Empire!" Shonfu said, before closing communications.


Tempest's ship managed to cripple the Demon Battleship's warp engines, when the message came in.

"OH MY KAMI!!! Siber plans to destroy this entire star system!!!" Sheila yelled out as she received the message.

"WHAT?!" Xeno asked, just as Tempest went over to read the message.

"Comm, order our escorts to break off the attack and form back up!" Tempest said.

"Understood." The Martian said.

"Good, now get us the hell out of here, warp away from the system immediately!" Tempest said, clearly scared out of his mind.

"We're underway." The Martian said.


"Shonfu, Na'shi has activated the weapon. Gravimetic wave density increase rapidly. The star is venting large amounts of its protopshere, detonation is imminent!" The resident Martian said.

Brachi's heart was racing in her chest as the Martian Fleet reassembled and warped away from the system, much to the confusion of the Demons and the forces of Siber that were left behind, with the exception of Siber's battleship itself...

Vegetto's eyes remained narrowed, the tension easing once they had emerged from hyperspace.

"Typical villain tactic. Leaving his own to die in a bid to trap us."

Gogeta sighed heavily.

"At least we got away before that supernova could erupt."

"Get a visual on Hypo Prime, now!" Shonfu said.

As the Martian opened the viewscreen, the entire group could see the device detonating...

(OOC: So you can see the effects of how the device's detonation resulted in the star system's destruction)

Xeno practically leapt into Tempest as the explosion occured, consuming all of the system's planets and whatever remained behind of the Demon and Siber's warships, obliterating them instantly as the entire star system vaporized, with the immense fireball which expanded diminishing over the time its peak reached and the residue from the explosion forming a brand new nebula in the place of what was once a star system used for resource production.

Brachi held a hand in front of her mouth in shock, while Anne sank to her knees on the ground; even the usual happy-go-lucky android knew that this explosion would have ended the lives of herself and her friends in an instant, had they not been warned in time.
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