DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"So, how was visiting your daughter?" Memora asked. Atama looked at an ice crystal he kept frozen in his hand.

"I don't want to talk about it." He replied.
"Why did you visit her?" Memora asked. Atama sighed.

"She's not my daughter. I never had a hand in raising her. When I was formed, she was all grown up, and loved her dad too much to see me as anything more then a monster who took him away from her." He said.
Z-Fighter said:
"It's alright. I take it that the incident at Gyges must have caused you to land elsewhere?" She asked.

"Yes unfortunately.." Panich answered, "And it seems that i was lucky to be blasted someplace else.."
"This is correct," Dread Master Bestia said, "had it not been for the Hubrin, the group could have very well been killed or otherwise captured by a group of renegade Planet Trade Soldiers, whom were once part of Siber's army..."

Future Brachi knew that Panich wasn't there when the whole ordeal with Siber and Ruthas happened, so she prepared herself mentally to fill in the details of the whole story to the Saiyan Princess.
"Jeez what's this talk about an army?" Panich sighed before slapping her hand up against her face, "it seems i missed a little more than just a party."
"Well then..." Dread Master Bestia said, using her powers to create some kind of barrier around herself, Panich and the Future Couple, after which the surroundings changed, almost as if the group was traveling back in time.

"The whole story begins after the two Planet Trade Soldiers named Shonfu and Tamar, sought an audience with Brachi's group concerning the fact that Planet Trade Soldiers have been attacking their own planets, initially in search of some kind of artifact, in the form of a gemstone, which had the power to revive an old villain. While we succeeded in fighting off the Planet Trade Soldiers on Planet Frieza 37, an inhospitable desert planet, they managed to escape with the artifact they discovered on that planet. We also were briefly taken into a small realm between dimension where we fought off a group of Demons..." Future Brachi said, as around the group, there were scenes of the battles described shown, from striking at the soldiers whom attacked the only settlement on the aforementioned planet, the subsequent entering of its temple in search of this artifact, to the sudden, unexpected disposition in the interdimensional realm where the group fought off several demons, the battle itself also showcasing the presence of Vegetto, Gogeta, Goku, Vegeta and Beerus, the God of Destruction...
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