"You have no idea..." Future Brachi said, nodding to Dread Master Bestia...
Siber on his turn merely smirked, just as he received a massive wave of energy, fired by Goles, Marron Jr. and Bulma Jr., who were still beyond furious at the Arcrosian for killing Brachi. As the wave of energy detonated, there was a large cloud of dust that blocked the group's view of the enemy.
"Was that it?" Siber then quipped as he emerged from the attack unharmed, much to the shock of the group, especially the three children.
"You've shown quite the spirit... almost like your mother. It would be bad of me to keep you separated from her any longer!" Siber said, after which he fired a massive wave of energy towards the three children.
Goles, Bulma Jr. and Marron Jr. cried out in fear as the attack approached them at high speed, but as the attack was about to strike them, someone hopped in the way and took the full force of the attack, screaming out in agony as the wave hit. As the light dissipated and the dust cleared, the group would see that the three children were huddled together... but were still alive. But as the group looked on, they would see the person who shielded the three from the attack... it was Celicia!
"SISTER!!" Anne shouted.
Celicia panted heavily as she held her position bravely, her clothes were tattered and torn, her golden chain broken and partially melted from the intensity of the attack and she was bleeding heavily.
"You used your body as a shield for those three brats? I don't know whether I should commend you for your bravery or chastise you for your foolishness..." Siber said, surprised himself.
"Y... you.......... b.......... bastard........." was all Celicia could utter before she collapsed... and laid still.
Immediately Future Brachi moved to her, checking for a pulse, while the three children stared at this in horror. Future Brachi stood up after a minute, her head bowed down in sadness, before looking at the others, shaking her head. At this, Anne collapsed and wailed out, deeply affected by Celicia's death.
"Oh, quit your crying; you'll be seeing her soon enough, I mean... what the hell?!" Siber said.
The group then heard the disgusting sounds of what appeared to be bones snapping and/or otherwise contorting, before a massive wave of killer intent washed over Siber. Turing to look behind them, they would see that Future Xenest had now engaged Berserker mode, as his four gargantuan energy arms sprouted from his back while Future Xenest took a more feral stance in the process. With Future Brachi securing Celicia's body and moving the three shivering children out of the way, her husband suddenly attacked.
"SIIIIIIIIIIIBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR RRR!!!!" Future Xenest roared as he raised his giant upper right arm and clobbered Siber to the far side of the room and through the wall to the outside, before chasing after him to beat the living daylights out of him.
"What?!" Siber asked as he recovered and spotted Future Xenest coming at him with a berseker fury, forcing Siber on the defensive, "How can a mere Human generate such power?!"
Granted, Siber knew he still outclassed Future Xenest by far, but he was needless to say impressed by the sudden surge of strength that his adversary now possessed, driven by his rage alone.
Judy was also crying uncontrollably, finding comfort in the arms of Gina, while Lea and Sheila both comforted Anne.
"We'll bring her back together with Brachi. That's a promise." Lea said, rubbing the back of Anne's head.
Future Brachi growled as well, but then she turned to the three children, whom she could have sworn to feel the energy levels rising...
"Celicia was only the first to fall from Siber's brutality..." Future Brachi then said...
After Siber completed his transformation to his Final Form, he saw Shonfu and Tamar, along with the newly transformed Goles, Marron Jr. and Bulma Jr. charging at him. Smirking, he moved to charge them head on... before suddenly vanishing from sight...
"Where did he go?!" Goles asked, looking around.
"Looking for someone?" A menacing voice asked, right before Goles and his sisters were kicked down to the ground.
Immediately Shonfu got in position to defend himself, while Tamar, together with Future Xenest, went to check on the children.
"So, a soldier loyal to Frieza has come to face me?" Siber then quipped in his final form...
"For your information, traitor, I have just resigned from this organization. It's become too corrupt, especially with the stunts you pulled!" Shonfu snarled.
"Oh really? Aren't you being a hypocrite right now?" Siber asked.
"Let's say that I've finally come to my senses after so many years." Shonfu snapped.
"Please, your cause is irrelevant. Once I'm done with you and your comrades, your home will be next." Siber said.
"No, that won't happen!" Shonfu said, before firing his Greater Velocity Bomb at Siber, only to his shock realizing that it did nothing.
"Nice try, but I'm now far stronger than you think." Siber said, before smacking Shonfu aside like a rag doll, before teleporting straight to where the remaining fighters were.
Piccolo immediately noticed him and charged at him, only to be smacked aside effortlessly, just as a rocket smacked into him, exploding on contact. Siber used the smoke to teleport away...
"You got him!" Anne shouted, smiling.
"No, Siber is stronger than that!" Tatsu said.
It was then that Demon Tempest sensed something close by... and saw something appearing behind Sheila!
"SHEILA, BEHIND YOU!!!" Demon Tempest warned.
Sheila blinked as she turned around, only for Siber to grab her head on the sides and snapped her neck in an instant, killing her.
"NOOOO!!!" Lea howled as she charged at Siber, only for the Arcrosian to toss Sheila's body towards the android, causing Lea to catch the still body of her lover, just as Siber fired his Magnetic Disintegrator energy wave at them, vaporizing both Sheila and Lea on the spot.
Not being finished, Siber then grabbed Sheila's rocket launcher and tossed it with great velocity towards Anne, who was hit in the side of her head, causing her to utter a single grunt as the impact killed her instantly.
Demon Tempest was now beyond himself with rage, as he suddenly spread his arms to the side and began to charge a Plasma Storm in each of his hands.
"You sick, worthless bastard! I'LL KILL YOU!" He roared as he put every ounce of energy he had in his attack.
"Is that it?" Siber asked, getting ready to attack Tempest, only for Goddess Orochi Xeno to block his path, while Judy, Gina, Tatsu and Yango bolted away from the area, taking the corpses of Celicia and Anne with them.
"RABI, GET OUT OF THERE!" Piccolo said, as the terrified Rabi was watching this display with fear, just as Future Brachi grabbed her and moved her out of harm's way.
Goddess Orochi Xeno kept Siber occupied with numerous Micro Clusters and using the Pillar Strike, right before she teleported away, revealing Demon Tempest whom finished his attack and fired it towards Siber, jumping in the air himself. Smirking, Siber prepared to reflect the attack back at Tempest, but as he touched it, the volatile fiery sphere instantly got unstable and detonated in a titanic, fiery explosion that spread outward rapidly, so much it could be seen from orbit of the planet they were on...