DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"I know what has happened here indeed..." She said, walking towards Future Brachi and the petrified corpse of Future Xenest, as if studying it, sighing sadly.

"While your actions ensured the survival of your friends, the wrath which your body had accumulated was too much for your body to contain at the time... the only time I've seen this happening before was during the relentless training to get back at that Evil Dread Saiyan... it shows your wrath is your greatest double-edged sword..." She said, looking him over.

Future Brachi sniffed, but remained silent.
"Rage is your ally. Not mine. If only I had more strength, if only I wasn't so weak." Atama said, checking on Memora.

"I suppose there's some he who fights monsters stories about this, but Xenest was a good man! He didn't deserve what happened to him!"
"He doesn't, especially after the suffering he went through..." Future Brachi said, still wiping tears away, while Dread Master Bestia stood there with her arms crossed, her expression hidden behind the facial mask she wore, but it was apparent that she too was grieving for him.

Deramas wondered why Dread Master Bestia was wearing that facial mask. Was it to simply hide behind it in a twisted charade? Was it an attempt to simply keep her own emotions to herself? Or was it as a representation of something else? Like the mask hiding the face of her former self? Someone who was once benevolent or malevolent or whose actions had changed them for the better or worse? Deramas went bug-eyed as Bestia actually proceeded to give Future Brachi a hug, allowing her to just let it all out like a mother comforting a daughter. Did this mean that Bestia and Brachi, Future and Present, had a connection somehow? Future Brachi didn't tell him the full backstory in regards to Dread Master Bestia, except for her being close to both Brachis in a strange way... He could appreciate Bestia's behavior however... even though most of the living considered him to be a vile demon, bent on making the lives of others miserable, there was still a degree of honor within Deramas himself. How else would it explain him genuinely caring for and looking after his two children Abaddon and Malia and, by all means, opposing Ruthas in any form or fashion? Deramas decided to use this time by looking over the battlefield's remains, being a solid crater within the mountain area of Fico Hydra... he could see the blackened, disintegrating remains of Ruthas, making him scowl... he could see the corpses of the fallen demons whom were struck down by the sudden rampage of Future Xenest himself and, at the far distance, the bodies of the demonic clones Ruthas had made of his children and their comrades. Scowling, he flew over to that specific group, remaining a bit in the air, just in case something would pop up, but from what he could feel so far, by all accounts, the demonic clones were all goners.

"It is just like you to prey on those vulnerable, regardless of men, women and children..." Deramas said softly, "may your soul writhe in torment forever and be paid back the suffering we went through a thousand-fold, Ruthas."

With that said, Deramas left, although he considered completely disintegrating the corpses, but decided against it as a Martian Tempest approached the area, its dual Heat-Ray Generators armed and ready.
Atama picked up Memora and looked towards Dread Master Bestia and Future Brachi, before his eyes widened and he quickly turned towards Maki.

"Maki no!" He said.
Dread Master Bestia could sense the distress which was going on with Maki and turned to her, seeing the ground eroding away as if acid affected them, while Future Brachi also saw this, despite her vision being blurred due to her tear-stricken eyes.
Suddenly, the dark aura burst open, a shockwave appearing from the bursting aura. The shockwave was soon followed by a wave of energy heading towards the Z-Fighters.

"Kill, kill... KILL!" Maki's voice could be heard, yet it sounded more sinister, a murderous tint in her tone.
Dread Master Bestia moved Future Brachi to the petrified statue of Future Xenest and put a barrier around them to protect them, before she turned towards Maki.

"What are you doing, Maki? This is not like you." She said in a calm tone. like a mother reprimanding a child.
"I have to do something, this is my fault." Atama said. He quickly turned towards Dread Master Bestia.

"Please, lend me your strength! Then I can revive Memora, who can manipulate the light! It might be the only thing that can stop her with minimal bloodshed!"
Atama looked at Memora and gave half his strength to her, causing the woman to wake up and stare lifelessly at Maki.

"Emotions. See where they get you all? Isn't it better to die and be at peace, then live and fight your sorrow?" She said empty.

"Memora..." Atama said defeated.
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