Memora looked at her Keyblade and swung it around a bit. "Normally, you can create a beam of light to unlock things but, without a heart, this empty vessel of power can't be utilized for even mundane utility. A shame too, makes things so much, less messy."
"This is known as 'ki', or life energy if you wish. Everyone here in this universe has this kind of energy, but only those who are strong or experienced enough, regardless of race, can harness and utilize it as a tool for various situations, primarily as a way to attack or defend one's self." Future Xenest said.
"The side effect of gaining the Keyblade did make my body super human. Though, like I said, I'd prefer to stick with magic. It feels more, natural, I guess."
"Of course. On top of that, those who can harness and through that gather a lot of energy can become quite strong over time. Out of all the warriors assembled, taking their situation aside, Brachi's the strongest out of all of us." He said.
Future Xenest frowned at this, but decided to let it slide for now, feeling he shouldn't press into matters which were not of his concern. Still, Memora would see the various battle scars littered all over Future Xenest's chest, belly and arms, while his back contained the more vicious ones...
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