DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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Deramas cried for his children for what appeared to be at least a solid minute, before looking at Future Brachi.

"Tell me... tell me what has happened to my children..." He said.

"I will, we'll go elsewhere in this place so we can talk..." Future Brachi said.

Deramas nodded, sniffing as he wiped a tear away, evidently shaken up by what has happened, while Future Brachi put a hand on Memora's shoulder, nodding at her.

"I know how you feel right now," Future Brachi then said, causing Deramas to look up at her in surprise, "my counterpart's children are in the same situation as your children. Even though they're of my counterpart here, I've been treating them as my own during the time I've spent with them."

Future Brachi showed Deramas the tubes containing Goles, Marron Jr. and Bulma Jr. as well as the one containing Present Brachi. Deramas could see why Future Brachi would say that, nodding at her.

"Your sympathy is appreciated." He said, before noticing Memora and nodding at her and Atama.
Atama took a step back, trying to distance himself from everyone else. Memora nodded at Deramas.

"Even a heartless can feel pain." She replied.
Future Xenest blinked through this all.

"Seeing a demon like that is new to me... I only knew that Abaddon and Malia cared a lot about each other due to being brother and sister, but seeing their father..." He said...
"There are always exceptions to the rule." Atama said.

"A king knows this. You however, are not one." He said accusingly towards Memora.

"What was that? Why lie to him?" Memora seemed on the point of anger.

"Just because I can't feel doesn't mean I don't remember what it was like to have emotions! My memory, my sense of self, that's all I have left! Every single bloody time... I just hear that mental click of what emotion to use, and I've learned how to fake them well enough. I still know what's right and what's wrong, even if I can't honestly feel it. I thought someone like you could understand me better, after all, Nobodies and Fusions, we aren't all that different. Even if you fail to see it, King." She said that last word mockingly before walking out of the room, storming off elsewhere.
Future Brachi's clone and Future Xenest blinked at this sudden exchange, remaining silent at this.

Taking Deramas to the side, Future Brachi sighed.

"I'll keep this short and to the point. What happened is that my friends and I, your children included, got embroiled in multiple fights against renegade Planet Trade Soldiers whom, despite their organization being largely in shambles and their numbers diminishing more over time, have tried to get their organization going again. The Planet Traders invaded several planets, whom requested aid in repelling the invaders. We went in to help them fight off the invaders, but on one planet, an organic world named Gyges, is where the situation went out of hand. A few Planet Trade Soldiers managed to destroy a major vessel native to the planet, which had unforeseen consequences. That vessel was presumably connected to the planet and its destruction resulted in a massive power surge which obliterated the planet. My husband and I were among the few who managed to escape, but our other friends, the very people you see here in the healing tubes, including your children were caught within the violent explosion, which was powerful enough to create a fissure in the fabric of space-time and dropping them all in this area of space sealed off from the main universe." Future Brachi said.

"I... I see..." Demaras said, clearly shaken.

"They've been here for quite some time; the first planet they landed on was an ice world named Junil IV, where the group went in a state of suspended animation due to their own injuries as well as the harsh climate of that planet. They were transported to here on Fico Hydra when a band of Planet Traders managed to destroy the Hubrin Fortress, identical to the one we're in now, on Junil IV." Future Brachi said.

"How long will it take for them to recover fully?" Deramas asked.

"That is something that I cannot answer at this time. Given their condition, it could likely take months, if not longer than that. Our only hope is to wait until their conditions are stable enough for them to be taken back to the main universe, where we will take them to a more advanced medical facility to have them properly treated." Future Brachi said.

"I understand. So they're pretty much sitting duck in a way..." Deramas said.

"Yes, and extremely vulnerable to boot. Our only hopes are that the Planet Traders who have a settlement here will leave us be... and that Ruthas stays where he belongs." Future Brachi said.

Deramas growled.

"That bastard let my children suffer under his servitude..." He said, his hand clenched in a fist, "every day I spent in that hospital... I felt as if I could hear their outcries of help... and my condition prevented me from helping them..."

"Then this is your chance to make it up for them. Help us make sure no harm will come to them." Future Brachi said.

"You won't have to ask me that twice; I'd do anything within my power to ensure my children and your friends survive... and I will show those who seek their deaths the true meaning of hell..." Deramas said, showing that he was more than willing to prove himself to be an excellent Papa Wolf over his children Abaddon and Malia.
Atama put a hand under his chin.

"I'm going to take a guess and say she wouldn't like me coming after her and apologizing. I was right in saying she's not all that she appeared to be, however."
"I know what Atama's been told. He made sure to prepare me on where I was being called into. I suppose I should ask what you want." Memora replied.
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