Deramas cried for his children for what appeared to be at least a solid minute, before looking at Future Brachi.
"Tell me... tell me what has happened to my children..." He said.
"I will, we'll go elsewhere in this place so we can talk..." Future Brachi said.
Deramas nodded, sniffing as he wiped a tear away, evidently shaken up by what has happened, while Future Brachi put a hand on Memora's shoulder, nodding at her.
"I know how you feel right now," Future Brachi then said, causing Deramas to look up at her in surprise, "my counterpart's children are in the same situation as your children. Even though they're of my counterpart here, I've been treating them as my own during the time I've spent with them."
Future Brachi showed Deramas the tubes containing Goles, Marron Jr. and Bulma Jr. as well as the one containing Present Brachi. Deramas could see why Future Brachi would say that, nodding at her.
"Your sympathy is appreciated." He said, before noticing Memora and nodding at her and Atama.
"Tell me... tell me what has happened to my children..." He said.
"I will, we'll go elsewhere in this place so we can talk..." Future Brachi said.
Deramas nodded, sniffing as he wiped a tear away, evidently shaken up by what has happened, while Future Brachi put a hand on Memora's shoulder, nodding at her.
"I know how you feel right now," Future Brachi then said, causing Deramas to look up at her in surprise, "my counterpart's children are in the same situation as your children. Even though they're of my counterpart here, I've been treating them as my own during the time I've spent with them."
Future Brachi showed Deramas the tubes containing Goles, Marron Jr. and Bulma Jr. as well as the one containing Present Brachi. Deramas could see why Future Brachi would say that, nodding at her.
"Your sympathy is appreciated." He said, before noticing Memora and nodding at her and Atama.