DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"Demons come in many appearances here..." Future Xenest said.


"You're their father?! They never told us about you..." Future Brachi asked.

"They assumed Ruthas killed me as I confronted him shortly after he had taken them to force them into his servitude. It's been quite a touchy subject for them and as such avoided talking about it openly. I honestly was near death's door, but a few of my friends managed to recover me and had me treated. It took me a long time to recover due to the severity of my injuries, but I fought on for survival, hoping to one day see them again." Deramas replied.

"I see." Future Brachi said.

"So how come they came to you?" Deramas asked.

"Ruthas kidnapped a dear friend of ours, a counterpart of myself to be precise, and Abaddon and Malia came to us to help in retrieving her. They revealed that they escaped during a massive riot which took place in a conflict which invloved a race of Arcrosians, or Frost Demons if you prefer, and others from the Planet Trade Organization whom had been working together with Ruthas and crossed our paths. Ruthas managed to capture all of us and made us live through some of our worst fears, but in the end we managed to escape and defeat Ruthas." Future Brachi replied.

"I see." Deramas said, satisfied with that explanation.
"Things are sometimes not what they seem. Like Memora." Atama replied to Future Xenest.
Where are my children now?" Deramas asked.

Future Brachi sighed.

"They're here on this planet, being treated along with their friends in a purple floating fortress at some distance from here. They're alive, but only barely..." She replied.

Gasping at this, Deramas grew serious.

"Please, take me to see them..." He said, technically pleading in a way.

"Very well, but I ask you that you do nothing of the kind to disturb them; their condition is stable for now, but any serious disturbance can end it all for them and the others." Future Brachi said.

"I will do nothing of that kind." Deramas said, nodding.

"Very well, hold onto my shoulder." Future Brachi said.

Blinking, Deramas did so, right as Future Brachi teleported herself and Deramas into the Hubrin Fortress.
Memora's eyes looked upwards in reply.

"You're thinking of trying to replicate that with magic, aren't you?" Atama asked.

"Seems like a Keyblade kind of thing to do, ya know?" She replied.
"During the brief period I had my heart and the Keyblade, I could tell that was the path for me. The path of a magic knight. Thank you for the offer, but I'm certain I can duplicate the effect." Memora replied.
Deramas looked around, surprised at seeing the many individuals, most of them female, in such tubes together, hooked on wires and an oxygen mask on their faces, but as Future Brachi took him to specific tubes, containing the two the demon was looking for, he gasped out... and fell onto his knees, his voice shaking.

"Abaddon... my son... Malia... my daughter... what has happened to you, my children?" Deramas asked in a shaky voice while, to Future Brachi's own surprise, he began to shed tears.

This made Future Brachi realize that, regardless of Deramas being a demon, he genuinely loved his children and wanted them to be free from Ruthas' control from the moment he had taken them. Although she could respect him caring for his offspring, seeing him doing it so openly was foreign territory for her, so she remained silent until being addressed, not used to seeing a demon cry and expressing their grief for seeing someone close to them in such a situation. It subconsciously caused her to shed a tear of her own, the sight of the counterparts of her friends and (especially) her own children not helping her in the slightest.
Atama reached out for the poor demon, but Memora walked over to him.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" She said, almost genuine care in her voice.
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