Future Brachi watched over the group still healing within their tubes after she sent out a clone to help some of the Hubrin recover, whom appreciated the gesture, which proved the genuinety of their alliance. A few Hubrin medics then came in the room to check on the group themselves, which attracted Brachi's attention. She remained silent as the Hubrin went on with their work, while sending a second clone out to keep watch on the outside of the Fortress.
"Interesting..." A Hubrin then remarked.
"What is it?" Future Brachi asked.
"I'm picking up fluctuations within their brain wave patterns. Their hearts appear to have stabilized to a degree, which are pumping oxygen back into the brains, but their brain patterns appear to be shifting... it's as if their mental state has been affected differently, or are currently still locked away... I cannot fully determine what exactly is causing this, so we need to keep a close eye on them." He said.
"Interesting..." A Hubrin then remarked.
"What is it?" Future Brachi asked.
"I'm picking up fluctuations within their brain wave patterns. Their hearts appear to have stabilized to a degree, which are pumping oxygen back into the brains, but their brain patterns appear to be shifting... it's as if their mental state has been affected differently, or are currently still locked away... I cannot fully determine what exactly is causing this, so we need to keep a close eye on them." He said.