DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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At first, Future Brachi seemed to pull back, but only a few seconds later, everything froze for a brief moment. From out of nowhere, something powered up as a golden-yellow sphere was being charged in the far distance, before it was directed towards Siber himself, exploding in the center. But as this happened, a sphere above the group appeared and seemed to grow and grow, engulfing the entire area until with a loud explosion, it dissipated.

Now, four figures had appeared and stood among the group of heroes and they looked exactly like Brachi and Xenest... but instead of one Brachi, there were THREE, each of them in their Mystic Android forms. The fourth person was Xenest, whom also had grown a bit, but seemed to lack wearing the top part of his gi, wearing nothing but his pants and his boots, leaving him bare chested. However, both the Brachis as well as Xenest looked nothing like their normal forms though... the skin color of the four was a total dark gray, while the hair, clothes and base of the shoes were a ghastly white, the shoes themselves were an ominous black. But the most striking feature were their eyes, their eyes were a piercing golden-yellow, their expressions being that of near-total insanity with rage. This was also reflected into their power, which seemed to have a constant shared flow between the four, putting them at an even higher strength that they've ever been before. Another striking thing is that both of them had scars all over their bodies, even though they were more visible with the male of the group, as the scars were mostly hidden on the females because of the ghastly white fur on their bodies. This was the form unique to Future Brachi and Future Xenest, known as Infinity Brachinion. Future Xenest started the assault by unleashing a cluster of dark-golden spheres at Lucifer.
Maki backed off when the others started their assault, quickly casting away Angelbane as to dissipate the demonic energy. Her hair was rather dull compared to a few moments ago and her eyes changed from blue to purple. She was halfway into her full fledged fallen angel transformation.

"Now this is more like it, you half-wits! Now I can show my true power! ... Alas, not yet... I'll save the surprise for later. Tata for now, Z-Fighters!" Lucifer laughed as he disappeared into thin air, a lack of his energy signature leaving him unable to be tracked to wherever he went.
"No.. I don't think that was cowardice. He has a surprise, a power up so powerful that even we probably can't match up to it." Maki spoke to the others. "He'll be back sooner or later."
"Certainly. We need the others for when Lucifer comes back. This new form I believe he has will most likely make Ruthas look like a bug in comparison, and I've heard the horror stories from Oriko." Maki shivered as she spoke, recalling what Oriko told her after he got back from the Revan incident.

"Father sure is a truly fearsome man.." Oralie spoke to herself.
Future Brachi took the group back in the healing chamber in the Hubrin Fortress, sighing as the group they found was still in their healing tanks, unresponsive to everything so far...

"I only hope he'll be ready next time we see him..." Future Xenest said.

Future Brachi herself remained silent, although she did wonder how it all had come to this. It pained her to see her counterpart, along with her family and friends, considered to be a group of the strongest fighters of their worlds and perhaps their universe, to be rendered so vulnerable because of a planet's destruction... she knew the group could have very well died on the spot; they would have either been vaporized by the destruction of Gyges, suffocated in the vacuum of space or perhaps frozen to death in the barren ice wastelands of Junil IV. The fact that a contingent of Hubrin had managed to discover and treat the group was a miracle by itself.

And then those cursed Planet Trade Soldiers... why were they doing this? Was it another attempt to bring Siber back or avenge him in some way? Regardless of the reason, who was pulling the strings? Was it someone fiercely loyal to that cursed Arcrosian or was it someone in close relationship to him? Why was that Frost Demon even haunting them in the first place?! He was clearly defeated, outright destroyed even and his source of power - and through that a primary method of his resurrection - taken away and also disposed of... so why were forces - as small as they might be - still out trying to avenge him in some way? What else did that honorless Ha'DIbaH leave behind as some twisted form of 'legacy'? Would there even be a way to ensure that worthless petaQ would be forgotten by the sands of time?! These were questions which raged within Future Brachi's mind as she gazed upon the tube containing her counterpart, her face looking as if she was peacefully asleep within a healing tank, with the Hubrin monitoring their vital functions with the greatest of cares. It was through this that Future Brachi noticed that Brachi, as well as the others each, regained a pulse of life visible through their heart monitor... it was a weak signal, indicating that their hearts were still in the process of 'restarting' as if someone had been using a defibrilator on them... but it was at least stable and slowly and surely showing signs of becoming stronger. But Future Brachi was no fool; there was still the danger that lingered around in regards to the brains... only time would tell when the group would recover... all they need to play was akin to an agonizingly long adaptation of the waiting game... with only fate deciding when it would end... this definitely wasn't a process to be taken lightly; and with the Anomaly itself being cut off from normal space meant that reaching Earth or New Namek in order to use the Dragon Balls was most definitely out of the question.

Future Brachi decided to sit against a wall, looking gloomy herself... this definitely wasn't the first time she had ever felt so helpless... she remembered all too well what that cursed Evil Dread Saiyan Vegetto Jr. did to her husband, their children and their friends... and yet even this situation remained somehow foreign to her. The group was alive, that much was certain... but stuck in what appeared to be between a comatose state and suspended animation, slowly being brought back into that comatose state... she wouldn't know how long it would possibly take for the group's revalidation process... it could definitely take months... perhaps even years... it all depended on the medical facilities that could be utilized to bring them back. She prayed to Kami above that the Martians had their technology more than ready to assist in this, as compared to that of Earth's, the Martian's technology was far more superior and she would have to rely on them to do their part once the condition of the group was stable enough to carefully begin the trip home... but until then...
Maki was busy healing herself with light energy, her eyes and hair slowly reverting back to its original color.
Future Xenest decided to meditate himself to calm his own mind, relaxing visibly as his form had gone back to normal. He couldn't help but shiver as he sensed something was definitely wrong out here... even though Fico Hydra seemed relatively peaceful, there was still the danger of the Planet Traders with their colony, although they have so far kept themselves to themselves strangely enough and the Martians were keeping a close watch on them on their side.
"That was too close..." Maki spoke to herself as she finished healing herself.


"What do you mean, the other fragment isn't there?!" Lucifer yelled at a demon across from him, who shivered.

"I'm dearly sorry, my lord, but the fragment just 'woosh'! Up amd gone. I have no idea where it went!"

"There are no excuses here... I want that fragment found NOW!" Lucifer shot back. "If you fail to do so, there will be GRAVE consequences..."
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