"What?!" Future Xenest as he and Future Brachi sped off right away, heading for the pointed direction as the passed by the Martian Base. Their presence was immediately noticed by the resident Martian units whom were still guarding the place, causing a unit of Martian Flying Machines to join the two in their search, passing over the mountain to a nearby Martian settlement which had formerly a small outpost of the Planet Trade Organization, but had been destroyed many years ago by the Martians themselves.
Passing over the mountain areas, they finally came across the Hubrin Fortress which had been detected, which looked like it had been locked into a crevice within the passageway of the mountain area around.
"This is it, the anti-proton readings here are on the same level as it had been on Taal." Future Xenest said.
"But that dark energy?! Where did that come from?" Future Brachi asked.
"I don't know, but it's DEFINITELY not Hubrin, Taubat, Martian or even from the Planet Trade Soldiers." Future Xenest said.
Passing over the mountain areas, they finally came across the Hubrin Fortress which had been detected, which looked like it had been locked into a crevice within the passageway of the mountain area around.

"This is it, the anti-proton readings here are on the same level as it had been on Taal." Future Xenest said.
"But that dark energy?! Where did that come from?" Future Brachi asked.
"I don't know, but it's DEFINITELY not Hubrin, Taubat, Martian or even from the Planet Trade Soldiers." Future Xenest said.