DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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Atama unsheathed his weapon.

"Blast, forgot I had some wounds I should've gotten take of. Forget them, for they are, minor." He said, before dashing off to engage the soldiers, opening with a slash aimed at one's neck.
Future Brachi powered up herself, while Future Xenest snorted as he clocked another contingent of Siber Soldiers approaching the Hubrin Fortress, after they managed to take down its defense turrets.

"You worthless petaQs don't know when to bloody stop, do you?!" Future Xenest snarled, as he got ready to defend the Hubrin Fortress.
The Soldiers all bravely yet foolishly retaliated with Future Brachi proceeding to go Mystic Android to keep the edge of the battle on her side, although she did not have the Six-Arms ability which her normal counterpart had at her disposal...
Future Xenest performed Xeno's Return to Nothingness attack, summoning a bright light from the sky which vanished after a few seconds just as quick as it came, but had the desired effect of sending a group of enemy soldiers flying.
Atama grunted, firing two thin beams of darkness, one white and the other black, piercing through soldiers it connected with.

"Final's Focus! Or Finality Ray!"
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