DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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Atama caught the orb in his hand and adsorbed it back into himself.

"I know what it's like to see a younger version of yourself. I am a strange creature."
"It's strange to see a counterpart with a horrific future averted, only to become victim to events unforeseen..." Future Brachi said.

"True, the same can be said for the counterparts of my fusees and those of our friends." Future Xenest said.
"It's, strange. Solarians thrive from sunlight and heat. Yet... After becoming a being of Darkness, the cold feels more natural then the light." Atama said.
"Yes. Yes it is. Funny how, just much life depends on stars. If it weren't for them, nothing would exist. Well, at least, humanity, and Solarians." Atama mused.
"I know of a single shadow based life form. And even then, it was created by a human, and it bonded with my DNA. So in all actuality, even then it still couldn't exist." Atama said. "My brother."
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