DBZ: Anomalous Past for the Future

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"Anything for a friend. That's why he said to me right before I was, created." Atama said bitterly laughing.
"I always hated any dark energy like demonic energy, my universe being a place where darkness represents pure evil. However, after encountering the Z-Fighters, specifically the one named Haribu, my mindset on darkness only being evil changed somewhat. That doesn't change the fact that I don't like utilizing the demonic energy I now have in my possession, though..." Maki held up her hand and a small, dark-purple flame emerged. She quickly put out the small fire as fast as she had formed it.

"When I was still stuck home, father's servants taught me that light was the root of all evil.... Though I realized later that they were lying...." Oralie spoke softly, not wanting to speak much.
"It depends on how you look at them," Future Xenest said, "We are no evil beings and fight against those whom wish to bring harm to innocent people, especially our loved ones, despite me using demonic powers of my own. Yet we're not too happy with the forces of light either, especially the deities for having forsaken us in our time of need. Orchestrated or not, it was through their inactions that we became what we are now. The scars on our bodies are reminders of the harsh battles we fought, the struggles we faced and the suffering we had to endure to regain what we had lost.
Atama created a small orb of Darkness and threw it up into the air like a snow ball.

"It's just something I've had many years to think about, when my brother, Ultima, sought to destroy with the light. When Solaris' entire function was to destroy with the light. Yet the Shadow, Paradox, they sought to destroy with the Darkness."
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