Cowboys and Dragons

May says to Nevada "lest see if we all make it back before we plan any celebrations Sandy (our characters not introduced themself)."

May thinks "ok how did those two survive without such basic survival skills. Lest hope those two are good in a fight." May asks Silence "How can we read something on the move or not able to be looked at?" Pointing out the fact that Nevada has the map.
Emilia scoffed as Excalik called her tall and asked if she had ancient books back in her home.

“I am tall, not old…”

Myopic neanderthal…

Emilia shook her head at the remark but knew she had to get along with Excalik and Nevada if they were to complete the mission with their lives. It was obvious that she had a hard time getting along with others.

As the group arrived at the gate, Emilia was happy to see the outside for once. Even as Silence explained that they would not send back up, Emilia was okay with that. For the most part, despite her cold ways, she did trust that the group was competent enough to defend themselves.

Emilia took her first steps into the thick and dense forest, taking in the fresh air of the outside. Every step she took was calculated, and her dress never once snagged on a twig or branch. Even the way she walked was poised and graceful.

“The outside world smells divine… Such a moment should be cherished, and, perhaps, enjoyed with a cup of chamomile and peppermint tea, with a side of biscuits and jam…” Emilia cleared her throat, clearing her mind of the distractions. “I do believe we must find the pond and slay any dragons inhabiting the area.”
"Not at all? My sister taught me to read newspapers and stuff, but that's 'cause she's the one running the family farm. A cryin' shame, those Sunday funnies are a hoot and a holler! Specially the one about a fat cat."

As they traveled further out, Nevada squinted out at the sight of the slash-marks appearing along the trees out in the distance, giving an impressed whistle. "Well alrighty. If I don't come back, tell my sis n' cousin Mel to grab the savings from my shack. They know where to look."

He cocked his head to the side when Amy addressed him, stuttering a bit since he was still intimidated by her quietly obstinate presence. "U-uh, you talkin' to me? My name's Nevada..." he trailed off as he realized he was too short to read the dog tags she was wearing. "Sorry, I don't think I caught your name Miss. We could go lookin' for footprints or burnt grass. Can't be much harder than trackin where a cow wandered off if the Rookies can't fly yet."
“That’s the right idea,” Silence praised Nevada, “Once you arrived at the pond, search for something burnt or overly large footprints. Go from there.”

Silence kept it short as the group continued walking away from the town as the gate closed in on them. There was nothing more that needed to be said.

Once the gate was closed, the gatekeeper asked the question to the Cowboy leader. “You didn’t bother with names this time.”

Silence turned his head slightly to the gatekeeper with a dejected look on his face. “There’s no need if they die. If they do survive their mission, I’ll take consideration of knowing their names.”

“Aren’t they capable hunters though? A few of them had a good record.”

“Not enough. Killing rookies isn’t that much of a big deal. Even a Mature Dragon isn’t that impressive.” Silence started to walk away. “Every punk with a gun can claim victories over them. But that doesn’t defeat the Dragons—these were solo kills. Group ones are the hardest to gauge… since they’re the leading cause of deaths for these Cowboys.”

The Outside of Novissime

“Newspaper?! If I want to know the news, I’ll watch the Telly!” Excalik turned back after the gate closed in on them. “That old bastard still distant as ever. He didn’t even say goodbye to us…” The bandaged cowboy realized that they hadn’t properly introduced themselves to one another after Amy called Nevada by a different name.

“Bastard didn’t even let us introduce to each other.” Excalik pointed to himself. “Names Excalik. Been doing this gig for a few years now since this is the fastest away to make some money.” He smirks. “And so far, it’s sweet. Plenty of beautiful women once I get paid, haha!”

The group would continue to venture out to the pond based on the map. The map was simply a simple map. It had the general area—Novissime including many escape routes, and the partials areas of the outside. Anything beyond that was unmarked and uncharted, with a little warning at the top: Any attempts to travel further than what’s stated on this map… will lead to instant death. Do not travel further than instructed.

To a person who cannot read, it may cause some confusion, hence Silence marking trees. But to experienced person, it is as simple as following the path to the pond. From there, there were several red markings around the pond on the map. It was sloppy drawings of animals with red x all over them. It seems to indicate that they were targeted as food by the Dragons and if you close in on the animals, you may find clues of where they hovered about.

There was another marking on the map as well. Hard caves near the pond with blue x written on top. It seems to indicate that Dragons may wander but there isn’t enough information to report. White markings just slightly ways away from the ponds indicate that there were “noises” that sound like Dragons, but too far away to make proper confirmation. And lastly, green markings that spread just slightly around the pond to showcase hat, despite being spotted, the Dragons hadn’t come any interactions with the pond itself. They were primarily focused on the farm animals.
Amy asks Excalik "We are not introducing ourselves to him so way would it matter if he does not wish to lesion? We are introducing ourselves to each other, so we know what to call each other." Amy says, "With that stated my name is Amy Hunter."

May looks for a likely spot that the dragons may strake next or a place where they may setup their nests. May thinks "so way is it that the dragons not wanting to deal with the pond itself?"
As Emilia wondered with the group, her eyes trailed to the map in Nevada’s hand, peering over it and examining the markings. While she was no expert in tracking or finding Dragons, she figured that they needed to approach the mission with caution. Without saying a word, she snatched the map from Nevadas’s hands, holding it above his head. Thanks to her towering height, it was well out of Neveda’s reach.

“Hm. There are many markings on the map.” Emilia said, not batting an eye to Nevada, Excalik, or Amy. “Maybe we should head to the caves. It’s not too far off from the pond we need to check out. With some luck, we can find the dragons sleeping and attack them with no problem.”

Emilia said proudly and confidently before handing the map back to Nevada. This woman was very proud, if not arrogant; almost like a tough shell to crack. Even as everyone began to introduce themselves, she remained reserved, quiet, and poised. The Lady opened her gorgeous parasol to shield herself from the sun, turning her back to the others but waiting for them. Perhaps she isn’t as cold as she makes herself out to be.

“However, that’s my idea. You are welcomed to refute my suggestion in favor of a less intelligent one.”
“Hey, who made you leader, Mountain Lady? Shouldn’t the one who killed the most Dragons be leading this operation?” Excalik didn’t like how Emilia just snatched the map from Nevada’s hands. Didn’t help with Emilia acting all high and mighty—they barely just met!

“…Gonna be a long one. If we’re heading in the cave, don’t we need a lighter or something?” He dug around his pockets briefly. “Crap, I left most of my gear at home.”
"Well, er, uh... there's just one little detail y'oughta know if we're gonna go with that," Nevada left the map to Amy since he still didn't quite find much use in it with all the symbols around. "I switched to a grenade launcher after the whole kerfuffle with my eye since y'know, you don't really need to aim with it. It could work on them if I time it perfectly, but I wouldn't want to be cramped in a tiny cave with em once the explosions start. If they don't start spittin' fire everywhere they're going to head straight for the exit. Dunno if you want all of us in the cave at once."
Amy says "you do make a fair point Nevada. We should know what our weapon is of choice before making more detailed plans. I don't know what bandages or rich girl's weapon of choice (Excalik and Emilia)." Amy says "with that stated I use an automatic raffle."

Amy thinks as she looks at the map "We could ambush at one the hunting sights. That could let us use Nevata's weapon safely." Amy seems to be making a plan "If their weapons are more inclined for caves then we could depend on things use Nevata as a way to inshore no dragon escape."
[Sorry for the delay! I'll try my best to continue this RP!]

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. No reason to hide what I use..." Excalik pulled out a dagger. It was rusty and chipped, indicating that it was used a lot. It wasn't long, barely an arm's length. What's notable is the girth--it it very thick despite its size. "It's nothing special, but does the job." Putting away his dagger, Excalik crossed his arms. "Yeah, getting in a cave with someone with literal explosives... I'm planning on living to my old age, you know? I don't want to become a crispy critter. I say we just go check out the bond and leave the cave for last."
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