Cowboys and Dragons


The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015
Cowboys and Dragons

Premise: Dragons, mankind’s natural predator. They’ve waged war against humanity for centuries, hoping to lay waste of the lands and occupy their territory. Despite the constant threat of destruction by powerful winged beasts, humanity eventually found the Dragon’s weakness. Known as Ignis, if a Dragon hit by it will have their blood turned into pure flames, burning them from the inside. Thus, armed with special Ignis weapons, a group of warriors came to defend humanity against these wretched Dragons. They are known as Cowboys. Brave people who take the risk into venturing outside their home and hunt Dragons.

Novissime is the last remaining land where humans occupied as the world is controlled by Dragons. While there are Dragon stragglers who often come to attack the land, it was left untouched for unknown reasons, thus allowing humanity to prosper. They have a Guild that allows people to venture out into the unknown and hunt Dragons that come close to their territory.

Story: Silence, the leader of the Cowboys, had an important mission. There were reports that Dragons are seen near the borders of Novissime. He wishes for it to be terminated immediately and bring back its remains for study.

  • You can only play as 1 character.
  • You can only pick 1 weapon (that includes grenades, bombs, etc.)
  • Your characters cannot use magic.
  • Your characters are 100% human.
  • All your characters are age 21+
  • Be courteous to other players; do not metagame, make your characters have extensive knowledge, etc.
In the Cowboys Guild, Silence was sitting on his chair with one hand a whiskey bottle and the other an approval stamp. He was large man, dark skin, and stoic face. He is hardly the speaking type despite his position as leader of the Cowboys.

He just received a report of Dragon sightings near Novissime. Taking a large sip of whiskey, the man nodded and pressed a button near him. “Attention: We have sightings near Novissime to the East. Report to my office immediately if you’re interested.” His voice was soft but raspy at the same time. “Of course, you’ll be awarded handsomely if you take on this mission.”
"More dragons? Ugh, quite unpleasant."

A woman said to herself as she twirled her elegant and expensive parasol. She wore a graceful dress, just barely above her ankles. This woman held herself properly, almost like a noble, and she definitely was quite... pompous. The vibe she gave off was that of the 1930s, even partially how she spoke.

"But that reward does sound desirable. Perhaps I can use it to buy a new pearl necklace..."

The woman knocked on the door to Silence's office with a black lace glove, clearing her throat.

"Excuse me, sir? I would like to acquire the information to slay these detestable lizards."
“Ms. Morrison,” Silence recognized her voice. “You may come on.” Placing the bottle of whiskey on the desk, the old man cleared his throat. Despite his status, his office was a cluttered mess. Paperwork everywhere and filing cabinets so full that drawers are unable to close all the way. The only saving grace was that it did not smell foul. At the very least, he kept the place to smell decent.

“You know… I’m still surprised that you are employed with the guild. Not many people stick around after encountering a dragon or two. Especially someone from a background like yourself.” Silence shifts through the paper to find the exact mission. “Take a seat.”

In the room, there was another person sitting on the chair. In contrast to Morrison’s elegant style, this man was dirty. He was wrapped up in bandages—only his eyes exposed. He wore a torn-up cowboy hat and dirty boots. “Heya,” the man waved to Morrison. “My name is Excalik! You look rich! You’re lost or something?”
There were a pair of clunky footsteps crossing the floorboards that grew closer to Silence's office, each step with a resounding clink of boot spurs. Appearing in the doorway was a person of rather... short stature compared to the others. Like Excalik, he also sported rather raggedy clothing that contrasted Ms. Morrison's attire. Even his wide-brim hat had bullet holes and scorch marks on the brim of it. It cast a shadow across his face so he tilted it upwards to show his face. It was a man with long scruffy black hair and prickly stubble peppering his otherwise babyfaced features. His left eye seemed bandaged up and obscured by an overgrown hank of hair from his shaggy fringe.

"Howdy howdy. Heard y'all are fixin to go out on a hunt soon, thought I'd join in," he said, dusting off his poncho and scattering desert sand on the floor. "I don't think I seen y'all before since I took a break from huntin' for a hot minute. Name's Nevada." He looked at Ms. Morrison's outfit with a confused expression. He never saw ladies that fancy very often. "You like gunslingin'? Ain't you worried about gettin' all that dirty?"
Emilia sat down and placed her large parasol on her lap. She did not seem to pay too much attention to Excalik or Nevada. In her hand, she had a small hand purse that she opened and dug around for a moment before pulling out two dainty handkerchiefs, each one having her initials on them. With a coy gesture, she handed the handkerchiefs to Excalik and Nevada.

“I can assure you two, I am not lost. Getting dirty, however, is something I much dislike if it’s from the filthy hands of… those I suspect that have not bathed.” Emilia did not look at the two men. “Here, if you are to touch me, use my handkerchief, I’ve plenty more.”

Emilia then turned back to Silence.

“Continue, sir.”
A woman thinks "I gest I can earn a bit of cash." The woman clothing is ruff and around her neck are dog tags(Name" Hunter Amy") but there is a since about her that indicates EX-military of some kind.

Amy simply enters the office with the measured steps. She looks at both Emilia and Nevada with an apprizing eye. She thinks "so some rich girl and some one that loves sand too much."
“I resent that statement!” Excalik rejected Emilia’s offering. “I’ll have you know that I’ve bathe 3 times this month.” He crossed his arms in annoyance.

Nevada and Amy entering the room drew the man’s attention. “Who let this pipsqueak in here? I didn’t know they lowered the age requirement for Dragon hunting.” The dog tag around Amy caught his interest the most, but simply showed Excalik’s contempt.

“Nevada is an adult despite his appearance. He’d done several missions when he’s active. I’ve trusted his skills as genuine.” Silence was surprised to see a former military person joining the guild, since the nation’s military was largely diminished. They barely had enough to even be considered a sizable force.

Clearing his throat, Silence pulled up paperwork that enclosed everything about the mission. “Looks like we got a sizable group. I’ll go over the contents of the mission, let me know if you have any questions.”

[There are several sightings of Dragons lurking around the border of Novissime on the east side. About 3 Rookie Dragons and 1 Mature Dragon as their leader. Please exterminate them because there’s a local pond that’s home to great vegetation and animals. If we’re unable to access them, it’ll put a dent to our supply.]
"Well I guess that makes sense for a lady..." Nevada conceded, though Emilia's implied comment seemed to go over his head that she also referred to him as one of the dirty types. He took hold of her handkerchief with a curious eye at the initials. Em? Ee Em? Either way he figured it was nice to have something soft to get the sweat off him. Better than that old rag he used to clean guns with.

"Hey! Who are you callin' pipsqueak, Mummy?" He retorted with a raised eyebrow. "Toilet paper's expensive 'round here for you to be wrapped up in it like that, stinky!"

The ranger quieted at the sound of footsteps, peering up to see Hunter Amy towering nearby. Nevada felt a bit intimidated by her piercing gaze, scooting a bit closer to Emilia as though Amy might gut him like a fish for looking at him funny. "W-well I suppose we can lure out the rookies out from the pond and pick them off first."
May thinks looking at Excalik "Hear I was thinking that we were not bring the wounded to a hunt." Not caring how Excalik was looking at her or how Nevada reacted to her.

May asks "do we have specifics besides that we have 3 Rookie Dragons and 1 Mature Dragon? Do we have a map of the area were to hunt?"
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