
Granted but you spend it with me on my birthday instead! 8D

I wish I didn't have school this week
~ Z ~ said:
Granted but all your socks have holes in them.
What makes you think they dont already?
LoopyPanda said:
Granted but you spend it with me on my birthday instead! 8D
Loopy, you dont have to force your mother to come to your birthday, besides, she is too old to undertand your new trends.  :P

Granted, but now when you do jump, it is as if you have read a scroll of Icarian flight....Plz get that joke.

I wish for less random bloody nose...
Not how that works man, I dint get bloody noses from seeing breasts man, that's for Freak to do, besides the fanservice is always too far fetched anyways.

Granted, but you must listen to Blind Melons - No Rain first to get in the mood for rain, dont worry, Ill be doing the same (Rain is great)

I wish for a better great escape (seriously, listen to the aforementioned song!)
Granted, but you can only draw shine (because you had shine in your wording).

I wish I knew why I hang around so many anti-puritans...
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