Attack on Titan: Modern Day

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Seto quickly jumped out the window and landed on his two feet. It looked like some ninja type stuff. He quickly started running towards the direction of his dorm.

"Gotta find that thing really quick."

"What the f*ck? It's like a two story drop. I'll break something." Angel looked out the window. He then looked back at giants continued to tear through the building. He jumped out the window.

"Ouch. Damn it." he said as he stood up rubbing his behind. He started running. 

"Gotta find my car."
Dyomi took a second to look back at the danger before jumping out the window. She landed a bit rough but she was fine overall. She wondered if the other students would jump or if it was already too late. Regardless, she seemed a bit frantic and looked at Zyster.

"What are we gun' do?!" Dyomi looked up at the broken window. "We gotta call the Police!"
Zyster landed on the bushes from below. He struggled to get up, but still able to move around. "Calling the police? That might be a good id-" Zyster turns around to see a bunch of police vechiles being thrown around by these giants; the a handful cops tried shooting the giants but the sheer amount of the giants surrounded them and devoured them. 

"I don't think we can do anything, I'm getting the hell out of here, I now that's for sure." Zyster shouted. "You want to follow me, I urge you to make that decision quick." Zyster stand up and ran heads towards the parking lot. "I hope my car is still there....!" 

About two titans seen Angel running. The sheer expression that bore on their faces showcase their lust of rage and destruction and begun their pursuit towards Angel. There roars echos across the university as the screams reminisced in the background.
"Incoming!" Ximena shoved Natalia through the opening before jumping herself. By her luck, Ximena hit a nearby dumpster. "Ouch, my butt...." 

Natalia also landed in the bushes, opening her eyes with a struggle. "Huh?"

"No time to explain! Get up!" Ximena dragged her off the bushes and started to make a run for it to catch up with the others. "The cops won't do anything with those things!"
Dyomi followed Zyster, calling Ximena and Natalia over so they can tag along too. She felt her heart move to her throat by how nervous she was. She knew, at this point, these monsters are not friendly or nice looking. It was all so sudden to her but her instinct told her to run.

"These monsters..." She whispered to herself as she followed Zyster. "W-What ARE these monsters?!"
Angel looked back and his eyes widened.

"Mierda, mierda, mierda!" he said to himself as he started running faster. He could see the parking lot in view.


Seto ran inside his dorm and shut the door. He was breathing heavily.

"Alright, just gotta find that old thing and get on my way."

He started searching in his closet and dug through a bunch of stuff. He eventually found a katana in its sheath.

"Yes!" he said as he put on his back. "Now I just need to find my car asap."
"D-don't ask me, I really don't have a clue what the fuck is going on!" Zyster began to sweat himself for the moment. He didn't want to believe that the dream he had was true. What if it is true? It's going to resulted in the same way it happen again.. He noticed that Angel was being chased by the two titans. "Angel? How the- never-mind that.." Zyster shouted his name. "ANGEL! OVER HERE!"

The Titans were rearing on close to Angel; one of them managed to leap towards Angel like a lion towards it's prey.
"Oh no!" Dyomi closed her eyes while she watched the Titans go after Angel. She didn't know what to expect but she tried to think of something to get the attention of the Titan. She looked on the floor and picked up a rock and tossed it over to a car, causing the alarm to flare off.

"That should get the attention of those...monsters for a while while we try to escape!" Dyomi turned to Zyster. "You haf'a car, right?! Use it!"
Ximena was looking in multiple directions for an alleyway to try and run through away from the monsters, but her fear wouldn't let her focus. Natalia was occupied with trying to make sense of anything going on as she recovered from her fainting stupor.
The Titans overheard the alarms that went off from the other direction, turning their attention to the vehicle.

"Oh shit.. it actually wor-" XZyster stopped himself to respond to Dyomi's question. "Y-yeah.. I have a car. It shouldn't be that far from here." Zyster went to the other direction. "Come on and move it while they're distracted!"
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