Attack on Titan: Modern Day

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Natalia remained staring out towards the windows in the classroom. is it storming? I didn't bring my umbrella...

Ximena didn't notice the noise due to her ears ringing out of pure nervousness. Everything on the test paper looked like gibberish to her.

I have no idea what any of this is.... She sweated. Maybe I should wait a little bit before pretending to puke?... actually, I think I might puke right now...
Seto heard the loud noise but thought it was nothing. He to focus on the test.

Someone's having a party. Angel smirked as he continued to put down random answers.
The teacher didn't move for a moment as the "roaring-like sound" continues and then, cease. She once again cleared her throat as she turns to the student. "Could be a large animal outside or the sort, but nevermind that.." 

Zyster raised a brow. That was definitely not an animal. Perhaps I'm overthinking.. I didn't crammed the books all night..

The teacher once again turned and faced the students. "Alright, once again, you may begin your te-"

From the ceiling above the student, each side was broken in by two large hands, tearing through the walls as it was being lifted. Toss aside, an giant arm reached in and placed it's arm on the ground. It's head emerge from all the rubble that came from what was originally a ceiling, sporting a sinister smile towards the student. 

The teacher turned but couldn't even move a muscle. A sheer force of silent sweep throughout the room.
Dyomi looked up at the figure staring down at them. She didn't know what to do or even how to react. Was this real or fake? She couldn't tell at first. When the silence grew, she realized that the rumbling noise of the falling debris was no lie. To her surprise, she wasn't actually the first one to scream. One of the students began to scream at the top of their lungs, causing a panic in the classroom.

"W-What is dat?!What da' hell is dat?!"
Out of pure fright of the deafening screeching of the structure being ripped wide open, Natalia saw what had done it and screamed. Immediately she hid under the desk in panic. "J-just what is that!?"

"What the fuck is that thing!?!?" Ximena shouted, but the screaming and pabic around her drove out her voice.
Screams streamed across the room, as the giant continue to smile. In a swift instant, the giant grabbed the teacher, tightening her as he pulled his hand towards his mouth. He slowly opens as the teacher is flailing around, crying and screaming as she grows closer to it's mouth; then in a instant, it close it's mouth, chomping the teacher in half as the blood spills across the room. 

Zyster narrowed his eyes, in horror. "What the fuck..!?" 

One of the student stood. "I'm getting the fuck out of here!" as he ran towards the doorway. The others followed suited but it seems to cramped the door. 

Multiple loud noises can be heard, it seems to be sounds of footsteps.
"Yep, definitely got too wasted last night." Angel said as he stood up from his desk and backed away into a wall. He was scared sh*tless.

Seto couldn't believe it. What kind of monstrosity was this? 

Those guys are cramming the doorway. Guess that's why they told us to be in single file line back in school. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the window. Perfect.

He then heard the footsteps. Where were they coming from?
Dyomi noticed the crowd near the door and quickly tried to think up something that might get them out. She stared at the window and instantly gripped her chair. She tossed it out the window, breaking it. She didn't know how long the fall might be but she stared at the others who didn't rush at the door.

"C'mon now! Don't stand 'dere! Move it!"
Ximena ran through her row of the desks before seeing Natalia cowering under one. 

"Move your ass! They'll step on you!" She shouted, before realizing the girl had passed out. "Dammit."

Ximena knew Natalia since they shared the same dorm building. Even though Natalia was taller than her, she slung her arm over her shoulders. There was no point trying to get though the mass of bodies by the door, so she followed Dyomi's lead instead. "Man, you're heavy." Ximena muttered to Natalia.
Holy shit.. was that dream.. is it coming true!? Zyster narrowed his eyes, looking towards the professor was being chomped up by the giant mysterious being. Zyster heard the loud sound, turning to see that Dyomi threw a chair towards the window. "Going through the door isn't going to be any worth, better follow her lead. I think this is the second floor?" Zyster stood up. "Might end up a few bruises but it's better than to sta-"

As the moment Zyster was about to finished his sentence, the sounds of "footsteps" stopped; then in sudden succession, multiple arms ram through the buildings as it was going through paper. The giants roar like a hungry bear witnessing it's prey, destroying the area as the students resides. 

Zyster sweated and gritted his teeth. "No time to talk now, I'm jumping for it!" Zyster shouted and jumped out through the window. 

The other students that hasn't even reach the door, due to being crammed seen the others jumping through. They didn't even think twice and followed suit as the giants tore through the buildings. Those that are still at the student flail around even more, causing nothing more than a nuisance to get out of there. The panic and fear have taken over their instincts.
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