A Personality in Anime You Dislike?

I agree on that subject of useless characters, though they are always useless and will remain as such, at the least could we just NOT have their backstory take at the most half an episode?
I certainly dislike the personality of the character who "angst" because it's "dark and edgy" you know what I'm saying? I have no problem if a character is rather reserved or awkward. However, something like.. Shinji and Yukki? No thanks.
Hm, I don't really know that there's one I universally dislike. I really think if handled correctly any personality type can work, but that said I really usually dislike the oblivious male leads in harem anime, in fact I really kinda generally dislike most characters in harem anime. Of course there are exceptions like Ranma Saotome for example that I do like, as I said it's all about how you handle it.
Tsunderes annoy the hell outta me and I really hate it when female characters make so many gasping sounds all at once its almost like they are taking it from behind.
I hate fillers. In the manga you get chapters of it, but in the anime you get seasons! Ugh seriously, it took like 10 episodes for goku to beat freezia when in there time the planet was on the verge of exploding in just minutes !!! And when anime's just have random episodes that don't make much sense and have nothing to do with the story.. its just kind of like, there. Yeah fillers.. they suck .
I dont think its a personality thing but I hate those characters that cant have a thought without saying it out loud when there's nobody there that wants to hear it, isn't the viewer omniscient limited to them anyways?
It's true, a Tsundere archetype that isn't written in a form that doesn't make you want to punch them is hard to come by. Not a lot of anime are able to use the archetype well and the Tsundere in question becomes very inconsistent with actions and the like, and you hate her more than you like her. I'm picky with Dere types.
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