A Personality in Anime You Dislike?

Those characters that are designed to be against the obvious main love interest, this is common in the harem genera, but takes way too much of the story.
~ Z ~ said:
I hate it when they completely kill a character's personality.

You mean like Kirito, the hypocritical moronic jerk that has no constant personality at all by then end of his charted development?
Excessive, unnecessary fanservice. SERIOUSLY no one needs to have a sudden eyeful of panties covering the entire screen for no reason.
I actually really dislike tsundere-personality types to be honest. Especially if they're supposed to be the "strong female-type" lead. I don't know why but I really find this so annoying at this point.
Syn said:
Excessive, unnecessary fanservice. SERIOUSLY no one needs to have a sudden eyeful of panties covering the entire screen for no reason.

*Complete agreement*
what I hate when wost new epsidoe on 13 mins of flahs backs it rally make you me ma dhwen with for new epsido eof in anime then wosted on 13 min of flahs only 8 min fo new stuff that not a thing a anime sould do
You can count me as the one who is definitely quite annoyed with the concept of Tsundere, especially in the harem settings. It comes off to the point that it's practically straight up abusive at points. Heck, I was waiting for a deconstruction of that type of personality where a main character flat out refused to have any association with the person like that.

"I love you."

"Really? Shoving my face 50th down to the ground definitely shows me your sweet side."

"I was too embarrassed! I was expressing my love!"

"By nearly killing me? Great way to expressed it!" 

However, because of the popularity of such character archetype, it essentially became a permanent basis.
I hate it when almost all the characters have a sad story behind them. Like jeez... that TOTALLY makes you normal. K
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