What's Your Mood?

I woke up this morning to see and read what made me say enough.

So fuck it, I'm done. I'm done being nice. I'm fucking done. Done. 

I'm done being pushed around, told to be careful with my words, made into a bad guy, taken out of context, ganged up on, forced to apologize, holding back, feeling like shit, double standards, denied my feelings, assumptions, lied to, mocked, the list goes on. I've had enough. 

Best part?

This will, somehow, be turned around to be my fault and I'll feel even worse for saying that I feel bad about something in the first place. Fuck my feelings at this point. It's funny right? Right?
Super happy because I just got accepted by NASA for a free course and I might be sent to one of their bases to view how things work there. Fully paid.
Extremely, extremely disappointed in the current actions and behaviors I've been seeing.
I'm in a terrible mood because of Danganronpa v3, Trial 4. By the fourth trial you've bonded with everyone, so they just hurt so much more

been running around all damn week... just want to sit on my ass and rest for a few seconds
Tired. My hand hurts from doing the Frosty competition... I don't think it looks good, but it's better than nothing.
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