What Was Your Last Purchase?

I've bought a lot of things over the course of the week.
 - Overwatch - One of most entertaining I've ever come across. I'm a huge fan of heroes genre, so it's my jam.
 - Pokemon Cards, featuring Complete Zygarde.
 - Pasta and meatballs. It's one of my favorite food.
 - New Engine for my car. Although it already paid for by my insurance (whereas I just simply paid the deductible), I feel it was something I should mention.
Nail polish (just need to give my nails a makeover first lol), a new scarf, Hello Kitty styled Backpack and vinyl hand zip-pouch, matte lip gloss, a few shirts and shorts, Band-aid memo pads and tags, and a short story anthology for Apocalypse/Dystopia genre.

At least this is stuff I paid for myself last. :p
I had to purchase the food my dad will need to eat from now on. Low-Sodium everything.
A footlong meatball marinara will italian herbs and cheese for the bread, pepperoni slices, parmesan, pickles ranch and pepper jack cheese all toasted with sun chips and sprite.

Most satisfying meal I've eaten  

. . . . . . . I need to stop rewarding myself with food. I may end up obese.
I had to buy myself a paper shredder and some more Chicken breasts. I also recently got Shine his birthday gift. It'll come late but he'll get it, at least. :D
A Pokehat and 1000 piece puzzle for Z's birthday.
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