What household chore do you hate the most?

Cleaning Windows, not Microsoft Windows, even that is hard to clean, sometimes, but cleaning common windows is such a waste of effort to me, especially when Im forced to wash non-glass parts (borders, how do you call it?)

On the other hand, vacuuming is relax and washing dishes is a quick job
Another chore I hate is constantly sweeping on the front side of the yard. Sometimes I think it's kind of pointless since shit gonna get blown over there at any given point xD
Cleaning the bathtub because so many people live in my house and it gets dirty so easily. And it hurts my back and no matter how hard I try I always end up getting soaked in cleaner and water.
Cleaning the sink and shower. My arms get sore from the force I put in to scrub the soap scum out and get all he stuff in the borders. The cleaner burns my eyes and throat regardless if I use the air vent or not.
I also hate cleaning off the walls, especially when it hasn't been clean for extremely long time. Sure, a simply wet towel might do the job, but often times have to use chemcials to get those nasty stains off of the wall, and shit, that's alot of work xD
My walls aren't the kind you can wipe off so if there's a stain you have to paint over it XDD

Ok I officially hate dusting. I just cleaned off all the dust in my room and I spent the whole day sneezing and with a lot of snot from my nose.
LoopyPanda said:
My walls aren't the kind you can wipe off so if there's a stain you have to paint over it XDD

Ok I officially hate dusting. I just cleaned off all the dust in my room and I spent the whole day sneezing and with a lot of snot from my nose.

You don't have a mask to protect yourself from the dust? xD
I hate cleaning the balcony. My downstairs neighbor hates it when I brush the dust off the balcony and he filed a complaint. So now I have to scoop up the dust and seeds and leaves into a plastic bag and carry it back inside.
There's a bird that keeps trying to build a nest near the garage. So whenever it goes up when needed to returned the car to get out, the best will fall over and thus, the twigs and leaves needs to be swept. This happens literally 3 times a day for some cases. These birds can't build their nest some place else!? :wagh:
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