What Grinds Your Gears?

Foreign language classes taught in the language.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to know the content before we were being taught it.

when someone tries to start some shit by bringing up shit that has nothing to do with anything.
When people think they are tough shit but are too cowardly to admit what is really bothering them. They act as if their IQ is too high and complex for someone to understand what they really mean and just act like an asshole the whole time. Funny thing is, I know more than people think. I just sit back and watch, giggling at the comments. 

Another thing I hate is the time I take to find a Shiny! I'm currently trying to find Shine Regigigas and I'm on day 2. I just wish my odds were better but then again, that's just me being greedy. I think I have the max odds with the Shiny charm but I'm just really impatient!
When my brother asks me to help out with his math homework at 12 am my time

I don't mind doing it because it's easy algebra but I don't want to do it when my mind is powering down for bed.
When you have tons of artworks but felt no need to share it on the forum now.

Someone talking shit as if they know what they are talking about, only for it to get exposed seconds later to be an absolute joke. Don’t get high and mighty to someone, then turn around to be the exact example of what you are accusing other(s) of poor performances.
  • "Your connection has been interrupted, please reload" when I click on a link
  • That loud synthesizer scream my laptop does when I try to listen to music and draw on a big canvas at the same time
  • Random body pains that come out of nowhere and make me wonder if I'm lowkey dying
  • People who nitpick my taste in fashion (like I give a rat's ass)
  • Netflix's terrible horror catalogue
  • my hair
ShineCero said:
When you have tons of artworks but felt no need to share it on the forum now.

Someone talking shit as if they know what they are talking about, only for it to get exposed seconds later to be an absolute joke. Don’t get high and mighty to someone, then turn around to be the exact example of what you are accusing other(s) of poor performances.

Okay, I have another one (some of you know that I'm currently binge-watching Hell's Kitchen).

When someone completely blows up for no reason because they couldn’t muster a way to answer the question. It’s one thing that you didn’t understand, perhaps, even confused, but after being repeatedly asked on it time and time again? There’s no excuse.

Oh, and immediately want to start a fistfight when you get turned into a clown, because, well “I ain’t no bitch”. :thinking: Pretty sure Gordon has a black belt.

Ben (the first guy), Joseph (the one I’m taking now) and Scott are probably one of the worst chefs (in terms of personalities, not their ability as chefs) on Hell Kitchen.
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