Vic Mignogna's Sexual Harassments

I have to disagree with that somewhat. On one hand, it is true that the court of public opinion will most likely not changed for the most hardcore of fans. Facts are rarely a factor that changes people's minds. Especially the ones that goes against the narrative.

But, there are always going to be a small minority of people that will not budge regardless. More rational, sensible people who seen this train-wreck will tap out. Monica Rial, Ron Toye and Jamie Marchi will be fine. FUNImation remains unaffected by this ordeal.

As for the funds, I thought Vic didn't seen a cent from it since he has no idea about it? So if (and at this point, it's a big possibility) he loses, he has to paid. Unless that bumbo Nick actually did donated funds to Vic :think:




The Yikes continues, with seemingly new information regarding the case. Above is a detailed description regarding the Twins situations. 

There's some things where Ty Beard, Vic's Lawyer, seemingly lied to the court about the three-week delay. You can find the nitty gritty details here:

I think is appropriate for this whole charade to, if Vic had any sense, regarding his laywers:


I got the worst fucking attorneys
This is Murphy's law in full effect. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Vic's lawyers being absolute clowns, while hilarious, is pretty sad for someone of his ego.
ShineCero said:
I have to disagree with that somewhat. On one hand, it is true that the court of public opinion will most likely not changed for the most hardcore of fans. Facts are rarely a factor that changes people's minds. Especially the ones that goes against the narrative.

But, there are always going to be a small minority of people that will not budge regardless. More rational, sensible people who seen this train-wreck will tap out. Monica Rial, Ron Toye and Jamie Marchi will be fine. FUNImation remains unaffected by this ordeal.

As for the funds, I thought Vic didn't seen a cent from it since he has no idea about it? So if (and at this point, it's a big possibility) he loses, he has to paid. Unless that bumbo Nick actually did donated funds to Vic :think:

I hope that's true, maybe it will be, but I have the damndest feeling the association here will mark them. Funimation probably will weather this and as a result I don't know that this wil effect their careers per se, Rial and Marchi's anyway. But on a personal level people who aren't ultra informed here can think things based on what they're seeing on YouTube. Misinformation spreads...I mean, I get this is unrelated and I only site  this as an example but how many people think you can go to jail now for mis-gendering a person in Canada now? Quite a lot, even some who are sympathetic to trans rights and causes. For them day to day they don't really have much in the way of protection to shield them from bad publicity so for their personal lives and everything this could end with them dealing with a lot. 

Well, if Rekeita DIDN'T donate the funds to Vic's legal campaign the next one to get in serious legal trouble is him lol. There was a couple in my state who started a gofudme for a "homeless veteran" that turned out to be a hoax and they could end up doing 20 years for it. He might not see a cent personally but his lawyer certainly would have to. 

Re: The Twins, geez, that's exactly what I was saying. Rekeita tried to spin it like they must've known what he was up to but his image being what it is they probably didn't suspect a thing! Is that gonna be admitted as evidence or is that just out there? On another note, is there a place I can read Toye, Rial and Marchi's depos? I really would like to read it just to hear what the other side of this might be, I really would but the videos Rekeita uploaded are just unwatchable for Toye's at least because he  and that other guy can't go 5  minutes without stopping to pause and laugh at him. I could deal with him stopping to suck Vic's dick every so often but the spin is being laid on so much thicker there.
So, some of you probably heard about the supposed "Funimation audio leak" that supposedly paints them in a bad light. 

Don't take these outtakes or anyone using them with a grain of salt. 

These outtakes has been known for at least a decade or so; they were clearly aware of these kind of things would unfold. They're nothing new. Secondly, this isn't the first time these outtakes were made. Shall I point out these outtakes are often common in these things? Including Porky Pig.

The desperation has sunk a new low, folks.
Whelp, we got another update of the case.
Jamie Marchi's Response
Rial and Toye Response
Mike Dunford gets into the Reply motion, but in the meantime, here's some highlights:

"Whereas Jamie’s Motion sets forth legal and factual bases for application of the TCPA
and Plaintiff’s evidentiary shortcomings, Plaintiff – on the other hand – chose to put before this
Court tabloid storytelling, illegitimate argument, and either no evidence or inadmissible evidence
in a manner that begs the question whether Plaintiff even cares to prevail against Jamie’s Motion
in the first place. This Reply is Jamie’s effort to clean up the issues – if any even remain – in order
for the Court to find that dismissal under the TCPA is the only outcome allowed pursuant to Texas

"Plaintiff inexplicably claims that there is no evidence in the Court’s record to
establish that he is – at a minimum – a limited-purpose public figure. Without admitting to the
admissibility thereof, Plaintiff’s own evidence attached to his Response clarifies that his
transgressions have been public for years upon years and that people, including those discussing
it and those other than the immediate participants, are likely to feel the impact of its resolution.11
That Plaintiff would dispute the fact that he has “more than a trivial or tangential role” in this
matter and that the alleged defamation by Jamie is “germane to Plaintiff’s participation in the
controversy” is beyond belief."


It took two hours before the Judge overrule this.

Chuck Hurbet seems to be shooting himself in the foot with possibly nuking his career. Before, he stated that there things behind the scenes, including accusing Chris Sabat of casting couch (essentially, asking sexual favors from women to get them a spot/position): and but it was withdrawn: 

Anime News Network reached out for an statement, and here some juicy details from various employees about Chuck's statements about Funimation:
Alright, it looks like the Judge is examining the case, so here for some highlights: 



In summary, all claims against Jamie Marchi are dismissed. Monica is out on all the interference claims. Funi, Toye and Monica out on conspiracy and TI. The judge will consider the defamation claims against FUNImation, Monica and Toye within 30 days.

At this point, it doesn't look good for Vic and his circus of clown lawyers.

Here's some food for thought I saw from another site. They mention a user from Kiwifarms about their intentions of this whole shitshow:

[E]ven if Vic doesn't win everything, he still wins. He's at least got Soye/Rial on lock, Funi isn't escaping either imo - but even if they do, there are still 2nd party shitheads to deal with like Funi's mouthpiece ANN and potential couch-keeper Sabat. Funi's brand gets more tarnished by the day, Toei is eyeing their Spanking-paddle, Sony is an outed WOKE censorious joke (with companies like RT and CR not far behind in the race to the bottom), and now even the hardest of hardcore dub shills are finding reasons to swear off dubs for good and to support Japan at the source.

At the end of the day all of this centers around a general push-back against the SJW co-opting of anime, Vic's lawsuit was just the catalyst for it. Even if he doesn't win everything, this event has done damage to malicious parties and outed animu-licensing for being the incestuous Left-leaning industry it is. While minor antagonists like RT may get out scott free - this case has and is STILL irrevocably damaging Funimation's brand/employees, and is showing Japan that their properties are not in good hands. Never forget that simply spreading the word to normies is probably the best weapon at our disposal. In the best case scenario where Vic cleans house, its a double-win because that court precedence will help many MANY men in the future to stay safe from lying old THOTs.

The delusions at this level is mind-blogging and downright scary at worse.
Ya know, one theory of mine I'm starting to try to throw out there in light of the events of the court date....what if Nick Rekeita was playing Vic Mignogna the whole time? [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]This is probably just my own take but to me it looks like he got played hard there holy shit I mean, first Rekeita straight up raised funds for his legal defense without even talking to him about it first, then after he did and contacted Vic he sent him to some lawyer friend of his for God only knows how much money who gave him access to deposition tapes that nobody else had access to so he can put them on his YouTube to spin how he wants and make lolcows out of all the defendants, get shit tons of views and sell merch making fun of Monica, Ron and their lawyers and make God only knows how much money off their 10 minutes of shame. To top it all off in the end the hot shot lawyer he sent him to apparently shit the bed like an unsupervised paraplegic with e coli when it came time to set foot in court....played like a violin, laid in the trash. [/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]That said, this loose red pill collection really is getting desperate. Kinda reveals what I suspected all along, that for most people outside of Vic's little cult very few in the "I stand with Vic" camp really know or care to know much about him or his history, they just want to wave their pitchforks at "a left leaning industry"...distributing content from another country in a very different place politically from us and in almost all cases having a fealty to the source material that would make fans go nuts if they deviate from it lol. [size=small][size=small][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif](and I'm not saying I'm even 100% sure he's guilty of everything[/font][/size][size=small][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] even if I think he looks hella suspicious and what he's admitted to about making out with a receptionist on the job[/font][/size][size=small][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] at Funimation may very well have been grounds for being fired consensual or not).[/font][/size] They have like, 1 example of people's politics changing the product they throw out and it's a joke line from the look of it. Maybe Russia really needs an anime gate, IDK lol. But those leaks were desperation incarnate....I thought they were quite frankly hilarious lmao. Apparently they're supposed to be hypocritical because joking around about about Mr. Popo jacking off Kami and Piccolo fucking Yamcha in the ass is super homophobic and shows some double standards....even though allegations of homophobia had no clear bearing on Vic's dismissal and I'm pretty sure everyone thinks[/size] that THAT particular accusation was horse shit made up by some yaoi fan because he was uncomfortable signing some yaoi shit...even the people that think he's a two faced pervert would probably acknowledge that lol. I will admit I do see how one could find Sean Schemmel spamming the word f@g in the one audio leak offensive and that really isn't okay by today's standards but I mean...not that this MAKES it okay per se but anyone who was alive in 2003 knows general society reacted very differently to that word and it was used so frequently its meaning in some contexts changed,  the point where it wasn't always even meant as a gay slur and sometimes meant "idiot" or something. But I'll also admit if Vic was leaked saying that they'd think he was some Westboro Baptist Church freak so...I dunno lol. I honestly just laughed at that like the rest but I'm really one of those people that kinda misses the days where you could tell a potentially offensive off color joke and the response would be that people would laugh unless they came off like they actually meant what they said.[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]All that said, unfortunately there's still another  30 days of the circus and an appeal to go through....[/font]
That’s an interesting theory lol. I mean, it make sense considering the dough Screech [Rekeita] is making off these ignoramus folks, but that just begs the questions: shouldn’t Vic Mignogna have the mental capacity to know this shit is going in flames? 

I understand what you’re coming from though—it’s piss-easy to make money off hate and bullshit. Look at Alex Jones. Look at people bitching and complaining about National Dex. Hell, look at every SJW PWNS videos you see on YouTube. If this was a scheme to maximize his profits off idiots, he played his base like a damn fiddle. But we both know that this guy is clearly invested in this as much as the Vic stans, or at least, attempted to justified this whole “we gotta take down the left!!!” ideology.

Yeah, it’s pretty much what this whole debacle is about. They could care less what Vic did or did not do—in fact, even if the court found him guilty of all crimes, these people don’t care about that. Instead, they focus on some fantasy world idea that the “left” is taking over anime and making it political (even though animation always had political concepts since the dawn of time, but you know, that breaks the narrative lol).

The fact that they were attempting to compared off-colors jokes to ACTUAL SEXAUL ASSAULT is just baffling to me, you know? It’s like some dude crying about getting fired from his job for sprouting racist views by saying “but, they call each other doo-doo brains! Why am I being punished, huh!?”

It such as a false smokescreen that I’m just done of being surprised and amazed at the level of desperation they’re doing at this point (and they just recently attempt to harass the judge of the case of all things…lol). Ironically, Sean Schemmel’s father is gay, so it most likely that his humor is that of a 13-year-old and got over that very, very quickly. They are plenty of things that makes Funimation look bad—like poor dubbing of Dragon Ball in general and their assessment of changing lines. This... this isn’t it.
Indeed, I bet selling to angry folks and paranoid folks is pretty easy. Rekeita has a slightly different and less insidious approach than Alex Jones, albeit a much meaner one that kinda foments an almost bully-ish culture online. As for the question of Vic having the mental capacity to know it's going up in flames, who knows? The guy's probably desperate and scared shitless right about now. His career is in dire jeopardy as is his reputation and that has lead to him having some kinda series mental issues. Since he doesn't have much of anything to lose if the case does go down I could see why he might risk working with someone like that. 

Rekeita seems to be invested in it for sure, but consider the sort of person Rekeita's really speaking to. They're probably largely these conspiratorial minded Trump supporting types that are so sure the left has rigged everything. If Vic actually somehow managed to win the case that might actually quell some of the anger and that would be bad for business. If he loses though, he can make a martyr out of him even more. When you consider that this guy's a lawyer and he's talked about this case like it's something they should obviously win when it's such a ridiculously hard charge to prove that makes me think even more so that he's up to something funny here. 

I never knew that about Schemmel's father, with that in mind I think most reasonable people would probably assume it really was just an off-color joke he didn't actually mean. But yeah, just the idea that this is trying to make an equivalency between sexual harassment and some jokes directed at nobody is kind of absurd.
I mean, realistically speaking, what would come out of this exactly, anyways? Funimation can’t be forced to re-hired Vic. They can continue to not work with them, especially after the bullshit he put them through. So, if Vic Stands think he’ll be returning to voice Broly… that’s the dream they need to let go lol.

That’s the thing… I would agree with you that Vic was pooping in his diaper about the whole ordeal, but it seems that he’s taking this as a ride. He constantly goes to conventions (lol, so much for “ruining his livelihood), goes on anti-SJW rants with Screech and Percy (Rekeita and Ty the Dumbo) and even poses for pictures.

Because, we just have Ty Beard display this wonderful message—something that we have no whereabouts of its release date:



Yeah, that's a fucking yikes from me dawg...

And then, we just found out that Ty Beard runs on Screeh’s trust funds…

Like, if I had a sudden massive of Kiwifarmers, Trumpsters, and Alt-Righters rushed to my defense. I'll considered myself guilty as fuck and turn myself in.  :Pls:
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