~ Z ~ said:If he got into a fight/ruffed up, perhaps the injuries were more serious than initially diagnosed? If he had no history of mental illness in his family, then the only thing I could rile up is that his injuries were worse than what was recorded. I would think that it takes a lot of force to rupture an eardrum with just your hands (or maybe not, I'm not a doctor.) Maybe he fell and hit his head and that's why he might be having hallucinations?
What intrigued me was when he bolted out of the airport. He must have seen something that literally scared the hell out of him. I wouldn't exactly agree that it was these mysterious 4 men Lars mentioned (It could have all been in his head) but whatever he saw that day was enough for him to fear for his life. All I can honestly say is that his injury might have been worse than people thought. As for the drug he took... worse case scenario, he might have mixed it in with another prescription we are unaware of or he might have been under the influence of other drugs right before he went to the airport (Though I doubt they would've let him on the plane high as a kite.) All we can say is that Lars saw something that we didn't/couldn't, and whatever it was, was enough for him to run for his life or express fear for his safety.
As for his current whereabouts? I HOPE he's okay, but like Shine said: He might be dead at this point. If someone REALLY wanted to hurt/kidnap/kill him they would have done it the moment he was all alone, not in an airport where dozens of people can see them unless he was being hunted by 4 members of the Bulgarian/German Government, AND EVEN THEN, I doubt they would strike in broad daylight. All in all, I doubt this poor man is alive at this point and if he is, he clearly hasn't returned home which might prove that he is not in the right state of mind.
Unfortunately, we won't ever know whether or not he actually had a head injury, nor the specifics. The doctor probably would have done a few basic examinations to determine the extent of his head injury: it's a lot easier to get one by being hit in the head with a blunt object than something potentially life-ending like falling down the stairs-- it's easier to get hit in the head on your own than injure your jaw without someone else inducing it (at least, it's very difficult to injure your jaw without an outside force from an inanimate object).
He was noted to have dilated pupils, which is potentially indicative of a concussion:
Signs and symptoms of a concussion may include:
You may have some symptoms of concussions immediately. Others may be delayed for hours or days after injury, such as:
- Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
- Temporary loss of consciousness
- Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
- Amnesia surrounding the traumatic event
- Dizziness or "seeing stars"
- Ringing in the ears
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Slurred speech
- Delayed response to questions
- Appearing dazed
- Fatigue
- Concentration and memory complaints
- Irritability and other personality changes
- Sensitivity to light and noise
- Sleep disturbances
- Psychological adjustment problems and depression
- Disorders of taste and smell
A traumatic brain injury is also possible to diagnose based on whether or not the pupils contract automatically if a light is held to them (or if they contract in different ways from each other), but is less likely compared to a common concussion since this implies blunt force trauma that entails symptoms somewhat unrelated to his reported condition. Though, certain drugs induce the effect of dilated pupils and would have required a drug test. As to whether an untreated head injury inducing delirium eventually did him in, or he got lost and couldn't make it back out (seeing as his accounts are all frozen), I don't think he's made it this far on his own without money or anything but the clothes on his back.
I'd like to add that as a follow-up to the reddit post, someone managed to get a picture of a guy who spoke German and English but seemed unaware of who he was (possibly the same encounter as the redditor's), but the family confirmed it "definitely was not/ him". And since it's friday (I was supposed to update this about an hour ago, but I came home not long ago running errands), I might as well post a blurb of something from a now-missing episode from a show called Aktezeichen XY: the entire thing is in German, and does not exist on youtube anymore (links are all broken), but someone on Reddit was kind enough to summarize it in english. The show interviewed the friends and airport doctor:
[url=https://tl.reddit.com/r/UnsolvedMysteries/comments/3arw41/lars_mittank_update_from_earlier_this_month/]https://tl.reddit.com/r/UnsolvedMysteries/comments/3arw41/lars_mittank_update_from_earlier_this_month/[/url] said:I write down some more information about what happened in Bulgaria.
I watched it now.
His friends were interviewed. They wanted to stay but he said it's ok and they should leave first.
There is no footage of him running into the woods but to the fence close to the woods and eye witnessess saw him climbing this fence (with barbwire).
The story with the cab is strange, so I will just summarize from the beginning what they showed in the newest episode.
Between the time he entered the officead when he ran away are exactly 46 minutes.
Mittank got involved in two fights. First with Bayern Munich fans, then with other foreign tourists but he could calm the situation down. After visitng a bar and watching the footbal lmatch between Costa Ice and the Netherlands, Mittank and his friends left the bar as the last customers. They went to McDonalds but Mittank stayed outside.
Now the first strange think happens.
Mittank disappeared after his friends came back. They didn't know where he was. The next morning he said, he got involved into an other fight with Bayern Munich fans and they paid some Russian or Bulgarian guys to beat Mittank.
No way this happened in my opinion. His friends didn't believe the story as well. Theywent to the hospital because Mittank claimed his ear hurts. The doctor diagnosed a ruptured eardrum.
Mittank was allowed to fly but he said he doesn't want to fly because he doesn't want to risk to hurt his ears more.
When his friends left, Mittank bought an antibioticum called Cefuroxim 500. A doctor in this show said that side effects are not common but possible if used with other meds or alcohol.
Not sure if Mittank used these pills but now the next strange case about the hotel.
Mittank arrived late in this hotel/hostel and called his mother. He said this hotel is strange, he is scared and she should ban his credit card.
He left that hotel at night, calling his mom again and said he is hiding now, 4 men are following him. He hanged up and messaged her: "What is Cefuroxim 500?"
Two hours later a cab drove him to the airport where he arrved in the early morning.
His mother booked for him a bus and airplane ticket. Now also important. Mittank told his mother before meeting the doc, that he is not allowed to fly AND drive.
Inside the doctor's office (there is an interview with the doc) entered construction worker the room. Mittank became anxious, muttered something. The doctor tried to calm him down.
Then after a few minutes Mittak ran away. I think this footage might be longer and shows how he runs to the gate.
His suitcase was conrolled by the police, there were no signs of drug use and he also never had any mental problems before. I also doubt the medication was the reason because he already acted strange after the McDonald's incident. His friends also said he didn't eat much when they arrived in Bulgaria. I don't think this is importan as well because I also didn't like to eat much when I go abroad in hot countries.
I think, Mittank maybe saw something after they came back from the pub. These guys also threatened him and by accident, they might be somehow related to the hostel and that's when he freaked out.
The family is looking for information about a German guy who talked to him at the airport and a German school class who might have talked to him in Bulgaria. They also got an information from a truck driver who says that Mittank wanted to drive with him as hitchhiker this year around Easter but I dont know if Bulgaria or which country. It was written on the facebook homepage.
While I prepare the next post for the next hour, have this to mull over and see if it changes any of your conclusions you've drawn so far. (Hasn't changed mine very much though)